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Status Replies posted by Snow

  1. DS: mom, you are the master at getting the dog outside to throw up! Yes, son, we all have our talents.

    1. Snow


      That's too funny! Yes, my master status was earned by being all about the hustle. No chit chat, you're out dog.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Expectations vs. reality. Learning some people don't act the way they like to represent themselves :(

    1. Snow


      I couldn't agree more. It's hard, no doubt.

  3. I think I'm liking the Steve Sings cd more than the kids.

    1. Snow


      I just saw this. Yes, good question on those tough days!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Just cleaned out the front of my front loader washer. Yuck!

    1. Snow


      Were you able to take the front off or the rubber somehow? I know a major cleaning needs to be done on mine too because of the smell.

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