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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. After a year and a half at a classical education school we are done with the school thing and returning to homeschooling. I am trying to fight the "squeeeze in the stuff we missed for 6th and 7th" and just be a normal person and start 8th grade. haha 


    My plans:


    Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra (he was doing Saxon at the school and hated it - he begged for TT because we used it before)


    English- Great Courses Building a Better Vocabulary, Wordly Wise, Sonlight Core F lit and writing, spelling (planning to use WW words for this, but also going to review rules of spelling all year), Grammar Sonlight LA and Keys to Good Language 6


    History/Geography- Sonlight Core F Eastern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere Map Skills, Great Courses Foundations of Eastern Civilization


    Texas History - Switched on Schoolhouse (just wanted a get it done thing he could do on his own)


    Science- Elemental Science Chemistry and Great Courses History of Science


    Logic- undecided but probably something from Classical Academic Press

  2. At what point are you coordinating the Great Courses videos with the History of the Ancient World? 


    Here is what I have so far...


    Math:  Geometry.  I own Jacobs so we will try that first.  Not sure if it will be the best fit, but we will give it a shot.


    History:  History of the Ancient World with Study Guide, and Great Courses Understanding Greek & Roman Technology


    Science:  Chemistry


    English:  We are going to try WWS again for writing.  Attempted it in 7th grade, it was too much and we put it away.  Also using MP Book of Roots and Editor in Chief.  List of books to read and discuss TBD.


    Logic:  James Madison Critical Thinking 


    Foreign Language:  No idea.  May wait until 10th grade.


    Elective:  Considering OM Integrated Drawing and/or Health


    PE:  Tennis


  3. We are returning to homeschooling after 2 years of attending a classical ed private school. The first year was part time and this last year full time. We finish up in May and then we will be on our own again. I am a seasoned homeschooler, but I am feeling overwhelmed coming back to it for some reason. 


    The school we have been at uses TOG and that was what we used, but TOG is too involved for our current life to go back to it. I am really considering Sonlight and leaning towards the Eastern Hemisphere core. My son will be 8th grade which is typically American History - modern years. My only concern about SL is it doesn't seem to follow the history pattern we are used to, but I really like that my son could "check the boxes."  


    Anyone out there using SL for 8th grade plus that could give me some opinions?  I used SL Eastern Hemisphere years ago with my middle son and it was one of our favorite years.

  4. I am looking for free printable lesson plans for the Apologia elementary Chemistry and Physics and Anatomy and Physiology..... does anyone know of any awesome hs mom out there who has already done them and put them out there for our use???  I found Zoo2 and Zoo3 already.  Thanks!!!

  5. I just started a diet. I just want to lose weight and eat healthy. I wasn't particularly trying for low carbs or super low calories. What I read online is so conflicting about what to eat or not eat.

    But after two days, I'm struggling with where and how to add carbs and calories. I was only at 8 carbs by dinner time, and still needing 700 more calories for the day. so I had a cup of whole wheat pasta just to up my amounts and a large salad, grilled zucchini, and two meatballs as well. I could have not eaten the pasta and felt perfectly full as well. So should I or shouldn't I stress about needing more carbs? My fats (good fats) and proteins are much higher than my carbs. is there a good percentage that has worked for you? I have the my fitness app which tracks it all for me.


    Non diet, carbs are never a problem! I usually love bread, bagels and cookies of all kind! But I don't feel deprived and I'm not craving them. Do I need to force them? I am eating fruits and veggies, eggs, chicken etc.



    Nobody "needs" carbs, so if you felt fine on that you didn't have to force down the pasta. My .02 is eat when you are hungry and only when hungry.


    I eat very low carb, moderate protein, high fat and not only have I lost 104 pounds - I am fat adapted - meaning I burn fat for fuel not glucose. I feel and look better than I ever have. I have reversed my Type 2 Diabetes (meaning I control it without meds), I brought my blood pressure back to normal, I haven't been sick with a cold, sniffle or anything for 22 months, my sleep apnea is gone, I no longer snore and I have no more acid reflux. Life without excess carbs is good for me!

    • Like 2
  6. My youngest is 11 and going to be starting "6th grade" - I have not done a very good job with him when it comes to writing instruction. We have completed half of the "how to outline" book suggested by WTM, he knows how to write a paragraph and he can identify main ideas etc.  He should know a lot more than that by now. We use TOG and I do have writing aids, but I haven't successfully executed it with this child for some reason. I want to give assign him many of the writing topics this year, but he really needs some more instruction first. I don't know why I am having such a hard time with this.


    I would like to spend this summer working on his writing skills, but I am not sure what to do.  I was looking at Writing With Skill, but I think it is going to be over his head.  Should I just finish the "how to outline" workbook first? Or can he work through that and simultaneously work through a writing program?


    What are your favorite "learning to write" curriculums and why?

  7. Congratulations!


    This "meal plan" is what I am doing, though on weekends I do allow myself 2 meals that include "no-nos" (usually a dessert). I suspect that is a bad idea. :D I do a lot of "freezer meal" cooking, so I found recipes that could be frozen (including lots of soup) and that makes a huge difference. The rest of the family will often have bread or rice or pasta with their meal and I just leave that out.


    I am also being conscientious about drinking water - I think I used to drink about 16oz of water plus 16oz coffee per day. Now I drink at least 64oz of water (and the coffee).


    Well done, Mary!


    Thank you! I have not tried freezer cooking yet - for some reason it scares me. lol 


    I do drink a lot of water and coffee, but nothing else!  I am sure I don't drink enough water yet, but I am working on it.

  8. :hurray:  Awesome!! My question is do you feed your kids the same?


    They do eat the same dinner, but they still eat the things I don't. If I make burgers, mine is bunless, theirs isn't and they eat fries. If I make tacos, I use romaine lettuce leaf and they use taco shells.  I only have one child left at home so it really isn't hard for me to work out for just the three of us.

  9. Congratulations Bad Ass!


    Is it rude for me to mention that I'm very jealous of your ability to lose so much weight while retaining your ta-tas?  Because I am.


    Hahaha- yeah, I guess I am blessed in that area. They have always been big though before, during and after obesity.

  10. TXMary,


    Do you find that you cook a lot? I mean, most of the paleo/primalish/keto food is hard to come by in the average restaurant or package. How do you keep up with the food prep? that is my problem.


    Not more than usual. I don't find eating out difficult at all. I stick to meat, veggies, salads. At home, if I make burgers for the family, I just make mine bunless and I pile it with mushrooms, onions, avocado and bacon. I don't find it to be much effort at all.

  11. Everyone in my immediate family is underweight, does not exercise and eats tons of food. They do not know what it is like to struggle with food and be overweight. I am mostly introverted but I could really use some support from people that understand where I am coming from with this struggle. I think the accountability would help me too.


    What has been your experience, if any, of Weight Watchers? Is it worth the money?



    Weight Watchers was one of the many things I tried over the years.  For ME, I am a carb/sugar addict. They only thing that has worked for me and been easy to live with was to give up carbs/grains/sugars completely. I found that eating a Ketogenic/Low Carb High Fat was the change I needed. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and I no longer am Diabetic. I had sleep apnea - no more. I was fatigued and had high cholesterol - no more. I was bloated, had ashy skin and my menstrual cycle was unpredictable and often really bad - all gone.


    I know we all need to find what works, but what I find is that anyone who is overweight or obese, it is highly likely they are a carb addict like me. In the beginning, the withdrawl was painful, but once the physical cravings went away, I just had to work on my head. 


    Here is my story.  I hope it helps you in some way.



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  12. I know I haven't been posting here in quite a while, but that is because I have been focused on other things. One being trying to get healthy. I know from reading things here over the years that several of us have struggled with food and weight for a long time, if not our entire lives off and on.


    Last year, I decided to change my life.  My story is featured on a blog called Ketovangelist. At the time of the article I had lost 83 pounds, but I am down 87 now.


    Anyway, I hope you will check it out and I hope if you struggle that it will inspire you.  It is no gimmick, I am not selling anything - I simply let go of the things I was addicted to. I couldn't be happier and I just want others to know that if I can do it, you can too.



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  13. I submitted a book list of mostly lower level reading, since they are mostly innocuous, and still Animal Farm, The Hunger Games and Tuck Everlasting were shot down. They approved The Giver, so I am starting with that.  These kids have never read The Giver. They also, surprisingly, approved The Outsiders.  All the books they approved are upper elementary and Jr. High level.  I will make it work, but I find it all so sad.

  14. Mary, I was intrigued by this problem so I went and looked at the BJU high school lit books. They use excerpts, but they've got lots of good selections. They even used Romeo and Juliet in 10th grade. It's not as nice as reading whole books, but I think you can piece together a reading plan that will both encourage reading and broaden your students' horizons. I can't imagine the school would object to reading the textbooks, even if they didn't edit them completely. Do you have access to all four years worth of books or just one? Are you teaching all the high schoolers together or just a particular grade?


    I currently have the Fundamentals of Literature and American Literature only.  I have four 9th graders, one 10th grader, seven 11th graders and three 12th graders.  We are going to do several of the short stories, but I wanted to do some whole novels.  I am also using Art of Poetry from CAP.

  15. Thanks for the suggestions. The Focus on the Family website is very helpful. It is going to be very difficult coming up with a reading list.  The lady who told me there could be no profanity or things of a sexual nature, allowed her daughter to read The Fault in Our Stars and according to the FOTF website it has a lot of swearing and there are sexual situations. She also let her read The Notebook.... ???? I guess it is just a school rule.

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