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Posts posted by Samiam

  1. My husband passed away a few weeks ago, after a 3 month battle with cancer.  We are beyond devastated.  My mind is running a mile a minute thinking of how I do life alone, as a mother, and a homeschooling mother at that. I've been a homeschooling, stay at home mom for the past 14 years.  Along with all of the other things going through my mind...one thing I keep thinking is we are here on the East Coast all alone.  Though I am originally from the Midwest....I moved to the East Coast in my early 20's, and married my husband soon after.  My husband is an only child, and all of my family is in the Midwest....so we've always been here with just our own little family unit..and that was fine.  We built a life and we did fine out here by ourselves. We have casual friends...though we mostly centered on our own little family so we weren't super social...lots of people offer to help, just call when I need them...but the reality is, I have a hard time asking for help because I worry about bothering people.


    But now...I'm kinda thinking I don't want to be out here on the SouthEast Coast all alone.  My 18 year old is off at college..and while I love that he is only an hour away from us right now...the reality is he doesn't need all that much time from us....college students go off to college all the time long distances from home.  So it's really just me, 14DS and 10DS. 


    I have a sister in Kansas City MO, who wants me to come to her area.

    I have two sisters in the Cheyenne WY area who want to come to their area.   I don't see myself living that rural of a lifestyle..but Denver is only two hours away so I see that as doable.  Husband also has some cousins that live in the Denver area who have offered to be a support system for us as well.


    Financially we will be okay for a while if we stick to a tight budget...I will eventually have to go back to work...I was already in college taking pre-reqs to get into Radiology Technology program.   So I will pursue that still wherever we go.


    Homeschooling....not sure if we will be able to continue or not.  We will for the next year...I don't want any more major changes in my children's lives...they've never been in school, and financially, again, we will be okay.   But beyond the next year, I am just not sure.


    So questions about the Kansas City MO and Denver CO area.

    1.  Talk to me about homeschooling...how active is the area (especially for the high school years?)...are there large numbers of homeschoolers.....how easy are the regulations.


    2.  Cost of living...I've heard Denver is high...tell me more...what about Kansas City?  What could one expect to pay for a rental house...2-3 bedrooms etc...that isn't a dump?  We have two dogs, so I don't see myself in an apartment.


    3.  Best areas to live in?  I think the North side of Denver is what I'd consider due to being closer to the Wyoming border...but what suburbs to consider and what ones to avoid?  Or is there a better area than North side?  Kansas City..my sister actually lives on the Independence side...so that is probably the general area I'd want to be in.....suburbs to consider and suburbs to avoid?


    4.   Schools...because again, I don't know what the future holds...we may not be able to homeschool for long-term.  I've always thought Charter schools would be a viable option if we had to do public school (the in person charter school, not a virtual school)....we have a few good ones here where we live now...small, almost like a private school, yet free ......how is the charter school situation in the CO and MO area?  Are there other options I should consider?  I can't see myself enrolling my boys into a regular old public school....maybe....but not likely.....it would have to be an AMAZING situation or I would have to be just completely desperate for me to go that route.


    5.  What else should I know about each area?  What question did I forget to ask?


    This would not be something we do right away.  Most likely I would wait until after the summer so my college student can be home with us this summer, while we are all still in this grief process.   I'm thinking early Fall is the soonest we would make any moves, after he is back in college.  We will also visit the family I've mentioned a few time between now and then, and scout out the areas to see it all for ourselves.

  2. Thanks all!  I am feeling much better today.


    We went to our credit union to see what help they could offer (we didn't expect much).  As expected, they could not do anything about the payment since it had already cleared, though they did refund the overdraft fee as a courtesy.  


    I called the credit card customer service again today.  Today they could see the payment had posted.  They advised me to fax in a letter showing proof the payment came from my bank, and requesting a refund.  I did that immediately.  I waited a few hours to give them time to process the fax.  I called in and told my whole story again to the customer service agent, she put me on hold for about five minutes, and came back to tell my her supervisor had approved and processed the refund, and they would Fedex it to me.  I should have it by the end of this coming week.  Thank the Lord!   I was so worried they would say too bad, too sad, they weren't going to give it back since it was owed.  They actually were very kind and gracious about it.   Of course, I am still not totally in the clear until that check is in my hands....I will probably call again on Monday to see if there is a tracking number.  But I have a bit of cash from a few things I had sold earlier in the week.  I get paid from my little part time job on Tuesday so we will have enough funds to put gas in the car and food on the table until our bank account is right.  Bills can't get paid, but I will deal with that once I have the refund in hand.   So I feel like I can breathe again and this WILL be okay...and a BIG lesson learned to be very careful when I submit online payments!!

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  3. My older son was a baseball player from age 4-16...on rec ball teams, all-star teams, and travel teams....we've done it all.  Though I don't disagree with giving all the kids a chance to play all positions in Rec ball, at that age.......that was not the reality in the leagues we played in.   Even at that age...the better players were obvious...because there ARE players who have been playing since they could play...age 4....so by age 8....they likely have a few years of experience...and let's face it...some parents are just more into baseball with their children than others...and that was obvious too.  By that I mean...my DH and son often practiced on their own several times a week outside of the once-a-week team practice.  They both loved it.  Typically the "better" players are just that because of the practice outside of the team.  Once a week practice in a group setting rarely makes a better player.  And even at that age, our league had all-star teams.  What that means is the league formed one all-star team for each age group...they played an extended season and played in tournaments around our large city, and other areas of the state.  So my point is...the teams that are going to win are the teams that put the players who can play at the key positions...and the other players take turns rotating in to the other positions (and at that age that typically means outfield).  AND parents who have been in the baseball thing for a few years KNOW this and are going to get frustrated with a losing team because players are constantly rotated.  


    So that sounds way to competative for age 8, I KNOW that.  But that was the reality of the rec leagues that we played in, and against.  Your DH's theory is correct, but it's not reality.  I think there has to be a happy medium.   A balance of this player is great at 1st base...so he plays a some innings there, and this guy is not go great, but he really wants to try it...so he gets a few innings at 1st base too. 


    And whoever said that you should not be the back-seat coach is dead-on.  My DH also coached a few years.   He could not make every parent happy, and some parents were downright rude and disrespectful.    Last thing he will want to hear is that negative feedback at home.  

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  4. I'm sick to my stomach....I scheduled a payment for a credit card and apparently I chose the "pay full balance" option that was just below the "pay minimum amount due" option.   I didn't realize it and it came out of my bank account today.  Almost $1000...and it was ALL of our money :0!     Problem is, DH is in school full time, and working part time...I also work part time...we watch every dime carefully, and squeeze our pennies until they bleed as we scrape by...so this REALLY hurts.    Had I realize it before today I could have cancelled the payment..but we didn't realize until suddenly our debit card was declined today.    When we realized why I immediately called the card company to see if they could refund or stop the payment, but they couldn't do anything since it was in a "pending status"....taken from our bank but yet not credited to the card account yet...too late to stop it yet too early to do any sort of credit. 


    Also it is a store credit card so it's not like I can just use the card to pay bills instead of the bank account..it is only good at THAT store.  Goodness I have messed up.  The customer service advised me to call back in a day or two when the payment has actually hit the account and they will advise from that point.  


    So my question...has anyone ever overpaid a credit card by a HUGe amount and able to get a refund rather quickly?   My fear is they will say that I am the one that did it (I did accidently select the pay full balance option) and it WAS owed on the card...so they won't refund it.   I don't think I can dispute at my bank because again, it was something I did, accident or not.  

    Tell me good news, please!

  5. We dropped my oldest son off at college for the first time last week and helped him move into his dorm.   This son did attend public high school from 9th-12th.   Although he has always been a bit of an introvert, he did find a nice solid group of good kids for friends (something he always lacked as a homeschooler due to his introvertness).  His college roommate is a friend from school.  The college is a large University just over an hour from home, so there are alot of people from our general area there.  Another friend from school lives on the same floor.  As we were there moving him in, a handful of guys my son and his roommate knew, stopped by to say hi.  My son and his roommate left for a bit to go say hi to some other friends in another building. 


    Though in the beginning of the college search, this time last year, we were encouraging him to go to a college a bit farther away, out of state, so he could be his own person, be whoever he wanted to be, and not be in that same "box" that he may have been known as within his high school.  But now that we've moved him in, I have to say I feel much more comfortable knowing he already has a community there.   For him especially, because he is a bit reserved (once he warms up he is fine but he is never one to start a conversation with a stranger).   I just don't know how he would have done if he went to a college where he didn't know a single person.    On move-in day, since everyone had their dorm room doors open as they moved in, I could see some people where it did seem like they didn't know anyone...their roommates weren't there yet....they were basically just staying in their room......it was just a whole different thing compared to the traffic coming in and out of my son's room.  I kinda felt bad for those guys.  (Maybe because I am a bit of an introvert as well....I can understand how difficult it can be to put yourself out there in a new environment.).   I did remind my son and his roommate about what others may be going through and ask that they try to include others on the floor when they go participate in campus events over the next few days. 


    So that got me to thinking.....as of now, we don't plan on putting our two younger boys into public school...the plan is to homeschool all the way through....so they may be the one who doesn't know a single person on campus when the time comes.


    On the other hand, I know there must be plenty of students in that position and they must survive and make a new circle of life at college.   I know my son's college has a whole bunch of events the first 5 days that are all about getting out and about, and meeting fellow students, etc...but even that I picture as difficult...imagine going to this huge student event and not knowing anyone (I guess you may have  roommate at least).


    My own college experience was similiar to my son's...lots of local people at a college that wasn't too far from home...so I don't know much different.  It must makes me worry about ANOTHER factor of homeschooling that involves that stupid nagging socialization issue that gets even harder as they move into high school.


    Has your child went off to college without knowing anyone else there and was able to build a circle of life?  It can happen, right?

  6. Boys!  My husband and two sons were cleaning out the boy's bathroom.  My husband asked my then six year old to "dump out the trash can"....intending it to be dumped into the big black garbage that was sitting, half-full from prior cleaning, on the bathroom floor.  My six year old promptly turns the bathroom trash can and "dumps it out"...all over the floor.   Shocking, yet hilarious!  My son had no evil intent...he literally didn't know any different.

  7. Varied here.  My son's high school graduation was on a Wednesday night at 7p.   I wore a nice maxi dress with a denim jacket, my DH wore dark jeans and a nice casual button down shirt, 13DS and 10DS wore nice shorts and casual button down.  I saw all types of clothes on other people in the audience though.  Ratty looking jeans, and tshirts, all the way to suit and tie.     


    I think we are at a point in society where it doesn't really matter so much.  I mean, these days many churches welcome all kinds of casual dress and even mention that on their website "no need to dress up".   Recent weddings I attend, I was surprised to see how casual people were dressed.  

  8. How about a computer science major? Ds is still in high school, but starts CC in the fall, does a lot of programming but likely to go into CS or Engineering.

    Local college does not recommend a certain computer.


    He may wind up with a different one anyways by the time he moves away, I guess.


    I'm clueless.

    He said he'll research it, but, he's only 16 too.


    I'd look at the recommendations from some of the potential colleges he thinks he MAY want to apply for.  Both CS and Engineering are high tech majors and the basic $400 laptop typically isn't going to cut it.   My son starts in August for Engineering and they had to "preferred" for his major (and he is just general engineering for the first year)...one was a Dell and one was a Lenevo...both were $1400+ price range.  A Mac was on the a "acceptable" list, but not the "preferred" list for his college. 

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  9. So people ask me this all the time, even my own husband, and it gets annoying after a while. Most content I consume is not a download. The majority is foreign DVDs that even Netflix does not find profitable to take up bandwidth for. And I like owning my music in CDs and not buying it each time a machine crashes, etc. I'm antiquated by choice and would love to keep it that way :)


    And that is perfectly fine...though you may find it difficult in the future as it's not just Apple that is moving away from the cd/dvd format.  Many computer companies are moving that way.   We have several PC's in the house (cheaper than a Mac for kids) and they don't have cd/dvd drives either.   Also do note that if you purchase music, say from iTunes (which can be done on a PC as well as a Mac), it's not lost just because the device crashes.  It's always yours.  Just log into iTunes on your new computer, or any computer ,and there it's in your library, forever yours.

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  10. I work for Apple. 


    There is ONE MacBook Pro that offers the CD/DVD drive.  It's the only one that is non-Retina, and it's in the 13inch size.  If you are on the MacBook Pro page, it's way on the bottom and the cheapest MBPro you can get. 


    But the real question is WHY do you want a CD/DVD drive?  I mean, almost everything these days is a download.   You can get most any software as a download.   If it's a software that you already own on disc...unless it's made for Mac, it won't be compatible.  If it's to watch movies on DVD....well, honestly spend $30 and get a cheap DVD player...or get Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu etc to watch movies. 


    In general, the MacBook Pro is more powerful, as it has much faster processors and more RAM.   It's my personal opinion the MacBook Air is a pretty basic computer.  I only recommend it to people if all they really want to do is use their computer for internet surfing/Facebooking etc.  If you want to really do anything that requires a few programs running, the MacBook Pro is the way to go.



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  11. Our Whole Foods has a meat special every Tuesday.  Chicken Breasts (big fat juicy ones) are $2.99 a pound.  Ground Round is $2.99 a pound.   Though not organic or grass-fed, it still meets WF's standards, which is no chemicals involved in the animal raising situation.  I imagine they do this because we have a Fresh Market that does the same thing on Tuesdays. 

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  12. I am confused as to why you wouldn't do the chicken pox. I can understand not vaxxing a young child for it, but by high school I think it should be given. It is much more serious in adults. He probably won't die from it if he catches it, but he will likely miss class/be miserable for 2 weeks.


    Welll..the thing is, I've been anti-vaccination long enough to know how these conversations go...those who are against versus those who aren't....and I've already seen it in this conversation to a mild degree (thankfully it stayed pretty civil!).   My question was directed to those that had been in a similiar situation as I am in.  Though all the responses from those that chimed in were helpful, even if many had not been in the same situation at all, and even if it did feel like some were REALLY pro-vaccination and wanted to push me that way.  I won't be pushed blindly.   I am sorry you are confused.  But I  don't have to clarify my stance to you...and I won't.  I always welcome you to do your own research on each individual vaccination though, and make the choice that is best for your family, while I do the same for my own.  That should clear up any confusion for you.  That we made the best decision for us, and you did the same.

  13. Thanks all....all very interesting information that you've shared. 


    We haven't done Flu shots ever  (and this son has attended public school for 9th-12th with 1600 students in the building).   Of course, that will eventually be his choice, but right now, he's happy to go along with whatever....he doesnt much care to put thought in to it...he's an 17 year old male.


    We haven't done the Chicken Pox vaccine ever....I've never met or heard of a person who died from Chicken Pox.   Uncomfortable, yes, death, no.  And I am aware the adult version can be worse, and cause shingles.  Still a no for us.


    The HPV...no.  


    Measles, and Meningtiis...you've helped sway me..he needs to do those for sure.  And mumps, sounds like something too.  I will have to talk over the information with the health care provider we go to.  


    I think you are right, I do need to make an effort to get his old medical records, just so we have it on hand.

  14. As we prepare for DS17 to head off to college (living in dorms) in August, one of the things we have to take care of is the medical forms and vaccination records.


    A bit of history...when he was a baby and toddler, we did all vaccinations by the Dr. recommended schedule (he was our first and we had no idea we had a choice, or should even MAKE a choice...very mainstream).  By the time he was age 6, we were homeschooling and had met some "crunchy mama's" and we had our eyes opened up about vaccinations.   We also were able to get a Pediatrician who was open-minded about whether families vaccinated.   We stopped vaccinations at that point.  When he was about 10 and started playing tackle football, we did get a Tetanus vaccination because it can be transmitted through soil and well, one is laying on the ground alot in football.


    He's been in public school for high school and we just used the state exemption form.  No trouble there.


    We've also not really done well checks since about age 12 or so.  He's rarely sick and overall we are a pretty healthy family (though he did get annual physicals for sports).  My point is we've moved to a different state about 6 years ago, and haven't really been to a real Dr. since.   I can only assume the last pediatrician in the last state may have his shot records....but at this point, I honestly have no idea what he has or hasn't had in terms of vaccinations.


    So now college.  They want proof of certain vaccinations or titers...OR an exemption form signed.   On one hand, I wonder if we should get titers done so HE knows what he's had done, as he moves into adulthood.   Or if we should just do the exemption form, and let him deal with his own vaccination choices down the road when/if it comes up.  Then there is the meningitis vaccination...I almost think that should be a YES because of the living conditions in dorms...and I know that the handful of times there have been "epidemics" in recent years have been in college dorm situations.   But then my other anti-vaccination brain is still all like NO WAY, DANGER, etc.   But how horrible if he did get meningitis and I knew we could have prevented that. 


    If you've been more of a anti-vaccination type of parent in the past and your child went off to college, how did you handle the vaccination issue?



    Wow! You've gone waaayyyy above and beyond! It's definitely okay to stop for a year, and see what happens.


    I think I'd still vote for your family committing to be the hosting/organizing family for one year and see if you can drum up some like-minded homeschool friends, as I think that would stand the best chance of meeting the social needs. But I'd ONLY invest in that idea if both DSs were way on-board with it and willing to help each week with any set-up/clean-up, and coming up with some ideas. If your DSs' interest waned after a few months, or if you don't get much response from the homeschool group, then let it drop.


    Otherwise, since DSs are making it clear that they don't want to do any outside sports or groups, then don't. Really, it will be okay.


    Don't even do CC or the co-op. It sounds like the odds of those outside commitments being a place for meeting/making friends is not any greater than the past *fun* activities you've signed DSs up for -- and CC or the co-op would be an academic commiment, not a *fun* activity. Plus, the co-op would probably require a minimum of 1 semester commitment -- and CC requires a full year commitment.


    You've poured out above and beyond! DSs are making it clear they don't want to do activities. I'd just make sure they understand that the reality of our culture is that in the middle/high school years, you meet/make friends not so much any more through the neighborhood, but by sharing common interests, which comes from being involved in groups like church, scouting, 4-H, sports team, etc., or pursuing a shared interest through a class (martial arts, fencing, jewelry making, etc.) or club (electronics, robotics, etc).  But it's okay for you to step back and stop suggesting/signing them up, and let them "own" their own boredom.


    They are old enough to choose -- but that also means they need to own the consequences. If they choose to not put themselves out there or get involved in things, then the odds of meeting/making friends goes way down, and since mom and dad have supported and driven and suggested loads of possibilities and they've rejected them all, if they're bored and don't have friends to hang out with, don't complain to mom and dad. ;) They need to start contributing towards a solution, rather than being baby birds and expecting mom to spoon feed them -- AND reject all of mom's great ideas. ;)


    BEST of luck, whatever your family decides! Warmest regards, Lori D.



    Thank you!  This resonated with me!  Your response was very helpful and made perfect sense to me in terms of letting them own their choices...if they are refusing to do ANYTHING in a group setting, then they must own that they are refusing the opportunity to make friends.  That is a conversation I must have with them.  I think "I" knew that, and one reason I always seek out activities for them...to help them meet people....but they are looking at it as just one faceted..the activity itself.   That's their age, of course, but I need to make sure they see the big picture, and perhaps I was failing there.   

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  16. My sister is interested in learning more about homeschooling in her area. Her child is just three, so it's just something that is buzzing around her mind, (and of course as a long time homeschooler myself, I am encouraging that buzzing!). She'd like to see what is going on in her area, in terms of HSIng group and activities.


    She lives in the suburbs of Kansas City, MO (specifically Blue Springs). Anyone here have any links or FB groups she could join to learn more about HSing life SPECIFIC to that area?

  17. Thanks for all the suggestions.  Some things to mull over, for sure!


    To answer a few questions....my boys have done everything, lol...and liked none of it.  Literally, we were THAT family where we had some where to be all the time, because at least one of my boys had an activity going on.  DS13 did four years of Cub Scouts...had no interest in moving on to Boy Scouts...and those friendships waned as he moved on from Scout life (plus that was several years ago at this point).  He's done baseball and soccer for a few years each (at our insistance that he try it) and did not like it, and doesn't want to do any more sports so he won't do swim team (which he'd be awesome at), he won't do basketball, even something like Upward which isn't competitive, he won't do the homeschool archery team.   He's done golf lessons for children in a group setting...nope.  Hmm, what else...art classes, Homeschool PE, 4H Outdoor club, Minecraft classes, etc etc etc etc.  Literally, if you can name something that a young boy may be interested in...we've tried it with him.  Our philosophy was "How do you know you won't like it, until you try it?"..... and thus would require him to finish a season or semester etc before deciding it wasn't his thing. This child's perfect day is to just have nothing on his schedule to but to go outside and play with his friends.


    So the DS10, as the youngest, has went through all of those things too...often at the same time as DS13, and other times, as an activity that just he was doing.    He also doesn't want to do much.  Two things he wants to do is play golf (he did enjoy the group lessons, but we can't afford them right now), and go to any sort of computer oriented classes (there is a local non-profit company that offers different computer classes for children at a very economical rate...and we do those when they are offered...but it's not led to friendships because everyone is just staring at their computer.)   Because I get a resounding "NO!" from these children whenever I bring up an interesting idea or activity, I often sign them up without asking.  My DS10 actually said to me "Will you PLEASE stop signing me up for things without asking me?".    I'm pretty sure that is going to be something he remembers as a negative memory about his mom when he's an adult, haha!


    So now I am at a point where I feel that unless they ask or show an interest in doing something, I am not going to invest money and time to force them to do something they argue about every week.   We've become the opposite of the "Never home homeschooling family".  Now we are the "We've kept our schedule free so we can come and go as we please homeschooling family".   Which worked out perfectly for DS13 because that meant he could go play with his neighborhood buddies whenever he wanted (even though I would explain to him that those same buddies have activities and a life that they go do....as should he!).    All of that is not to say that I don't bring up activities that may interest them to see what they think...I do CONSTANTLY...but I almost always get a very firm "No."      As a matter of fact, I will get a No if I mentioned this conversation to them about a co-op or CC.     


    As far as them becoming buddies...they are, as much as a 10 year old youngest child and a 13year middle child could be...with very different personalities, who spend every single day together.   There are times when they are great together and there are times when it's an all out verbal war.   It doesn't solve the social problem.  They both WANT friends.


    It's too late to visit the CC campus or the co-op this year.  The CC year is over here.   The co-op had an Open house last month, which I missed because I wasn't considering it at that point, and they are very staunch on their visitor policy (they are VERY organized and strict in rules...some say very schoolish-like).

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  18. LLR only makes something like 2,500 of each print.  So there are limited quantities.  The consultant has no control of what prints she gets. So she might order 25 pairs of leggings, but she has no idea what the patterns will be until they arrive.  So if you saw one online or that a friend had that you liked and wanted, there's literally no way for you to for-sure guarantee you would ever be able to find it.  There are a TON of Facebook groups out there where people are stalking for their favorite pattern.  It's like a big treasure hunt for some.  So basically, yes if you see something you like , you need to buy it right there.


    Most consultants host pop up parties, either in their own home or hostess's homes.  So you can try it on and buy it right there on the spot. Most also have FB groups where you buy it online.


    LLR sizing is way off.  I would need a XL in their Azure skirt (think knee-length A line skirt), and L in their Maxi Skirt (otherwise it will way to long), and an XXL in their Randy shirt (think baseball style long sleeve shirt).  That might be normal if I were shopping different brands, but not for the SAME Brand!  Then there are reports that their leggings, even in the same size, are off in sizing based on what country they are made...Vietnam and Korea leggings are shorter and tighter than China made leggings in the same size.   Overall I have a few pieces, but I wouldn't go crazy with it.  Too pricey and not enough quality control.

  19. We've homeschooled forever, but we've only lived in this area for about 5 years.  While I am in all of the local FB groups so I have a good idea of what is going on for homeschoolers in our area, there isn't actually alot that is a regular thing if you don't do co-ops.


    We live in an area where there are alot of co-ops and different classes for homeschoolers, but there's not alot of "let's get together and just have fun".  Very rare park days (which means you often don't see the same families twice).   Some field trips but again you often don't see the same families twice.  Not conducive to making friends. 


    My super-social middle child has had a great group of friends his age in our neighborhood that he could play with anytime he wanted, and they would typically spend hours outside on weekends, and after school (2 boys were public schooled and one other was actually another homeschooler).  That meant I had to put NO effort into feeding his need for friends because it right in our little neighborhood.  So for the last four years, I didn't make a huge effort to search out friends in the homeschooling community for my boys.  These boys were all really nice kids with families that had similiar values to ours.  Never had to worry about these kids not being appropriate and kind to each other and others.  This child is 13 now and he NEEDS to be around other kids to be happy and he misses his neighborhood buddies alot (they have gotten together since we moved but I know it won't be as often as my son would like, and as they age, it will be less and less since they don't have that natural neighborhood connection anymore)


    My youngest child would often tag along with his brother and the neighborhood friends, though he's 3 years younger.  Though in recent months, he's went along less and less to play outside, as he feels they are not his friends, but his brothers' friends (and his brother makes sure he knows that).  In all honesty, he doesnt really have friends of his own.  He has expressed a desire to have friends (heartbreaking!)  This child is 10 now.


    Both are getting to the age where Park days just aren't something they really want to do especially because they may not know alot of children there anyway so it's not like I could start my own Park day and invite others. 


    Now we've moved to a different side of town.   We've only been here a few weeks, but it doesn't seem like we have any children right around us.  The neighbors we've seen have all been older couples.   We live in a big neighborhood with a community pool, so we may potentially see some families when the pool months come around but it's an unknown if actual "friends" will be made (and by that time, I will have missed sign up dates for local groups)  


    Sooo, that long story to say I am thinking I may need to do a co-op type environment to help my boys make connections and friends because you see the same people every week and you have something in common...I'm pursueing this purely for the social aspect and any educational benefits would just be a bonus.


    I am considering:

    1.  Classical Conversations.  I've never been a fan, and I've read all the conversations here. I know it's expensive, I know that tutors are not experts, rather Mom's with three days of training and it's a crapshoot if they will be any good at their job.  I'm not a super fan of the memory cram they do.   That being said, my 13 year old would be in the Challenge A, which is only going to have about 8 students, and that's really a great environment to make friendship connections as one moves into the teenage realm.  Though he is also not the strongest student so I worry the work would be too advance for him. The campus I am considering has been around for several years, so they've kinda got it down-pat, so they've built a nice "community" around themselves with many activites that are outside of the actual classroom...so a social network!  The 10 year old would also be in a class with 11 other students in his age range, and with those same students all day.    A chance to make real friends, that he will also see at the other group activities outside of class.  One major con:  IT'S EXPENSIVE!




    2.  A very traditional type of co-op.  This is not one that is cheap because mom's volunteer to lead a Lego class or Cake making class, those type of "fun things" class.  No, all of the teachers, though they may also be Moms, have degrees in their field, and many have teaching experience, so there are fees for the classes because the teachers do get paid a small fee.  The 10 year old would be in a group that travels together for four classes.  So again, he would have that social aspect because he is with that same group of children that move around to the classes....though these type of classes are academic so how much chit-chat and socialization happens in class itself, I don't know.  The 13 year would be in middle school classes, that are alacarte, so he may or may not have the same students in four classes....each hour has about 5 classes for his age group to pick from, so it's a good chance he may not see the same students for most classes.   The co-op has a few different social activities outside of class, though certainly not as many as the CC Campus.   Another pro:  The classes are more "normal" type classes than the CC model.  Meaning, classes that are typical to be taken by a student at this age.  The social aspect would be less than I think we'd get from a CC campus.  But it's cheaper than CC....probably about half the price.


    Money is an issue, cuz I'm naturally budget conscious, and I'd have to really squeeze pennies to afford CC, and a bit less of squeezing for the co-op.  That being said, if I can get the social aspect my children need, it would all be worth it.


    DH has no opinion on the matter.  He doesn't really get it but will go along with anything I decide. 


    I'm not going to ask my children, because neither really want to go to a class environment.   But sometimes parents make decisions with the long run in mind that children can't comprehend.


    Help me!  Give me advice.  Please!  I don't have anyone in real life that I can really talk about this.  If I talk to family about it, they will see it as a negative of homeschooling that I am searching for a social network for my children and recommend public school.   If I talk to other homeschoolers in my area, many will commiserate (because this topic comes up often on the local groups, but no one ever actually gets together), plus if I say my negative thoughts about either the co-op or CC, I fear it will get back to someone and they will think I'm a negative nelly type.

  20. We are considering a quick trip to NYC at the end of March....we'd probably only be there 2-3 days. Probably do the main tourist stuff like Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.   Maybe you can offer advice on these questions:


    1.  What else in that time frame should we be sure to see?   Kids are 10, 13 and 17 (boys).


    2.  Transportation:  We will drive there, but don't really want to drive around once we get there....will Subway or Taxi situation be something a newbie can learn (can Taxi's even hold 5 people?)....we grasped the Metro in DC pretty well when we visited.


    3.  Hotel location:   Don't want to spend a TON for a hotel...I know it's expensive in general in NYC, but not wanting to drop $500 a night.   Plus we have 5 so it's hard to get into a regular hotel room.   I am considering the BNB rentals...found some pretty good options....but not sure what area is okay and what area I should avoid...in terms of general safety and in terms of getting to main tourist locations using public transportation.    I'd even consider staying in the NJ side of life if you think it's doable in terms of getting to the touristy things.   We are walkers, meaning we love to just get local and walk with the people, it's not unusual for us to go off the beaten path and go to local restaurants, etc.  


    4.   What else do I need to consider or be aware of?



    Any other tips we should be aware of? 

  21. So I recently got invited to *another* Facebook Party...this one is for LuLaRoe clothing.   I'd never heard of it until now, but apparently it's a MLM type situation where they sell clothes...but it seems only a handful of core items...but they come in all kinds of patterns and colors.  Apparently their leggings are super popular in their crowd.  So they do these Pop-Up events where you go to the hostess house and see/try on the clothing.  So I was doing some research and it seems these people are just crazy in love with the leggings.   I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of it and owns any products...if it's really all that??

  22. I'm back in school now.  Prior to kids and being a SAHM, I had worked as a travel agent....this was before the internet and people being able to do most of it themselves online.  I had also worked in call center environments, Airlines, Health Insurance company, cell phone company.....I was kind of an expert at working in call centers.  I've been working from home for the last several years in a "at home call center" situation...but only part time and work hours around mommy life (usually later in the evenings)...but it's "extra income"...not life sustaining income.  Anyhoo, it dawned on me that in a handful of years my children will all be teenagers or older and just won't need me ALL the time....and MIL was recently widowed and I've watched her struggle financially because her DH didn't leave much when he died, and she didn't have a decent job herself.   It dawned on me that I need to have something to support MYSELF if something would happen to DH.    I choose a health care field....because that is something that will never go away, and it also has a flexible schedule so I may not have to work full time if I don't want to.  The only thing is....if I get into the program in the fall (I've been taking pre-reqs up to this point)  I will have to start clinicals and my schedule won't be up to me and it will be during the day....so we won't be homeschooling at that point ....so our whole life is going to change at that point.  

  23. I've been around since 2008...back in those first 3-4 years, I spent ALOT of time here....like every single day I was here reading and posting.  (Usually evenings after children were in bed).   Today is the first time I've been here in probably six months or so.

    Why?   For one, Facebook has a ton of homeschooling groups, and many are very active.  Back in the day before Facebook, the WTM boards were one of the active forums around.   Now FB is where people post and chat.   


      For two....I'm no longer a curriculum junkie.  In prior years, I started in January researching curriculum for the next year....coming here to read conversations about any particular curriculum...cuz it was almost always talked about here....and I started purchasing in March  (looking for used, and the For Sale forum here used to be the best before they changed the forum format)....and continued purchasing throughout the summer.   I no longer do that...I've settled on what we will use, I realized I don't need to purchase all the readers, and mostly get them from the library...and once again, the FB Curriculum groups are super active to buy used. 


       For three...I'm an old timer when it comes to homeschooling...like I've been doing it for 13 years at this time....sometimes I just don't have the patience for newbies....haha.   Nothing against them...but the questions that are asked...I've probably heard and read a million times over the years....I just gotta move on now.

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