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Posts posted by marychance

  1. Is anyone else sitting on the edge of their seats and going to stay up Sunday night to see if the new Mars rover, Curiosity lands safely? I wish DD were older, this is going to be a wonder space discussion opportunity.

  2. This is a tough subject in our house. DH is a devout Catholic. I was raised in a Quaker household. DH wants a truly "Catholic" marriage. In my previous marriage I used NFP because I do not get along well with hormonal BC. However, my cycle changed so much after having my DD that what was once easy as falling off of a log, is now so strange to me that I've had three unplanned pregnancies with DH. The first two ending in miscarriage. I KNOW that I do not want a large family. I love my daughter but I don't like being pregnant (I'll take labor any day over the 9 months before it!) I've known about the Catholic teachings on ABC for as long as I can remember and now that I'm trying to decide where I fit in DH's faith, I don't know yet what I'll do. We actually got married because we (derp) had unprotected sex an ended up pregnant. Now I'm in the process of getting my previous marriage annulled so that DH can return to the church in full communion. Its tricky.

  3. DSD turns 17 next month. I have NO IDEA what to get her. Here's where I am:


    Clothes: She has TONS that she normally purchases herself from online shops

    Gadgets: covered, she has all the gadgets available to teenagers

    Books: She's not really a reader

    Music: Already has an iPod jam packed with dubstep


    Her love language is receiving gifts so I need to find her something tangible. Our relationship is good for the most part but due to the age difference between DH and I, DSD and I are not regular mother/daughter ages i.e. I was in middle school when she was born. I've only known her since January when she came to live with us. So um. . . any ideas?

  4. :iagree:


    I'm wondering why you have ever allowed your dd to be treated in this way. It's nice that you want to get along with your family, but your own child's happiness and well-being should absolutely come first.



    We are a small, close knit family. On the grand scheme of things we haven't been in this country very long. My brother and I are the first really "Americanized" generation. While the whole individualistic, don't see your family because they do things that make you unhappy does work for some, in this situation it is a little extreme. We're taking a break for a few days to let everyone cool down. I'm going to continue to limit the time the Bird and the Cabbage spend together but the fact of the matter is, they will come in contact with one another and it will happen again. I am going to try to make myself even clearer to the family that I am the only one who disciplines my child. (this will be hard for them because of the old-country top-down matriarchy) I appreciate the support and thoughtful advice everyone has given.

  5. I get the feeling this could be a controversial subject but that's not the purpose of this post.


    As I've said before I'm brand new to homeschooling. The HSLDA was one of the first places I found when I was looking for what is required of us by law. Since then I've been encouraged to join by some while others whisper that its a crock.


    If you are a member of the HSLDA why did you join? If you think its not worth the money, why do you hold that opinion?


    I appreciate any well thought out opinions you can give!

  6. I've taken prednisone off and on throughout the years for asthma. While it does an amazing job in the short term, the long term consequences are too much for me. If I stay on it for more than a couple of weeks I end up gaining weight, especially in my face. It can weaken the immune system and make you more susceptible to infection. Some people have severe mood reactions to it.


    Another idea is to be prepared to leave if another situation develops. Feign a headache if you have to, but just leave. Honestly, I'm a very skeptical person. I do not believe you will ever get through to them. If they see Bird as being a bad little girl, they'll just see as being the overprotective mama Bird trying to keep people from "helping".



    This is where I am now. This morning we stopped by the grandparents to have coffee after errands. The Cabbage/Bird drama happened as per usual. I stood up and said cheefully "Come on Bird its time to go! We have stuff to do" On the way out the door I heard Cabbage-dad muttering "I can't say anything to her kid."


    This is really a continuation of the situation between me and my brother (cabbage-dad) as kids. I was branded the evil older sister and he was the angelic little brother. The adults got really into it. I grew up thinking it was me and my Dad against the world. My brother and I have overcome what the adults did to us as kids for the most part but they're trying to re-create it with our kids.

  8. DD is 3. She has a little cousin that is 21 months. Whenever the family is all together a dynamic develops where little cousin (We'll call her the Cabbage) is constantly the victim of the Bird in the eyes of the family. Basically if Cabbage is playing with a toy and then Bird shows up with it a time later it is assumed that Bird has violently taken the toy and that she must be punished. This is assumed even if the Cabbage is not crying or showing any signs of being upset.


    Bird is 3 and shares pretty well for the most part. Her group play is right about average for kids her age. We have several parents in our peer group with other kids ranging in age from 12 months to 6 years old that often play together with little to no trouble.


    The frustrating part I'm running into is that the Bird no longer wants to go places where she knows Cabbage will be because she knows that she will constantly be in trouble, even when she didn't do anything. She gets tired of her aunts and uncles and grandparents scolding her. The Cabbage is allowed by my brother (her dad) to hit and take toys from Bird because she is smaller. Cabbage has discovered that if she yells the Bird's name loud enough someone will come scold Bird. Its become a game. We've tried taking toys that are only for the Bird so she has something to play with that Cabbage isn't entitled to. The problem with that is Bird is a social kid, offers her toys to Cabbage, and then we're right in the same boat. We try to limit exposure at this point because Bird is basically a good kid, she has the same quirks as any three year old that get dealt with in a reasonable manner. i.e. if I see her robbing another kid of a toy or hitting them she IS in trouble and she knows it.


    What do I do? There are other kids I don't let her play with because their parents believe that their little angels can do no wrong and no matter what happens it must be the other kid. But this is family. While they feel perfectly entitled to scold my kid, if I say anything to the Cabbage I get jumped on. Its stressing me, my kid, and my relationship with my family.


    Ok maybe it wasn't so long of a post . . .

  9. Thats awesome. I've got a couple of questions. I've heard alot about hypnobabies and I was curious about the people who used it, what exactly is it that you liked or that was the most helpful? The second question I have is for the water birthers. What were some do's and don'ts for your waterbirth? Also what did you wear? I was naked for my first birth and who knows I may end up that way again, but I'd like to start out clothed. What are some good recommendations for nursing gowns? I want to find something pretty to wear right after the birth for pictures but I need functionality too. It has to be easy to get in and out of and I have to be able to nurse in it.

  10. The Bird was born on a day when my midwife and all of her assistants had something important planned with their families that they had to miss to be with me. It wasn't a long birth but it was more difficult than we wanted it to be. It turns out Bird was holding her ear the whole time and showed up with a nuchal hand. We're planning a water birth for this one. I've got a feeling he's going to be a bigg'un.

  11. This happened with my step daughter. My husband had given up his rights to her when she was 8 so that her step dad could adopt her. At the time he felt it was the right decision. Fast forward eight years and we get a call from mom in Germany. She's getting divorced and doesn't want a teenager and neither does step-dad. They shipped her over here, having not spoken to anyone in YEARS and having never met me. Mom sent guardianship papers and we haven't heard anything since. Any parent can appoint any person to take care of their child at any time, however it could be dissolved at any moment. We're crossing our fingers that we can finish raising her without anyone tearing it apart again.

  12. Sister, I'm Episcopalian, and dh is a rector.


    Run, do not walk, to another church.






    I'm with her. When I was a kid I often went with my grandma to the Lutheran church and when I became an adult I joined. They brought in a pastor to do the exact same thing. The church was in trouble financially and he was a former insurance salesman. In the matter of three years the church went from a place of spirituality and worship to a place of business. I can barely stand to go there anymore. Everything is always about money. We have people in our town who desperately need help due to the economy and they are spending thousands on a new LED church sign.


    DH is a Catholic and I have been going to church with him. Though the theology and I don't necessarily mesh it gives me a lot of comfort that they built a beautiful new cathedral with available funds and paid it off within 5 years. The priest recently announced that in 16 years he's never taken a salary. Good luck.

  13. My parents decided to hs my brother and I when we were in elementary school. My grandma refused to talk to any of us for months after the decision was made. As a kid I was very hurt by that. She always kept scrapbooks of our achievements and at the end of 5th grade she wrote "the end" because you know, if a kid isn't in public school there is no outward proof that you've made amazing choices as parents. (sarcasm) As I grew I realized that it was her problem, not my parents, and not mine as a kid. My grandma is still around and we are still very close. She had the "I had hoped for so much more from her" conversation with me when I told her that I was hs'ing the Bird. I politely explained to her that we decided this was best, and that her dad and I hold more advanced degrees than any elementary school teacher she's going to find. Whenever she brings it up I tell her I'm not discussing it. She will learn that no amount of guilting will change the fact that there will be two generations of homeschoolers in her family.

  14. I am totally digging the diversity. I think I may have found the right place. I hadn't planned on actually hs'ing DD this early but she's showing all signs that she's ready to go. I figured I would have a year or so to plan things out and even though I say we're starting this fall, its pretty much already started. I like how reading is happening in the way that she learned to walk: As a natural progression of her development. I think thats what draws me most to homeschool.


    When I was hs'ed we had a very rigid curriculum (I don't even remember which one now, it was that impressive :001_rolleyes:) that was strictly based in a fundamentalist Christian theology. While it got me through and I went on to college and beyond I'm liking the idea of picking and choosing from a buffet of ideas and giving the Bird a more rounded education. Everyone here is pretty darned awesome. Glad I found you!

  15. I find the demographic here pretty interesting, actually.


    I'm a guy :tongue_smilie: and I have three young kids, who I stay home with and homeschool. This will be our third official year of homeschooling, as my oldest will start 2nd grade. I'll also have a 1st grader and my last kindergartener. We homeschool for family and academic reasons.


    I am so glad to see a dad!!

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