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Posts posted by LunaLee

  1. Thanks Caitilin, I agree with your assessment and greatly appreciate the time you took to respond.


    I'll take your comments to heart and try to figure out what to do. We aren't really using a writing progam this year and last year she was at ps, so I guess I should try to find something for her. With only a year left or less before she starts taking college classes I feel like I've let her down in her writing...

  2. :D Uh, yes, comprehension has always been a problem, although she also has a tendency to see things differently then everybody else, so I walk a fine line between helping her understand what she's read, and letting her have her own point of view. We do use SparkNotes however, and talk about the book, but after this essay I decided to have her use a study guide (Progeny Press, Novel Units, etc...) for her readings. I am hoping that this will help with her next essay.


    Thanks for your input.

  3. This essay from IEW's Excellence in American Literature. The assignment was to write a 750 (minimum) on how Huck's decisions during the journey help him mature and what were 2-3 important things he learned from the journey. She was supposed to use specific quotes and text to support ideas.


    I know she didn't use quotes & texts, and it took her almost two weeks to come up with this. I know we need to work on writing skills, but I just don't know where to start...What do you all think?


    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


    Huckleberry Finns journey was not only a journey of adventures, but a journey from boyhood to adulthood. Huck was faced with many obstacles which forced him to make the most wise and mature decisions. For a boy of only 14, Huck made many choices in his life that helped him succeed better in life. He also, when put in these difficult positions, would analyze them and make the smartest decision that would not have any negative consequences later on.


    At the beginning of the book Mart Twain tells us of how Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer came across a treasure which made them both extremely rich. The boys brought the money to Judge Thatcher who held on to their money for them and gave them small amounts at a time. After Huck’s father returned from his drunken disappearance he tried taking all of the money from Huck. Huck then decided that it was in everyone’s best interest to have Judge Thatcher keep all of the money because Huck didn’t really need the money and didn’t feel the money was worth all of the drama with his father. In the end Judge Thatcher had saved the money for Huck even though Huck didn’t want anything to do with it so that way when Huck was older he had some money to help support him.


    Taking care of yourself is a very difficult task especially if you’re still only a child, but taking care of yourself and other human being is even more difficult. Throughout the book Huck not only had to watch out for himself but for Jim as well. He took on the responsibility of making sure he found enough food for himself and for Jim even though sometimes finding enough food for just him was difficult Huck always managed to find enough for the two of them. He also made sure that Jim also had a safe place to sleep at night and whenever Jim was in trouble or hurt, Huck was the one who had to help Jim and make sure he was okay. During this time period helping a slave was illegal; Huck questioned whether or not turning Jim in was the right thing to do because if caught Huck would be in major trouble. After thinking about it, Huck realized that turning Jim in was not the best idea and he knew that the right thing would just to continue helping Jim.


    Huck did his best when it came to making the right choices; He knew right from wrong and did his best to make the right decisions. He was faced with trials that challenged his abilities from choosing right from wrong but in the end he ended up choosing the right path. Huck grew up around with people who treating black people negatively but he formed his own opinion and did what he felt was right which was not turning Jim in. Another trying choice Huck had to make was at the beginning of the book where he decided to run away from home. Because his father was an abusive drunk, Huck felt that he was putting himself in danger by staying home but if he ran away we would have a better life and not be subjected to his father’s bad influence. This was a very complicated choice to make for Huck because if he left home, he would be all on his own with no help but he felt that this was better than staying in the hostile home environment. Even though there were many paths that Huck could have chose and would have been good, he chose the ones that he felt would help him later down the road.


    We all are faced with decisions and choices that force us to really think and view all of our options and then chose the best one. Some of us take the wrong paths and make bad choices which affect us later in life but Huckleberry Finn is a prime example of someone who had to grow up and start making decisions to avoid getting in trouble and ruining life later on. He faced many challenges which often made him question his choices and morals but in the end, he chose to stick to his beliefs and do what he felt he needed to do for himself to help him get far in life.

  4. That's how we spent the first 3 years of homeschooling. This year we are using PH Science Explorer for Earth Science and it's been great. It's been great because Science is actually getting done. We spend a week reading the chapter and answering the section questions, then the next week we do an OM Lesson, drawing, experiments, and any kits I may have for that topic. I'm really glad I decided to go that route this year insted of trying to tweak curriculums that I kind of liked, but that never really were quite right for us.


    Here's to good luck on your search.

  5. Okay, so I've already ditched Saxon Grammar, which was new for us this year, because I think it was moving too quickly from topic to topic for ds. It really wasn't giving him enough practice with the new concepts, which of course it the whole point of Saxon, but I digress...


    Now for about the last two months or so, ds has really been struggling with the math, he consistantly scores 65-70% on his tests and misses more than half of his mixed review; I only have him do the odds/evens in the mixed review. Now, I know you are not supposed to do this, but the reason I do is because otherwise we will spend 2 hours doing math. As it is, we are already at about 60-90 minutes (depending on dawdling) because I make him correct all of his missed problems. Much longer than that his brain just shuts down. I also have him do the supplemental practice when there is some for that lesson, but it seems there hardly isn't ever any on the topics we need.


    Okay, I think I just answered my own question...I really do hate the idea of ditching a math program midway through, and I don't like curriculum hopping, but the more and more I type the more and more I think that this isn't the right program for ds anymore.


    However, if you have any suggestions to make Saxon work, I'd greatly appreciate it.

  6. Or what about starting a social group to keep writing samples separate from the rest of this board? Maybe (?? :confused:) some visitors to this board may feel overwhelmed by seeing writing samples and those of us interested in reading them would know where to find them?


    That way we could have multiple threads going at the same time and they would be fairly easy to find? We could break it down by either age/grade and/or program?


    I know the social groups aren't always the easiest to navigate so I won't feel bad if everyone doesn't like my idea, but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)



  7. Is she on a "select" or travel club team? Is she able to play high school?

    Yes, to both.

    Here is the basic of what I know. Take some movies of her playing, probably playing all positions she normally plays, if it is a lot, just her best, also of her batting.

    I've been thinking about doing this, guesss I should start.And make a highlight dvd to share with potential coaches. And then keep, and get all her stats from her freshman year on up.

    I will only have access to her Varsity stats as they didn't keep them for JV, but I will get them anyway.

    Will her coaches help her? Does she have some colleges in mind?

    All Her coaches love her. She has a few colleges in mind, but hasn't made any firm decisions.

    And you know that sports scholarships especially in lesser known sports, ie NOT FOOTBALL or Basketball, don't usually give much for scholarships. I have no idea what they may give for girls. Sometimes they will help them find other money though if they really want them.

    I know, but it really depends on the school, so we'll see.

    Oh and we didn't start out with looking at ds playing sports in college, but when we started looking at colleges we looked into the possiblity. We didn't have one coach refuse to meet with us, and many were willing to give him a shot.


    Thanks for all your advice.

  8. She plays softball, and I'm pretty sure she has met the requirments to play at any division level, but bascially the only way she could go directly to a 4-year college out of high school would be on a scholarship.


    There is a new CPOA representitive in our area, I guess we are a "new" region and so they are, of course, out and about introducing themselves. We aren't actively seeking out recruiters yet, but I was just wondering if something like this was worth the time and effort to invest in.


    I'm thinking probably not.


    Thanks for the replies. :D

  9. Well, you must remember that I've always been an incorrigible hooligan. The most memorable comment on my offenses was in 1st grade (I started young, you know):


    "Audrey insists on reading in class."



    Oh, the humanity.


    :lol::lol::lol: Too funny...


    I always got :

    "very bright...if only she would apply herself..."

    "social butterfly"

    "thinks she is smarter than the teacher" (truth be told I probably was)


    in high school it was:

    "has a very poor attitude"

    "if she would just show up to class"

    "thinks she is smarter than the teacher" (truth be told I probably was)


    You can see the evolution over the years can't you?

  10. with a curriculum... Today marks the third and, hopefully final time, that I've pulled the MCT out of the garage and put it into rotation. Now, in all fairness the first two times I was trying to use it with Saxon, but I've officially decided to ditch the Saxon and jump ship to MCT. I've been hem-hawing around about it for a week or so, but 2 things confirmed it for me today: 1. Barb's post on VSLearners and 2: Hunter's siggy, "A curriculum that gets done is superior to a superior curriculum that doesn't get done." Which of course is always what I tell the parents where I work, but I just needed to see it I guess (we are only on Lesson 33).


    Personally I always struggle with the whole are we giving up because it's too hard question, but I think with this I'm convinced it's a learning style issue.


    Thanks for listening-I just needed to get that off my chest. You may now return to your regularly scheduled unprogramming.

  11. Any specific reasons not to use Saxon for science? Have you seen the texts? I ask because they seem interesting but I have not seen the texts? I appreciate any info:)


    I don't think there's any specific reason. I read some reviews of the Holt books on Amazon that say the information is presented disjointedly and is sometimes not correct, but content/set up wise, I think they are much the same as any other text book.

  12. Those packages are not actually "Saxon" textbooks, they are just Holt textbooks and the packages are just the textbook with all the trimmings. Honestly, I'm not impressed with the Holt books in middleschool, I like the PH better, but have used and liked them for high school especially with the OM syllabi.


    Cost wise, you'd be better off just getting PH Science Explorer from Amazon- I picked up the student book, teachers book, and study guide for under $40.

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