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Posts posted by sportymom

  1. He was 7, too. We didn't know he had a problem until he had sudden onset of painful urination. Really painful (as in we'd have to go with him to the bathroom and just hold on to him). So maybe the problem presents itself differently from boy to boy?


    He, too, was very embarassed, but the urologist was a gentle, kind soul. He was only asleep for an hour or so, outpatient surgery, quick recovery at home. No problems since!

  2. Carrie/NayfiesMama, even though I don't know you, I sure appreciate you being a director! I am happy tutoring for my third year, and I haven't given directing much thought at all, but I really appreicate our director and I appreciate you and all you do. I know it's a lot of work--physically, spritually and mentally!

  3. So glad to see this group formed! My family is part of a CC group in Cincinnati, our 3rd year, and I've tutored the Master's class for all 3. I have 4 children, 3 in Foundations and my oldest also does Essentials. Looking forward to getting some great ideas and encouragement. Merry Christmas!

  4. :lol:


    IF that be true, he could still turn his whole body towards the person who is talking with him. I'm sure in his regular life, he looks at the people around him.


    Just passing on what I heard in response to a comment here about body language, not my personal observation/opinion. Why is that :lol:?

  5. Actually, part of the appeal is starting him now so he will go through all the cycles of Foundations twice. Also, isn't a major part of the "grammer" stage the child's ability to memorize rules? That's what they are supposed to do in CC using songs and movement to help even the youngest memorize the grammer of each subject. At least, this is what they claim and what I am interested in. I wonder if it will really work out that way... :confused:


    It has worked well for my younger children, now ages 4 and 6. The memorization has probably been easier for them than for my oldest, who is almost 10. My 4-year old will start the program this year, which will be our 3rd year. She memorized a lot the last few years just hearing her older siblings review at home.


    CC is a way to complement our home education, and I don't base my curriculum choices on it completely. I do agree with a previous poster, though, that the "opening ceremonies" of the morning can have a heavy Christian content--but it's not a requirement!

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