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Posts posted by LunaLee

  1. Lay it on me...

    If I was going to start a 6th grader who had 2 years of R&S and did OK with it, where would I start? Grammar Voyage? Grammar Town?


    I really like how they teach that grammar with the different levels... that looks great. Plus, it looks pretty inclusive... We were already switching grammar/writing anyways to Saxon but, I'm still not sure that's the way to go. I just know ds needs a change.


    This board is terrible I swear... :-)...I just need to stop looking here when I have free time...:svengo:

  2. When we first started hsing my dd really struggled with comprehension and reading in general. I did the Rewards Program http://store.cambiumlearning.com/ProgramPage.aspx?parentId=019005266&functionID=009000008&pID=REWARDS&site=sw, books on tape with her lit assignments, and Reading Detective on the computer which was great because you have to highlight why the answer is correct.


    For grammar you could use the Straight Forward Series by Garlic Press which are great little short but to the point topical workbooks for grammar. You could also try Editor in Chief for the computer or workbook form for punctuation.

  3. We use a mix of textbooks and living books here. Dd learns better with the texts though, I think she likes they are compartamentalized.


    I also strongly suggest getting the William Pauk book How to Study in College. There is a lot of great info in there on how to use and learn from a textbook.

  4. Math-Saxon 7/6

    Grammar/Writing-Saxon 6 w/ Write Source 6

    Word Study- SWO F (1st Term) VFCR 6 (2nd Term)

    IEW Poetry w/ sister

    History-History Odyssey Early Modern & OM US History

    Geography/World Cultures-Glencoe The World & It's People

    Science-Prentice Hall Focus on Earth Science

    Logic-Orbiting w/Logic

    Spanish-Power Glide


    Classes include: Cartooning, Guitar, Lego Minstorms, Latin and Great Books Discussion Group (hopefully)

  5. I agree with Carol.


    After 8th gr. I just gave dd an electronic dictionary and called it good.


    Carol, that's funny about your dd and German...My dd did poorly on her written Spanish tests when she was at school last year because of her spelling. I told her to tell her teacher that it was ok 'cuz she couldn't spell in English either.

  6. Would this planner have boxes for major subjects with extra boxes for others like Latin?


    It depends on which one you get. The High Schoolers Journal has 7 boxes and the regular one has 6.I really like this one because you can choose the days you plan. Not all homeschooler do school Mon-Fri.


    I did a combination of things. I used the Ferg-N-Us pages, pages from Donna Young, pages I made myself and some from my HST+. I have a love/hate, buy/sell/buy relationship with my Circa Punch, but this is what allows me to have a customizable planner notebook that I can change around when I need to.

  7. No we don't take vacations either. Well, we did go to Disneyland a few years ago and I took the kids to MI last summer, but that was only 'cuz my dad paid for it. Otherwise we never would have went.


    And I'll be honest, after the Disneyland trip, I needed a vacation from my vacation. Dh and I are just not always on the same page...

  8. Wow! What did you use? And did both kids do it? We typically enjoy our science days here too.


    Ya, both kids did it. DD loves this stuff and approached it with morbid curiosity, while ds when screaming into the back room. He eventually came around and did it, but when dd found a bird skull in her pellet, that was it, he was done.


    DD was in charge of the blood typing, but Mom got to do the finger pricks. Those little lancets they use in those kits are beasts, not all like the nice ones you get to use in an office or if you're diabetic. But the kits themselves are very easy to use.


    I got both kits from Tobin's Lab. I love their stuff. I love it so much I have a bookshelf of unused science goodies, and my goal is to do them over the summer, one or two a week until they are all gone. Sometimes they expire and I always forget that...

  9. LunaLee,


    I started to hyperventilate as I kept scrolling your list. :willy_nilly: I happened to look at your "location" and noticed this: Location: On an ever growing pile of books-coilbound and otherwise... My knee-jerk thought was, "Yeah maybe...but you don't have to use them all at the same time." :D


    You've been given some good guidelines...I hope you can pare it down to what you feel comfortable with.


    :lol: That's too funny...


    It's not my fualt, really...:blush: It's my job's fault. Call it professional development- I work at a homeschool bookstore, so you see it's my job to have to know how all this works. :tongue_smilie: You should see what I have in boxes in the garage.


    You'd all be so proud, I've eliminated a lot off of this list. A lot of the stuff was redundant and I just had to keep telling myself "For every one program you choose, another good one get's left behind." That seemed to help. I also kept some stuff for summer.


    And so the process goes...

  10. This was my experience this year in that we were touching on so many areas and I was constantly pushing. I mean, frankly, I had to justify the cost of all that curriculum somehow.:tongue_smilie: The retention and enjoyment just weren't there. I also realized our lack of depth felt too much like ps felt.


    Yes, it is beginning to look that way..."Hurry up and finish it so we can mark it off the list..." Which of course, is completely against what we are trying to accomplish here. I mean, I'm all for a good list and everything, but not to the exclusion of actually trying to learn something.

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