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Posts posted by sweetstitches

  1. But what makes a near death experience, exactly that, near death?

    Obviously the fact that the person doesn't die when they should have, but I mean spiritually/religiously/etc. what makes that person worth saving?


    I mean, if someone is shot and they died a few minutes from the hospital and couldn't be resuscitated, what makes the person down the street who got hit full on by a truck survive?


    I know some people believe it is just their fate or in their God's hands or whatever, but if they both believed in the same thing, what made one person worth saving and not the other?


    Don't they both have families, friends, and people who depend on them? (Assuming they both have this.)


    I'm not trying to start a debate but this is what I struggle with when looking at any religion.


    Disclaimer: I'm not saying anyones' experience is bogus. I've just always wondered about that.


    I don't think that one is worth saving and the other one not; I think perhaps one of them has unfinished business to do...part of why they were put here on earth in the first place.

  2. I have no suggestions for you, just wanted to let you know that your 6yodd is kicking some serious tush in the writing arena!


    Whatever you're doing right now is obviously working...maybe you want to stay on the path you're already travelling?



  3. The one that just made me roll my eyes: a total stranger posted a drive-by comment in my LiveJournal saying that she could tell my daughter wasn't as smart as I thought she was, and therefore she would do just fine in a school environment.


    The kicker? She claimed to be a homeschooler. I guess her kids are good enough to homeschool, and mine aren't. :001_rolleyes:


    The one that really hurt: a good friend told me that homeschooling is racist and classist. And that whatever my personal motivations might appear to be, I was racist for homeschooling.


    I wonder what she'd say to me: my kids are Caucasian, African American, bi-racial and Hispanic. :confused1:

    Sorry she hurt you.

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