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Posts posted by GSOchristie

  1. We went through this lovely disease twice this year. There is something called "magic mouthwash" that your ped can order. It helps with the mouth pain. my five year old ate Popsicles for about a week, but he said even that hurt. I swear, I thought I was going to die, my throat hurt so bad! I didn't even want to swallow my spit. I preferred warm things, like warm liquid jello or chicken broth, and I took Advil around the clock. There is not much you can do about the feet, though I did put oragel on Sweet P's blisters and cover it with socks in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if it helped, but she did stop screaming for a while.

  2. I had back to back miscarriages so when I got pregnant with Jax, my midwife put me on baby aspirin and progesterone, just as a safety net. I carried him to term with no problem, same regimen with Piper. I was told that it can't hurt anything. It seems as though the ectopic would be a completely different problem than a m/c, couldn't a normal embryo get implanted in the wrong place :confused:?

  3. I'm so glad to know that we aren't the only ones with this problem! I have found no answer but to hide the sweets. We hardly ever buy them, but I like to have them available for a special treat sometimes. I started getting up before my five year old, so I am downstairs when he gets up. This takes away the opportunity, but doesn't really deal with any underlying issues.

  4. That. My DS(6) really looks sloppy when he uses the large lines, and when I gave him regular loose leaf paper it was gorgeous!


    Us, too. His writing was pretty sloppy before we started using Spalding and regular lined paper. He is much faster and much, much, much neater! That being said, I don't think your dd's writing looks sloppy :). She is as good or better than some of the fourth graders I taught in ps.

  5. I don't know about online, but my dh (professional photographer) started by seeking out a photographer in the area and asking him to be an apprentice. He did the guy's grunt work, carried his bags, set up his lights, etc, and gained tons of experience, and a hefty portfolio. The guy let him sit in on some editing sessions and helped him learn a workflow from camera to finished product, what software he needed, ins and outs of beastly photoshop. He says this guy advanced him by 5-7 years of what he could have learned on his own. My dh now takes on someone to help every year or so.

  6. My 5 year old is not well behaved. He is consistently disciplined at home and while we are out. He is always into something, honestly, like Dennis the Menance, trouble just finds him. My 3 year old is an angel, he is polite, obedient, calm, and sweet natured. My 1 year old is still too little to peg. Same nature, same nurture. J is a pleaser, he likes to please me and everyone else, he knows that people like good behavior. A doesn't care if anyone is pleased with him, never has. A is also very intelligent, maybe even gifted, and he is always seeking challenges, like he needs to be stimulated. So if we we're at the theater, he would be putting on the makeup, and trying to figure out how the curtains work, pushing buttons in the sound booth, counting the chairs by touching each one, etc, he can never just BE STILL, no matter what consequence he is facing.

  7. We are studying Genesis in BSF this year, and after reading the notes for the past month or so, I'm leaning toward old earth, ages. I believe God could have created it in 24 hours (or the blink of an eye), but he may or may not have. One interesting point that has been brought up is the sun wasn't even created until the third or fourth day, so our concept of a 24 hour sun cycle wasn't even in place on the first few days. God could have still been working on a 24 hour clock, but I'm starting to think it was a longer period of time.

  8. Asher has been saying he loves one particular girl since they were two. Two! He chases her around the pool and she squeals and says "boys are stupid!" :glare:. He has told her on more than one occasion that he wants to marry her. She was baptized at church a few weeks ago, and I didn't tll him beforehand. I watched him when she stepped up and he blushed and got this goofy grin on his face (he didn't know I was watching). I don't know if this counts as a crush, but I wish he would choose someone...nicer.

  9. We only have one car, but when we need an extra, we always rent a Prius from Toyota. The trunk is pretty big and I think you would have plenty of room for your kids. The gas mileage is amazing. Our Toyota Sienna gets 25 mpg and it gets 50. I like the push button start, and when you get close to it it unlocks.

  10. You either send your child, knowing what will be watched, or you choose to keep him home. You turn down the invite without judgement of the other parent's choices.




    I personally don't watch horror movies, I know they would terrify Asher. All of dh's friends got together with their sons ranging in age from 3-10 to watch the Avengers at the drive-in. We decided that even that was too intense for him, he would have slept in on our floor for a month after seeing the scene with the Hulk. DH didn't even give a reason, because he was afraid that he would sound judgemental, he just declined the invite.

  11. My theory on clothes is that if you have two weeks worth of stuff, it is not going to wear out. This is important because a) I have another boy who will wear it, and b) I want to resell it after said second child is finished. I only buy name brand, practically new consigned consigned clothes, so after J outgrows them, I sell them for slightly less than I paid for them :001_smile:.


    I do buy four pairs of athletic pants/long sleeved tees at OUAC for less than $6 per outfit. I don't care if he destroys this stuff.

  12. Have you thought about an iPhone? We used to own a Flip, but when we got the last iPhone (not the one that just came out, the one before), we found that it was easier to use, took better pictures and video, was easier to upload, and the video software was better. You can edit the video quickly on your phone, or do more extensive editing on the computer. Not sure about the tripod for either. My dh is a photographer and we have to attach something to the camera body to attach it to the tripod, a metal contraption that screws on.

  13. [quote


    They insisted, "Your kids will talk to us about things that they won't talk to you about. That's why we're here."

    My dh asked directly, "Did you put that idea in their heads? Did you tell them, 'We know that you're not comfortable talking to your parents. You can talk to us about things that you don't want to talk to your parents about.'?"

    They answered proudly, "Yes, that's what we tell them."

    Dh responded, "That's the most ridiculous, divisive thing I've ever heard. Why would you intentionally try to drive a wedge between my kids and me? Do you really think you are better equipped to offer them advice and guidance than their mother and their father?"


    We left.

    You just can't help the ignorant.

    Don't be afraid to be wise. Speak up. Follow your gut. The youth pastor isn't going to be there to solve the problems he creates. You're going to have to clean up the mess.


    Treat folly like folly. You have enough work to do without allowing someone to create work for you. Think of it this way: would you let a toddler eat pizza on your new couch just because the teen babysitter said it was a good idea? No! Rather than worry about the teen's feelings, you would pick up the toddler and put them in the kitchen. Then you would turn to the teen and say, "We don't eat pizza in the living room." End of discussion.




  14. I, too, hand out chores. You can't play together nicely? Fantastic, I'll dump all the Playmobil and you can sort it into the correct bins. Or how about wiping off all the baseboards with a damp cloth? Or sorting the laundry into darks or lights? Or going upstairs to get the laundry and bring it to the laundry room? Wipe off window sills, pick up all the yard toys, wipe the mud from outside toys? I have a very long list of little chores that I don't want to do, are not pressing enough that they have to be done at any certain time, and they can do independently.


    I like the idea of holding hands, that would drive my 5 year old nuts :lol:.

  15. Cried, not in front of him, but left the table and cried. It was just so creepy, it was like the kid wasn't just curious, like hey, you show me yours and I'll show you mine, but he was making Asher into a peep show:crying:. We were moving in just a few weeks, so I just didn't let him go outside and play anymore. But it was horrible! Asher didn't understand why I was cutting him off from his "best friend", and cried and threw tantrums. We tried to explain to him that friends shouldn't ask to see your private business in exchange for favors, but he was just too little to understand. Up to that point we were pretty free with nakedness, if Asher didn't want to wear clothes, we didn't make him (at home). He had no idea what modesty was, or that having your clothes off was at all inappropriate. So we started making him wear underwear at all times, to keep his private business private, to give him an idea that it shouldn't be on display for everyone.


    In hindsight, I wish that I had gone to his mom. I am not a confrontational person, but I wonder now if he was being asked to show his private business in exchange for something. I could have given her a head's up. Our lives were just so crazy at that point I wasn't thinking straight. We had a newborn, a 19 month old and were in the middle of a move.

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