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Posts posted by Mnemosyne

  1. Hello all.  Every year I think about joining this thread and then I do not, although I lurk from time to time to steal reading ideas.  This year, no more free riding!  I will do my best to keep up.


    However, could someone possibly point me towards directions about how to create a proper link in these forums?  I see the "link" button but cannot figure out how to insert my own text.  I have searched for instructions but to no avail -- they must be somewhere?


    [ url=http://www.link.com]text here[/url ]


    No spaces. :)


    And thanks, all!

  2. I would say welcome to anyone new, but I feel funny doing it because I am new, too. So know I am not ignoring you. : )


    We have been playing 7 Wonders, this year's family game. It's directions are so miserable that youngest gave up and made his cousin (an expert at this sort of thing) read them. The game has been lots of fun, though. Apparently, I don't mess it up enough for youngest (and probably cousin) to want to exclude me. At least, so far. Usually, I am playing for a different goal than they are (not necessarily to win) and it throws their game strategy completely off. Neither of them has yet solved the game, either, and they have declared that there are enough variables (me being one of them I suspect) that they probably won't be able to. We have doped out some sort of strategy. I was hoping to play last night, but cousin was uncharacteristically excited about a game called... big sigh... guns and cash. It is a bluffing game. I am a good mummy. I herded everyone I could into a room far from the 4yo asleep on the sofa and for the first time in years picked up a toy gun. In the process of trying not to kill anyone, I won. I think this is why youngest and cousin sometimes find it inconvenient to play with me. Is it cheating not to try to win?


    I got to look at that book someone linked recently (Stacia?) about the oldest living things. It was given to a clan member at her birthday party today. Interesting. Lots of dates with "(contested)" next to them. Like the excedingly old hucklberry bush. That particular photo was underwhelming. : ) The bristlecones photo well, though.




    We got Through the Ages ourselves. A LOT of fun, but it's a bit complicated to learn the basics at first. We were playing that all break.


  3. I like the idea of a challenge. I think I'll add to my list a book that I've owned but not read yet - Crime and Punishment - to add something from the eastern part of the world. I'll probably work through it fairly slowly (definitely will take longer than a week), but I'm looking forward to it.


    I also want to work on history a bit, but don't want to buy a new book at the moment. So, I'll be reading history as well, but instead of SWB I'll read Big History by Cynthia Stokes Brown.


    Current Books:

    • The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone
    • One Simple Idea by Stephen Key
    • Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
    • Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
    • Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    • Big History by Cynthia Stokes Brown

    Goal is to finish The 10X Rule, One Simple Idea and Psycho-Cybernetics this week, read CaP a little every night, and 2 chapters of Big History.

  4. http://www.evernote.com/l/AAcMT_6f4yFMEpJ8tote4rugjq7Whx-Z3yM/


    That's my full book list for the year, including repeats. My Goodreads list doesn't show books I've read in the past.


    166 books all the way through, lots started but not finished.


    Books that changed my life:

    • The Miracle Morning
    • The Slight Edge
    • The Compound Effect
    • The ONE Thing
    • The Obstacle is the Way
    • The 12 Week Year

    As I like to joke, the "The" books.


    Thing to improve on for next year: read a lot of easy fiction when the kids were busy and I just needed to have my mind off in space. My goal for next year is to read more difficult fiction and focus more on non-fiction as well.


    I'm looking at:

    • 20 more difficult fiction books.
    • 30 new non-fiction books.
    • 12 non-fiction re-reads.

    And whatever else I feel like at the time.


    One more goal - write in this thread more regularly. ;)

  5. I don't do anything on a regular basis but there are times when I tell DH that he is in charge and I'm going out for a few hours.  Keeps me sane (ish).


    I go clothes shopping (or any shopping other than grocery), watch a movie, go to lunch with a friend, whatever I want.


    This is what I generally do. Every couple Saturdays, I'll go out for about 4 hours - whether it's to read and drink a coffee, get some personal errands done, whatever. It's nice to get some time to myself. Every Thursday the kids are also in daycare on post for a couple hours - but that's more for me to get work done than to relax. Having a Saturday to myself occasionally is nice. And of course, if DH wants a day to himself, he gets that as well. He prefers to go shooting with the guys on his days 'free'.

  6. How do you get up so early!?! What time do you go to bed and what time do you go to bed? I can't imagine! Although I would love having hours of down time before my kids are up! I am envious! I would love, love, love to be able to work out, journal and shower before kids are up :)


    I started after reading a book called The Miracle Morning. I highly recommend it. I go to bed between 9-10, but I probably should be asleep at 9 to get a good productive day the following day. If I get less than 5 hours of sleep I get a little cranky. ;) YMMV, though. It's worth it to me, especially as both my kids are currently waking up at 9 - lots of time to myself, and I can get centered and ready to tackle the day, no matter how busy the 'work day' may be.


  7. Thank you for all your input! It's encouraging to hear from those of you who work out now that didn't in the past.


    The gym I am thinking of joining does have a fabulous child care center so that's going to be a taken care of. If I did stroller strides baby could go in a jogging stroller and / or Ergo and kids could play in park when we strength train and ride scooters or bikes while jogging / brisk walking.


    I would to get dh out too!


    Maybe after work before he comes home? He is off earlier now so that could work!


    I did Stroller Strides for a couple months, it's pretty good and my instructors definitely attempted to keep the kids entertained during the workout, so there's that.


    I stopped because it was at 9AM, and messed with the 'flow' I prefer for my day. But I prefer to workout early. It was great having that accountability to workout, though, and that extra push to do your best.


  8. I usually start my workout at about 3:30AM. It's 30 min-1 hr long, depending on the type of workout (my weightlifting workout is generally a bit shorter than my yoga/mobility/plyometric workouts).


    I like to have my workout done by 5 at the latest so that I can read, meditate, journal and get some work done before the kids wake up as well, so that's why I wake up so early. I find it's the best time to do it, though - nice and early, before my willpower is drained by everything else that happens during the day. If I wait until after 9 or 10, it doesn't often get done at all.

  9. My one year old got something nasty - fever, hacking cough, puking, everything. She has a low WBC count too so we're having to watch her really closely to make sure her fever doesn't get too high. Hope she gets over it quickly, she was barely able to sleep last night.


    Hope your family recovers quickly!

  10. I've read them all. Narnia is definitely easier for younger kids (I read those first), I read The Hobbit next, and it wasn't until Middle/High School that I read all of the LOTR series. I quite enjoy all of them, though, but I think I prefer LOTR overall.

  11. My kids are getting Aesop's Fables for Children (with CD).


    DH is getting Red Harvest, and The Sound and The Fury.


    My brother is getting The Hungover Cookbook (he just turned 21).


    My parents are getting You're Only Old Once!: A Book for Obsolete Children (Dr. Suess).


    Not too many books this year. I guess I got myself a couple books from 'Santa': Never Eat Alone, Security Analysis, and What Every Body is Saying.

  12. All I'm going to comment on is.... I'm so glad no one got killed last night. And I really hope that all the poor people whose stores were burned down had full insurance and won't be ruined for what happened. :(

  13. I was going to recommend Pixelmon as well.


    The actual Pokemon card game can incorporate quite a bit of math. I can see a lot of art possibilities in there too.


    Minecraft can teach math, geometry, and that type of thing as well. Maybe even history (have him recreate old buildings) or the basics of architecture.

  14. I don't know if this is often an alternative for turkey for most people, but we sometimes have beef wellington instead of turkey. Tasty. :P


    I am not a huge fan of turkey, though, at least the whole bird version. I prefer the days after Thanksgiving when it's incorporated into other meals - soups, salads, quesadillas, etc.

  15. For plain exposure, nothing beats shows in German - either native German shows or favorite shows translated into German (Disney is great for this). German music is good too. What genres does she like? I can recommend some music. There are also some decent podcasts out there.


    Personally, I have found I get the most into a language if I really immerse myself into the culture, music, books, and movies before I start with the sit down studying.


    Course-wise, Duolingo is good for basic exposure, Assimil, German made Simple... Lots of free websites too.



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