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Posts posted by LunaLee

  1. DD is switching from Saxon Algebra II to LOF Advanced Algebra. I had her do LOF Beginning Algebra in about 4 weeks as a review will be starting the Advanced Algebra tomorrow. I do have to make sure she is doing math until June, so when she finishes LOF, I will either have her do LOF Geometry, or some "Real Math" kind of stuff from something like this:



    My focus from math has shifted in that I've decided that I'd rather have my non mathy daughter have a good conceptual understanding and no fear of math than anything else.

  2. I'm not slamming anyone, not the TSA, not the government. I didn't even see the other thread. I am only imparting a simple fact-some airports are doing random checks via full body scans.


    I didn't mean you personally, Mrs. Mungo, were slamming the TSA. I was only stating that's why I felt the need to post what I did.

  3. I don't think you can make generalized statements about it.


    You're right, perhaps it is generalized, and we can each only go by the experience of each other. I suppose there will always be people who do it their own way, not how it is supposed to be done. I just get a little defensive when I hear people slamming TSA and their procedures and I wanted to get the truth, so I asked her and that's what she said.

  4. My husband just flew home from the mainland a few days ago. The Airport he went through in VA was randomly putting every 3-5 people in line through a full body scanner.


    According to my mom it's not supposed to be like that. Maybe cuz it's a bigger airport? I specifically asked her, are people supposed to be randomly checked, and she said no.

  5. I realize that the other thread was closed so what I am posting now is informational only and is not intended to re-kindle any kind of terrorist profiling argument. I just think people should have a better understanding of what is really going on.


    It seemed to me that what people don't understand is that the full body scans and more intense pat down searches are only if you set off the metal detector. So, don't wear anything that is going to set off the detector, like an underwire bra...I got the impression that some people thought you were just "randomly" chosen by TSA agents. Now at somepoint there will be a random, computer selecting of people, but not anytime in the near future. The body scans only show a profile, like a silhouette, no detail. Also, not all airports have the new scanners and therefore the pat downs are a requirement, especially if you have a pacemaker.


    Find out what your passenger rights are and exercise them. You can ask for a curtained room so you aren't being searched in front of everyone, you can also ask for a supervisor to do it. I completely understand that the new search, from how it was described to me, can be humilating and embarrasing, but please keep don't take it out on the TSA agents. Imagine how they feel...I can assure you my mom finds no joy in making little old ladies cry and grown men hyperventilate.

  6. We are fortunate enough to have a homeschool store locally that has a How to Homeschool class once a month-great insight there...Then I refer them to:

    1. HSLDA and the local homeschooling charter schools

    2.The Well Trained Mind- Because it was the book I wish someone would've recommended to me when I first started

    3. The Well Trained Mind Forums to lurk

    4. Library


    And I am always open to talking about how we do things and how I came to my decision to homeschool.

  7. We just use the material, not the online or correspondence part of of it.


    So far we've use Biology, World History, parts of English 10 and this year we are using Psychology and Spanish II.


    I like how it's all layed out, the syllabus' are great. I thought the Biology was okay, but spent a lot of time adding things to it to make it more, uh "more", I guess; extra readings and projects, that kind of thing. The reason why I didn't use it for Chemistry this year, was the same reason and also, there are some weeks where the student is supposed to cover 2 chapters a week. I thought it was too amibitious for our tastes since dd really struggled with that last year in the Biology.


    I will definately use some more of the courses when ds gets to high school age.

  8. Admittedly I didn't read all of the posts in this thread, I was kind of avoiding it, but it's late and there ya go...


    Am I crazy, or was someone actually suggesting TSA agents quit their jobs in order to stand up for your civil liberties? Really? My mom is a TSA agent... you gonna pay her bills? Her mortgage, her healthcare? Really?


    Let's be honest; people complain about all of the new regulations and searches and such at the airport. My mom has had people spit in her face and call her nasty, nasty names. But get this straight, those of you that complain about it all would be the first to be up in arms if another attack happened. Then it'd be "WHY WASN'T ANYTHING DONE?" and "THIS COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED!" This is a sign of our times whether you like it or not and being beligerant about it doesn't change it.


    And just so you know, it's not like TSA is a place full of pervs and weirdos. They actually do have to undergo VERY thourough background investigations in addition to psych evals when they are hired.

  9. :iagree: this is what i'm going to have to do for my 14 yo., did you also find that your DD left all of her harder work for the afternoon, lol. My ds did that, I now go through his work with him and help him split it up more evenly.


    Yes, or she just wouldn't do it. :banghead: So now I have her do her reading first thing (or second) and check it daily...

  10. Yes, I have HST+ too, and was doing weekly lists, but of course it wasn't getting done and then dd was getting frustrated and I was getting frustrated and it was a vicious cycle...


    She's only 16, just turned 16, but a junior and I guess I freak out that by doing daily lists for her, I am not helping her manage her time, therefore preparing her for college and she really has time management/balancing issues. I lose sight of the big picture, which is to help her develop these skills, really easy and I guess I just needed to know that other families do it too.


    I'll just do the daily lists and have her write out what she actually does in her journal and help her work towards more independence for next year.


    Thanks everyone.

  11. How many of you actually schedule out their assignments daily? I know most of you do a weekly schedule; "This is what you have to do for the week and it's up to you do it", but this isn't working for dd. I am going to have to schedule her work for her daily and spell it out. I don't really mind doing this, for right now, but I was just wondering if any other parents of high schoolers did the same thing.

  12. Ha! This is great...


    I couldn't stop watching it once I started, even though I told myself it was going to be really stupid and had made a serious effort over the last several weeks NOT to watch it, I guess I was caught in a moment of weakness.


    I am fascinated by the dynamics of the five. I think the first 3 wives are great, but that Robin girl...mmhmmm... You know how some guys go out and by a motercycle when they have a midlife crisis, Kody went out and got a new wife. I really just feel she will not last long there, or at the minimum there will be lots of tension. I kind of get the feeling that she is jockeying for alpha wife and the other wives do not really approve of her, no matter how hard they try to spin it like they do. Not to mention, and please I do not mean offense by this to anyone with special needs children, but her oldest has Asperger's. I'm not sure how that whole dynamic is going to work. My cousin has Asperger's and a change like that would through her over the edge...


    Plan on them moving next season. That's what Janelle said, she couldn't wait until they get a bigger house so that they can each have their own quarters like they do now, but bigger.

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