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Posts posted by Snow

  1. This weekend is my wedding 11th anniversary. We don't usually do much. We are going to try dropping off the kids at my dads...dd has been in a real separation anxiety phase and cried so much she threw up last time, so we shall see.


    So we have about 4-5 hours. We thought maybe we would see a movie... "This is Where I Leave You" or "If I Stay" sounded like good choices. :rofl: :rofl:


    What do you for your not-a-milestone anniversary?

  2. I also vote for primary care doc. Can't this also be circulatory? There's a lot it could be and I'd want to rule some things out there first. Have a few quick labs to verify its not diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc and then on to whomever the doc suggests.

  3. My kids are 4.5 years apart and I'm curious about what other people do as far as scheduling. They are young enough that they both need my full attention. Also, young enough that they wander around kind of bored when I've tried working 1-1. But, they are far enough apart in age that there are only a few things they can do together.


    I've tried setting up individual activities for this purpose (ok now you do this puzzle while I work with x) but I can see this is not going to be easy. They are both very "other" focused and terrible at making their own fun. I realize this is probably just a matter of habit or training but I'm curious what other good ideas might be out there.


    What's your schedule like?

  4. Birding? Following stocks? My fil invests imaginary money and tracks it, choosing investments to see how much he can make.


    ETA: what about Fantasy sports (fantasy football, soccer, baseball). Some of my family members spend huge amounts of time strategizing and researching players.

  5. What?! Creepy guy photo? (In your avatar? How'd I manage that?)


    Hmph. I'm bringing him back. :D



    Ok, so I will concede he looks substantially less creepy on my PC with the bigger monitor. However, on my tiny phone (which I use most of the time), his eyes get so small and blurred - yes, he looks a bit creepy.


    Is he really a sensitive genius? I have no idea who this guy is. Knowing more about him might help the creep-factor.

  6. I've read a few posts and the usual advice is to take it easy on kids in vision therapy. Ds was prescribed glasses for lens therapy despite his 20-20 vision to help with convergence and ocular motor stuff. Is this going to be tough on him? Should I plan on taking it easy? He hasn't assigned ds any eye exercises or anything just needs to wear them for reading and school work. Thanks.

  7. I would try another therapist.


    I am no expert here but i have some personal experience with it in adults. I would see blowing kisses the exact same way as a tic or tapping doors or any common compulsion. I would not correct but remind him of can-do behaviors and coping strategies before going out.


    All the while I would be focusing on building up an awareness of anxiety - what it looks like, how it feels, and what he can do about it. And praise praise praise even if all he does is take a deep breath before acting on the behavior.

  8. Just curious - would it mean anything in particular if a child was too distracted by having classical music in the background?

    Ds does this sometimes. Sometimes music is great and it positively shifts our hs mood. Other times it's like he's just particularly sensitive and it's overwhelming. I've always just assumed it auditory sensitivity flaring up.


    I'm curious too and will be listening in.

  9. What's his attitude toward school stuff? What does like and dislike? How much pushing from you does 3R stuff require or is he pretty open? I would take those answers into account when planning. My ds was super reluctant. Definitely had an impact in what I could do with him. Kindy with dd will be completely different simply because she loves school so we will be much more traditional with her.


    Also, my suggestions are definitely colored right now by my ds - If I could go back in time, I would have made it a priority to focus on his strengths. It sounds like you've spent a lot of time working on your ds' weaker areas and I'd hate to have his whole association with school to be negatively impacted by that (school makes me feel bad because it's all the stuff that's too hard for me and that I can't do, etc). I believe I've been feeling the effects of this the past year :(

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