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Posts posted by Christi/NC

  1. They work at the same restuarant. My oldest has been there for 2 years and my 2nd child has been there nearly 1 year. It has been the best experience that I could have imagined for them. It's not always ideal (crude subject matter discussions, language, saxual harrassment once) but the benefits strongly outweigh the negatives. With my kids still living at home we have been able to walk them through the things they have come across that were new to them and they both have done really well with it. Learning to work with others, especially people you don't like, is an experience that will serve them the rest of their lives. Again, my dh and I have spent lots of time walking them through how to get along with others in that kind of environment and how to be their own person.


    They have learned responsibility, time management, leadership skills, financial responsibility, communication skills, people skills, customer service skills. They have learned to stand up for what they believe and to stick up for others who aren't their siblings. The owner of the store is also a manager and loves both of my kids. They have a strong work ethic and are polite and responsible. They stand out amongst the crowd and have been rewarded for that.


    BTW, these two kids are now 18 and 16.





    PS. I know this thread isn't all about jobs and teens but our experience has been so positive that I thought I'd weigh in. My oldest will also be taking her summer clinicals to finish up her CMA.

  2. And I haven't needed to help him at all with it. Dr. Mosley does such a great job at explaining it that he hasn't needed my help.


    When my oldest dd took CD Alg 2, I did set aside time to watch the videos each day and do the problems with her. I was able to help her with her work because Dr. Mosley was so good that I could learn the material too.


    I hope that helps,


  3. and a detailed one at that. I am TERRIBLE about staying on track if I don't. I tend to get a bit lazy without direction. :-)


    First, I determine when our school year starts and ends, mark off holidays, birthdays, spring break, etc. I play around with that until I have 180 of scheduled school. Sometimes it comes out to be 182 or 185. I just keep the extra days in mind during the year if we need to adjust the schedule a bit.


    The kids all get schedule sheets divided into days that tells them exactly what page and what exercise and what book. They check things off as they go. I usually work on and print off 10 weeks of school at a time. When I'm scheduling their work I put in already scheduled things like Sonlight as they are written. I divide up math into how many lessons need to be completed before the year ends and then I work up how many lessons per week. It does take a couple of days for me to make up the next 10 weeks of schedules but once it is done I don't have to think about it any longer.


    My master calendar and schedule sheets are all Excel files that my dh created for me years ago.


    I hope that helps!


  4. I've had to step back a few times and let my husband lead our boys in a way that was definite "manly" and not the way my mommy's heart would have directed them. My husband is just the kind of man I want my sons to grow into. He is capable of growing our sons into men. I think this is a great way for your husband and son to engage in something that is away from home and interesting to both. BTW, my sons are 16 and 12.


    I hope that helps,


  5. My dh got a thing through Blockbuster that works like Netflix and now I can have lots and lots of fantastic movies coming my way with the click of a button! I really enjoy foreign flicks or independant films but I'm not opposed to any suggestions. I have seen most if not all Jane Austen productions. I do love BBC productions too and own quite a few. If you have favorites would you please post them for me?


    Thanks so much!


  6. I've found it most productive to post my items between 8-10pm and on Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights. If you can manage to do that where it will end sometime around a common pay date (Fridays, 1st, 15th or 30th of the month) that's even better. The auctions need people at home and awake to bid them up to a good price. So auctions that end during the work day or in the morning or middle of the night tend to not do as well. I hope that helps. I have done lots of buying and selling on eBay in the last 10 years.



  7. I guess it depends on your experience. IMHO, the beauty of Chalk Dust IS the videos. Without Dr. Mosely it would just be another math book. I do like the books he has chosen to use but I like the videos 10x more than the books. It's his way of explaining things and his examples and quirky sense of humor that have produced the multiple "ah ha" moments around here---not anything in the book. My kids are currently using CD Pre-Algebra, Geometry and Algebra 2 (this is my 2nd child to use this program).


    Have you look around to find it used? I have purchased all three of my programs plus CD Alg 1 for my sister on the used boards.


    I hope that helps,


  8. I've been holding out on the movie because I was afraid it would spoil the beauty of the book for me. Yesterday I went to see Atonement (fantastic, BTW!) and I was walking alongside some ladies that were discussing it. I joined their conversation and one of them asked if I had seen Kite Runner yet. I told her why I hadn't gone yet and she said the movie was amazing. She loved both the book and the movie and felt like the movie was very true to the book. I'll probably go see it next weekend.



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