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Posts posted by threeturn

  1. are fantastic! Thank you. I am going to compile one to keep on the fridge.


    I knew about the popcorn trick. So easy. Never thought about half the sugar in a recipe. It works ok with consistency and all?


    I don't buy crackers because I'm cheap and because I don't want to be tempted to nibble on them myself. I actually don't worry too much about having a lot of variety for snacks because I want him to snack only when hungry, not because the food is different or fun. I save the creativity for dinner when its harder to get my son to sit down and actually eat what the rest of us are.
    If I am really being honest that is another reason I want to eliminate these snacks. I will reach for them over healthier options all the time. Good idea about not making snacks too appealing. Mine are also notorious for not wanting to eat with the family.


    My kids love to have a little bit of several things plopped in each muffin tin hole.
    I think mine would too. This is a great idea for lunch. Bento seems too fancy -- more like an art form. Muffin tins seem much more doable for me. :001_smile:
  2. I need some help with ideas for feeding a picky 5 and 3 yo and a voracious 1 yo without breaking the bank. I want to start eliminating obviously processed foods like goldfish, cheese crackers, chips, etc. While I would like to move towards even healthier eating (grass fed meats, whole wheat, etc), I am just looking to take first steps right now. My first move is to feed them more things I make myself with ingredients from my kitchen or buy in the produce section. :D


    I need things that are easy to make in bulk ahead of time (note my kids' ages) and then grab when snack time comes. Other than DH's cereal habit, we have breakfast down no problem. There seem to be tons of ideas for sweeter snacks out there. I need ideas for lunches and savory snacks.


    I can get BLSL chicken breasts at good prices at the commissary so I was going to venture into making a freezing my own chicken nuggets. We usually eat those with baked fries, but frozen from the bag. I can make my own fries, but may have a hard time pulling that off at lunch - substitutes? Two of three kids like mac-n-cheese -- I can make that from scratch. They really like to eat cheese cubes and ritz crackers with carrots and ranch and some fruit for lunch. That doesn't seem all that bad, right?


    Snack ideas? I can do homemade granola bars, but after that I am drawing a blank. Obviously there is fruit and yogurt.


    Any ideas you can throw out there to help me think this through would be VERY appreciated. You can see how we have been eating; I want to make baby steps to improve that.




  3. We like it. We use it in conjunction with Progressive Phonics. It is very easy to use -- mostly open and go. I have never taught reading, so I like how it spells it out for me. We have the workbook CD, but don't use it as my daughter doesn't care for workbook pages. She does enjoy the exercise at the end of the later lessons where she draws her own picture and writes a sentence about it.

  4. because the screen would be larger than my Touch. BUT on my Touch I:


    Read Kindle books

    Read Nook books

    Read other ebooks and PDFs

    Listen to music, podcasts, and audio books

    Play Words with Friends (Scrabble-type game)

    Read TWTM Forum

    Check the weather

    Check my Facebook

    Pray the Rosary

    Do my daily Bible reading

    Set an alarm for prayers and waking (and get off the computer and go to sleep)

    Listen to audio stories with the kids

    Track my cycle

    Read my Google reader

    Check my email

    Keep up with my calendar

    Find and watch YouTube videos for school

    Have a 5K running coach

    Have copies of all of my digital photos from iPhoto - better than a wallet

    Add stuff to my Evernote as I need to make notes

    Have educational games and videos for the kids


    Distract the baby during diapering with a Ladybug song


    And most of those things I do with one hand while nursing. Depends on what you want it to do. :001_smile:

  5. Go through and if you REALLY love it then keep it. If you think it has value (old CM stuff usually does) then sell it on eBay. You can make good money. Let your kids pick through and keep some stuff they would like to use on projects -- put those in a box for them and hold them to it within a time period. Donate the rest. It will feel so freeing. Then you can start scrapping or go digital.

  6. You need this book Photo Freedom by Stacy Julian. That will get you started on the boxes and boxes of photos. (Yikes! Don't buy it from Amazon -- your library will have or can get a copy.)


    I loved digital scrapbooking with Photoshop Elements. I like to keep it simple -- words + photos (with some good design technique) looks beautiful. Photo books are also great. Stacy also talks about photo album scrapbooks.


    Don't think about chronologically scrapbooking all those years of photos. Just think about sitting down and recording a story or how you feel about a child, moment, place or activity and then add a few relevant photos. You will NOT scrapbook every photo you have. That is a sure recipe for crazy.


    Good luck!



  7. Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss made me want to foster gentleness and build relationship with my children (and made me wish I'd been baptised Catholic :D)


    Actually that book and her blog started my conversion -- been Catholic for two years now. :001_smile:


    Real Learning

    Educating the Wholehearted Child

    Moving a Puddle (I don't subscribe to pure unschooling, but the book was eye-opening in methods of using life to learn.)

  8. We just got back. We took a small cooler in the stroller with waters, juice pouches, and tons of snacks the kids don't usually get at home. Some days we just snacked heavy. We ate all dinners and breakfasts at the rental house. We saw another family picnicing on sub sandwiches they brought in. If you don't have a stroller locker rental is still probably cheaper than food.

  9. Not sure about getting the original pic back. As for the wallpaper there should be an option in your desktop settings to either stretch, tile, or center your image. Right now it is set to stretch. You want to change it to center. You should be able to find the setting on your computer control panel. How you get to it and what it is called will depend on your operating system.




  10. then I sat on a different brand at another store and realized how cheaply made they were. Luckily I found a deal on the other brand that made the price close and now we LOVE our sectional. I second making sure it will fit and being happy with your proposed arrangement, because your furniture arrangement choices will be limited. Being able to lock the pieces is HUGE.

  11. and what I can think of off the top of my head. Some may be too easy, you will have to wade through:












    We also love activities from the following books which may be found cheaply on Amazon:


    Family Math for Young Children

    Wow! I'm Reading (a Williamson Little Hands book) Would complement OPG nicely

    Science Play (a Williamson Little Hands book)


    Add to this tons and tons of books to read aloud and you have some fun preschool time.




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