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Posts posted by sweetstitches

  1. YMMV but....

    I have been homeschooling almost 18 years and I can tell you, the years I had everything planned out in detail we got significantly more work done (even if we still took off after some rabbit trails) than the years we “just did the next thing.”

    But I will admit I am having a really hard time buckling down and planning for next year. I think everyone is just feeling the strain of being cooped up and feeling like all we do is school.

    • Like 5
  2. I'm really confused, and I'm not sure if I'm setting this up correctly.


    Right now my account has 4 profiles: one for me and one each for my three youngest sons. My profile has about 7 decks in it now--a couple I built and a few I downloaded as an example.


    I can export them and then import them to a kid's acct, but then they show up as separate decks or as a tree. Do I want them as a tree? I keep reading that the cards should all be in one deck as it runs faster and that ends up working better. I'm worried I'm going to end up with a tree with a 100 sub files and that doesn't seem right.

  3. We held back our oldest dd after 8th grade because she was emotionally immature (although she was dealing with a lot of family stress) and also because we didn't want her to graduate hs at age 17. We homeschooled her from the middle of 4th grade through hs.  FWIW, she qualified for the gifted program in public school in first grade, and had been doing hs work in middle school when we made the decision to hold her back.  Academically she was doing great.  I think we made the right choice--for her.  She just finished her freshman year of college, did great academically, but in her own words she had a much easier time dealing with living away, problems that arose, etc. than she would have a year earlier. 

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  4. This is what is working for me:


    1. I've been tracking everything I eat with The Fitness Pal app.


    2. DH & I got each other fitbit charges (for Christmas, but I got mine early) and I try to keep increasing my steps every day.


    3. I just did 2 challenges on diet better.com, and won (Yay!) and I've found it a good way to stay motivated. I'm signing up again.


    4. I use doTERRA's Slim & Sassy, which really helps me control my appetite.


    5. We recently bought a good quality mini-tramp, and I'm finding it easy to jump for just a few min. Here and there. Ours is good for up to 300 lbs.

  5. I have been there. (((Hug))) it was the beginning of 5th grade for DS, (he's 23 now) and he had been been in a classroom for behavior and emotional disturbed students with an IEP and behavior plan. His dx's are FAS, somewhere on the autistic spectrum, bipolar and ADHD. He as too verbal to be in the multineeds needs room or autistic room, and too out-of-control to continue in a regular classroom with a 1-1 aide. When they kicked him out, they wanted to do a private placement, up to 1 1/2 hrs from our home. And they made it sound like a horrible place (in hind sight, I don't think they really wanted to pay.)


    Thus began our homeschool journey....which I am grateful for, esp. For all the kiddos that came after him.


    However, we moved school districts during his teen years, and when he turned 18 we decided to enroll him again, since he could attend to the day before his 22nd b-day.


    Our new school dist. Allowed us to very very involved in the decision and let us visit several schools. The school he ended up going to was WONDERFUL! I can't say enough good things about his experience there. And to be honest, it made me kind of sad that he hadn't had that experience all along.


    So even though this feels like a sad, traumatic, turning point, it may turn out to be the best thing ever.


    Feel free to pm me if you like.

  6. This thread is interesting. I will admit that I don't like most tattoos I see, mostly because they aren't well done. I don't have any tattoos now, but I'm turning 50 in a week and I have 3 tattoos planned out that have deep meaning for me. At my age, I don't think I will regret my choices or care how they age. I have been thinking about this for a long time. BTW I got my nose pieced at 46 and have no regrets. Life is too short to worry about what anyone thinks.

  7. I have a few. It was never a surprise to me that people can be selfish, cruel, irrational, turncoat... I've always known that and could have told you that as a little kid. So there was never any truth there to learn since I always knew it.


    But as I progress through adulthood these things have surprised me.


    Once you're married and a SAHM, you're pretty much trapped.


    Money isn't everything-- but it is almost everything.


    The further we go through life, the more life becomes a story of lost & squandered opportunities. There are so many doors open at a certain point in our lives, and they progressively close one after another as we get older.


    Privacy is one of the most valuable things you will ever have, second only to children or faith.


    God (IMO) exists but does not seem to care much about his creation.


    Realizing this a lot lately. :(

  8. That I am the source of my own undoing; my depression, my pitfalls, my flaws. I would love to blame it on anything else, but really, it all comes down to me. I cant blame anyone....it's a really bitter truth.


    But like all bitter truths, once you own it, you have the power to chose what you want to make of it. So now I know I am my own worst enemy, how then shall I live? It's scary but empowering.





    And that sometimes, there are no do-overs.

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