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Everything posted by Okieintx

  1. Thanks for the input. I haven't spent a ton of time looking over MFW yet. I just know a little about it and know lots of people that love it. But I did wonder how much they really were able to do together if each child has different math and language arts levels and such. But if they do activities and projects and experiments together, I like that. The problem is that my son could obviously join in with those things we do now. He's just not interested most of the time. My girls, however, think it's fun to do some of his preschool type activities with him. Which helps him learn and they're spending that time together. I just wanted to feel it out and see if it was do-able in real life (not just in my mind) to tackle both. And I need to remember that kindergarten is still not really intense. :) I think if they both have most of the teacher stuff planned out, I'll be ok.
  2. I'm trying to think about next fall and what it will look like. I want to get some input if I can. My youngest will be 6 this summer, and he has high functioning autism. This year I have used Before Five in a Row with him, and it's been great. He really likes it. I'm thinking about continuing with Five in a Row with him next year. I also have two older girls, 8 (this summer) and 9. I think they would enjoy FIAR, but I think they'll be too old for it. So I've been thinking about My Father's World for them. Am I crazy to think I could do both? I would love to incorporate my kindergarten son into the MFW, but he has enjoyed BFIAR so much, I want to be sure to keep his interest (autism, and all...makes it tough to do that...) Any thoughts?
  3. I'm sure there are answers on this board somewhere, but my initial search didn't come up with any. We're in the middle of the diagnostic process to determine whether or not our son is on the spectrum. He will turn 5 in July, and if he is on the spectrum, he's very high functioning. I know he's not ready for full-on school, so we'll start most kindergarten work next year. But I want to do some work with him this year. It's hard to keep him motivated and interested if it's not one of his major interests. His learning style is just so different from my two girls', I still feel at a loss sometimes. I would love to try a full curriculum like Five in a Row or My Father's World with him, but I don't know if there are other better suggestions. He loves hands-on stuff and books a lot. Thanks for any input!
  4. Oh, yes I'm using the US edition. Thanks, Twinmom. I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one! If Mardel doesn't have it, I'm gonna order that baby ASAP! I'll look at the website, too, Dana. I liked the Avyx guide so much. It tells me what to do each day. So when the next book wasn't quite like that I kind of freaked out a little!
  5. I have been using Singapore math for both of my daughters this year. Next week we will begin primary math 1B and 2B. As I started to look at the home instructor's guide for 2B, I really dislike how it's laid out compared to that for 2A. Turns out that my 2A was published by Avyx, reprinted in 2012. My 2B that I got used is published by Sonlight, reprinted in 2005. Is there anyone who can tell me if there is a home instructors guide for 2B from Avyx? I plan to go to Mardel next week and look, but it's driving me nuts! The one I have from Avyx is more clear to me.
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