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Posts posted by caroljenn

  1. I am happy about both of those websites that were posted - eatwild.com and grassland beef. Thanks for that, Hive!


    I only buy grass fed organic beef now and organic chicken. I usually buy Rosie's brand chicken because you can "trace their tracks." Whatever that means! Since Sprouts changed from Henry's that is they only brand they carry at my store. Trader Joe's has organic chicken breasts in 4 packs I get sometimes.


    Not only is grass fed beef MUCH healthier than conventional beef, the difference between organic chicken and conventional is stunning. Put a regular chicken breast next to an organic one and see if the conventionally grown one isn't freakishly big. It's like eating Frankenstein!

  2. I think you should wear what you want to. But don't look like a streetwalker, unless you are one.


    I think your clothes look fine. Today I wore a pair of skinny jeans, a gray v neck fitted tee shirt and UGGs. I looked cute, if I do say so myself. And I'm 46! I don't want to look like a fuddy-dud. It makes me feel old and dumpy.


    I'm just happy you shared the link to ThinkGeek!! I had forgotten about that site, and dd loves it!

  3. Dd and I are so excited to find out that tutor.com has tutors for physics and chemistry in addition to all levels of math and English. Dd has never needed help in science, until she got to chemistry, so I never looked at their science offerings until now.


    That's it. i'm excited! Any of you out there that use tutor or may be thinking of using it, this is great news! Yay!



  4. What's the deal with the chia seeds? I have never heard of them.


    I hadn't either so I did a little research yesterday. Chia seeds are supposed to be good for you, but you have to make sure they are ground up and organic. Dr. Oz says they don't have to be ground, but many others say they do. Organic, because a lot of Chia is imported from China and is bad quality.


    I read that they are high in Omega 3s and fiber. I did also read that you have to be careful of Chia if you have low blood pressure or some other issues.

  5. Can you tell me more about the green superfood powder? I haven't heard of it....


    I'm sorry I didn't see this post, Sunrise. I use Amazing Grass superfood powders, specifically the Vanilla "Amazing Meal" powder and the "ORAC Green Superfood". I was using one scoop of each and adding it to almond milk, with a bit of strawberry yogurt mixed in for a better flavor, but now I have been adding one scoop of each to the blender when I make the smoothies.


    You can look Amazing Grass up on the internet- they have a website and you can check out all of their offerings. I swear by this stuff now. I was quite ill last year - 7 sinus infections in one year. I started drinking these powders in shakes and I have only had 2 sinus infections in the last year. My dd, who has chronic fatigue syndrome, went from literally laying in bed all day to being able to go to co-op classes 4 days a week! I am hoping that adding it to the real fruits and veggies in the blender will really up it a notch - maybe dd will be healed - you never know!


    I buy the powders at Sprouts or Mother's Market here in Southern California. If you order from the AG website and sign up for recurring orders, you get 20% off and free shipping.


    Let me know if you have any more questions!! I am a devotee of Amazing Grass and no, I don't work there!

  6. I get chronic sinus infections, at least I did until I started drinking some green smoothies with superfood supplements. Last year I got 7 sinus infections, this year I've had 2.


    A humidifier should help, but it HAS to be kept clean or the mold will make things worse. A hot steamy bath or shower, a couple of times a day works wonders!


    I always need a decongestant made especially for the sinuses and I also always need antibiotics. I am incapable of ridding myself of the infection - I need the drugs. My doctor prescribes the Z pack - Zithromycin. I've taken it over and over and have very few side effects.


    I agree with cutting out dairy. It's known for making mucus.


    Hope your dad feels much better very soon!!!

  7. I believe that most people were not taught to write such analyses. Even my own lycee education was somewhat lacking at that aspect and happened to end up in positivism more than needed (and I will not deny that for some works you need some of the context-based reading - e.g. Dante can hardly be read outside of the context of its genesis - but those are minimal interventions in the big picture of things, and should not be the primary, emphasized point).


    The moment you mentioned metaphores, I knew we were on the same page regarding our dislike of that approach :D, unfortunately, it does seem to be the approach that is generally pushed in most schools in Anglo-American world (and it is getting slowly to Europe too). A lot of kids, particularly brighter ones who often figure out that something is "odd" there, grow to detest any kind of intellectual dealing with literature, deciding it is all about a personal gain and emotional reaction... an approach I can understand, if one reads for pleasure. But in an academic context, where a certain amount of "intellectualization" of those things is needed and putting things in the context and the historical development of art, it is a mistake that they insist on it, IMO, because they only push kids away from it, and never consider them "capable", I suppose, of that. The second problem is that the current generation of educators, and maybe even the one before, has suffered greatly in their own academic formation and often lacks skills to approach literary analysis - and of course, one can hardly teach what one does not know. So they go on and on with dumbing down literature in schools.


    I believe a lot of kids with analytic minds would enjoy such an analysis and studying literary works from that standpoint. It requires a different type of orientation in a discipline, a lot less "rigid" discipline and a sense of fluidity, yet with some subtle inner rules. It should be done somewhat similar the way Art History is studied in schools when an emphasis on technique is added, the development of technique throughout history, etc. Art education - from painting to music to, yes, literature - used to be a lot more "technic" in the past, emphasizing skill and form and the study of the chronological development of possible forms, rather than philosophizing - from the perspective of other disciplines! - on the content, as it happens today. The word art itself comes from the word which originally stood for craft, for skill, that is its lowest common denominator. The whole of crisis of 20th century has much to do with the shift from skill-based thinking to "meaning"-based thinking. It has its effects in teaching too, as all is basically submitted to the dictature of relativism. But if I get there, I will end up in another soapbox, so I will keep my mouth shut. :D


    I do not wonder at all why many people pose this question, why is it important, etc. - I would pose it too. I am just sad with the situation in education in the past two generations. I have my little theories and speculations on how and why things went wrong, but that would require a book LOL.


    This is my STEM dd. She hates "literature" now. She sees it as a chore that she is forced to do. She says, "why can't I just read the book and enjoy it?"


    I don't have much of an answer for that. "No! No enjoyment for you!" doesn't seem like it will work!

  8. I have a friend who points out that a pebble in the road can be very irritating if your road is always smooth and paved. If you live on a gravel road, you are not bothered by a few pebbles. I do think your sister should know better than to complain to you like that, but maybe she is trying to let you know her life is not perfect and maybe she wants to feel closer to you. I'm sorry though, I have a Bible study where so many people have really big problems, that I feel I never get to make a request for myself because none of us have cancer, or a disabled child, or a child in jail, and both dh and I have jobs. So, I am a little sympathetic to your sister, lol, but she should not be using you to cry to. She must have friends who would feel that the shoulder thing was really bad.


    This is true. I know some people like this too. I want to scream sometimes. But I don't. I just complain to DH! Poor guy!


    For you, I don't have any advice. Just :grouphug:

  9. When I was growing up, my dad would regularly lead us in a rousing round of applause for my mom at dinnertime. "What a wonderful dinner! Let's hear it for Mommy!" And we would all clap.


    My dad, being my dad, still does this sometimes when we are all together ("Let's hear it for Grandma!") and DH picked up on it and now does the same thing. "Thank you Mommy for this delicious dinner!" And they all clap, and I take a little bow. :)


    Anyone else who helps with the meal also gets applause, I should note, so sometimes this ritual can take a little while. "Thank you DS 7 for peeling the carrots!" Applause. "Thank you DS5 for setting the table!" And so on.



    I love this!!!!

  10. Happy Sunday, everyone!


    I was wondering if any of you attend a liturgcal church, and if you take notes on the sermon. I've been to my share of evangelical or nondenoms (Calvary Ch was my mil's church for a long time in Ft. Laud and I've gone with her there), and the sermon is very teaching-based, so tons of folks take notes. They even get a space in their Sunday bulletin for notetaking.


    But here in the Episcopal church, the sermon is about 12-15 minutes of preaching on the lectionary (we now use the Common Lectionary in our services). A df, Dana, takes notes, so I started to about a year or so ago. We are nearly the only ones. I can listen better and certainly remember better.


    Anyone else? Even if you are not liturgical (and I'm assuming many in this group are not), can you tell me the nuts and bolts of your notetaking? Kind of notebook, outline form? Or highlights? or...something else?



    CC Fort Lauderdale - is that Bob Coy? I listen to him on the car radio sometimes. He's a pretty great speaker!


    Our pastor actually has an outline of notes up on big screens for us. We can take notes or not, and it allows us to add to his basic outline with our own notes when we are writing.


    Hope you have a great day, Chris!

  11. Went to such a great church service today. Pastor is speaking on 2 Corinthians 4:3-5: "and even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake."


    He was speaking about how people CHOOSE to be veiled. How they love their sin more than anything else and that it has resulted in them being blinded to the One who can open their eyes. He asked Why? Why do you want to do this? Why do you choose to reject Christ? You're either for God or against Him. No gray area. He** or Heaven. You choose. It was powerful, and 30 people went up to the front of the church to accept Christ. It was wonderful!!


    And we sang one of my favorite songs too:

    Bless the Lord, O my soul,

    Oh oh oh my soul,

    Worship His holy name

    Sing like never before

    O my soul...

    Worship His holy name


    So blessed to have found such a great church. Yay! :hurray:


    Hope you are all doing well this beautiful Sunday - I am praying for each one of you and our little group.

  12. Yes, mine does, thank Goodness. But this is also our second marriage and we've learned a few things, so this time around we try much harder than we did with our first spouses!


    Our pastor actually talked about this one Sunday. He was saying that people need to hear nice things, and affirmation, especially from their spouses. It's human nature to want a little pat on the back sometimes! Ever since we heard that sermon,we have both been even more careful about giving each other a "good job" whenever we notice something good.


    Of course, we also have learned to keep our mouths shut sometimes too!! Haha!

  13. I just bought a Ninja at Costco yesterday. I love it already. Yesterday I put in two bananas, a yogurt, some green superfood powder, some strawberries, blueberries and kale and it was too thick. I think if I had added water or ice it would have been better. Today I started with 12 oz of organic apple juice. I put in kale, an apple, one banana, green superfood powder, strawberries and blueberries (all organic) and it was delish!


    Kale doesn't taste or smell like anything to me. It does add little specks of green - maybe since it's almost March you can tell the kids they are Leprechaun sprinkles?


    I am looking forward to adding other stuff, I just needed to get going, but I can see myself running amok with this smoothie thing! :thumbup:

  14. My mom used to call this "beef stroganoff', Brown one pound of ground beef - you can season with garlic and onion powder, or put in chopped onions if you want - I do. Drain the fat. Add one can cream of mushroom soup, wait a bit until that's heated through, then add about a 1/2 cup of sour cream. Warm that all up together, and voila! You can put this on egg noodles or serve in a bowl or whatever. It's still one of my favorite comfort foods.

  15. For me, I believe in the power of self and the power of the universe, not a deity. There is a certain type of magic (not spell magic) all around us, all we have to do is look for it. We have to connect ourselves to the universe in whatever way we feel comfortable. I love the wind. While it can be cold and biting, it can also be cool and comforting or warm and soothing. We currently live in a very, very windy area, and I love to stand outside and just feel it brush around me. It makes me feel calm and sometimes powerful. I also love fire and candle light. They calm me. If I'm really stressed, I'll light a bunch of candles and turn off all the lights and just...be.


    I don't believe in Satan. That's an easy out IMO.


    I do believe in reincarnation. I think we have more than one time to experience this world. It seems rather useless for us to live one life and then poof, our existence is at an end. While we, as we know ourselves, will be gone, I think we bring some part of our former selves with us when we are reborn. It's not necessarily memories of our previous lives, but feelings and ideas.


    Here's the other thing I was wondering about. What do you think about life after death? Do you believe in reincarnation, or do you think this life is it? Just curious - and interested!

  16. Well, we aren't RC and we have a home altar. It is exactly what is described...a comforting place when you need it, a focusing spot, a place to remind yourself that as the world spins, there is a greater calling and don't forget it. Ours is an actual altar table left over from the church family that had to leave this building due to finances. So, I feel a special focus when lighting a candle, praying, or just passing by because it held the Lord's Supper Elements for so many years for so many devoted believers, and it sits under my BIG stained glass window. However, I will be honest, I only know a handful of protestants that have a home altar.


    Even though the same beliefs do not apply, I would imagine that for other faith systems, the home altar as much of the same significance to the family that mine does.


    I love this thread. One of the most important aspects of a respectful discussion like this is that it helps everyone lay aside their preconceived ideas about others. I think that if we had an "Ask a Buddist or ask a Protestant or ask an Atheist, or ..." whatever thread, what we would find is that regardless of which worldview system we were raised in, we were badly misinformed about all of the other worldview/faiths and that general terms are, exactly that, really very general. I know that for dh and I, we are stuck with the moniker "Protestant" and yet it does not describe us at all. We don't even fit the criteria really. We have a belief range within Christianity that includes some Orthodox/RC elements as well as some typically Protestant elements, but the blend is so significant that we don't really have a faith home that could be described as anything except maybe "Jesus follower."


    So, I think this thread is amazing because hopefully we can keep it respectful and learn from one another. My ears are wide open and I'm going to print the responses so my boys can read them.


    I too would be interested to have Rosie explain more about the wheel.





    I think this is a great idea. And this is a fascinating thread!!

  17. Texas T, I will be praying for you and the girls as well. This is a big reason I am not allowing my dd, who will still be 17 when she graduates high school, to go away to college. She can do her undergrad work at one of the two (good) local universities. They are so young at that age, and sometimes you make mistakes as a young person that are irreversible. Sometimes it is that you are vulnerable to others. My dd will stay here until she is a little older and more mature.


    Chris, I have heard of Rob Bell. All I can remember off the top of my head is that while he is a good writer/speaker,he has some of the same theological issues that plague Rick Warren. Some of his teachings are not 100% Bible. I will have to look it up and find what I've read and heard about him before I comment further, but I do remember problems. Hmmm....


    Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day!!


    "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1


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