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Diana B

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Posts posted by Diana B

  1. I love it when I receive comments from people (that don't homeschool) about homeschooling and they are positive and encouraging!


    Over the weekend, we were talking with a lady at church. She works in admissions at a local private university. When she asked if we were still homeschooling and we said yes. She was happy to hear that. She said some of the best students they have are homeschooled. She just reinforced in keeping good records come high school.


    It was really good to hear it. I had heard online that some universities are very happy to have homeschoolers, but the only real life conversation I had had up until now was from someone at a different university who is very anti-homeschool (we really got into it!). And although she has nothing to do with admissions she was adamant that this school does not like homeschoolers.


    So anyways - I was really happy to get positive feedback from someone. We have a lot of public school teachers at church, so I never know what kind of reaction I'm going to get from people!

  2. I have a just turned 8 year old.


    Our routine has always been simple. He brushes his teeth and gets his pjs on. We then cuddle up and we read a chapter or two of our current read aloud as a family. (This book is ONLY for bedtime and is for the whole family. If DH or I cannot be there for bedtime we will pick a short story or picture book to read.) After we read, DS gives us hugs & kisses and gets into bed. He's got a loft bed so it's hard to tuck him in. He doesn't really need us to anymore. When we did, it was a quick make sure he's in, give him kisses, etc. DS then gets to read for about 1/2 hr. We then let him know it's lights off. He'll get out of bed and go to the bathroom again. Sometimes he'll give us another round of hugs, sometimes not. Then he tucks himself back in.


    We've always kept a pretty simple and relaxing routine. We have a general 8:00 is bedtime, but if we are really into our reading its OK to go over. :) We also will use the family reading time as a consequence if he doesn't do his pre-bed chores quickly enough (picking up toys, putting away dishes). And once every couple of weeks we'll watch a movie and DS is OK going to bed w/o the read aloud.

  3. I have a ton of lids to plastic tubs (such as from margarine, sour cream, yogurt, etc). I use the bottom parts for pen/pencil/scissor organization. But I wondering if anyone has a good idea for the lids? I'd love something that could be used for school - or just a craft that serves a purpose. We aren't much into random crafts. :D


    I'm trying to google for ideas, but I just can't seem to find many (although I'm finding lots of other cool upcycling ideas!)

  4. I just got done reading 'The Book Whisperer' and it cements what I think even more. I think it's very important to let the child choose what to read. It helps them become READERS. You can assign genres and give them choices if you have a specific topic to be covered, but the more choices you give them, the better.


    If your daughter just likes to read non-fiction, let her most of the time. My DS is 8, going into the 3rd grade. I'm going to have him choose books in certain genres this year, but only a few. Just to get him to read a variety. (He'll also have a couple of books that I know he'll like as assigned reading that we can do some literary analysis on.)


    But if you are trying to raise a reader - let her choose.


    And I highly recommend 'The Book Whisperer' by Donalyn Miller. It's written for PS teachers, but there are some really good points and it's very encouraging.

  5. I just went on paperback swap, haven't been on there for a long time...but you can now just buy the books out and out? I just checked one, but it was cheaper than amazon...interesting. Thanks.


    I know they have links to new books on Amazon, especially if the book you want is not available right at the moment.


    Also, you can buy credits for just a few $ a piece, which is probably cheaper than most of what you are finding on Amazon. They'd be used, but cheaper. I've also recently heard about BookMooch as well. (Similar to PBS).


    Do you use SwagBucks? I'm thankful we have access to a large library and many used bookstores, but if I had to buy a lot of books from Amazon - I'd be using my SwagBucks for that. I make a little over $5 a month from Amazon just searching (and a few codes). And I don't search that much. It isn't a lot, but I know people who make a lot more. And $5 is enough for one book. So a free book a month just by searching the internet is good. (I know others who use SB for xmas presents.)

  6. Can you explain carnivals and weekly memes to me. I am not familiar with them.


    There are a variety of different ways to do it, but the basic idea is that everyone posts their own posts on a certain subject and then they all get linked back together. Usually you would write your post and then fill out a form that includes your link so others can come read what you've written. It's a great way to find blogs to read and get people to read your blogs. And if you participate in the same ones all the time - it creates a community of bloggers.


    For example, I've got one friend who does LEGO Creation Thursday. So every Thursday, my son gets to show off one of his creations (it hasn't been happening over the summer). She's trying to get it more popular, but right now it's only about 1/2 dzn ladies sharing their kid's creations. (This one is fun because as I go through the other people's posts, I have my son there to look at them too and then we comment on them together.)


    Another one that has been happening right now is the 'Not Back to School Blog Hop' over at Heat of the Matter. This week, it's Picture week. Everyone is sharing their children's 'back to school' pictures.


    Some others that I've participated in our Read-Aloud Wednesdays, Instagram Fridays. Even the weekly reporters or Wordless Wednesdays that get threads here are similar. There are also some that have you answer specific questions each week - like 'Homeschool Mother's Journal'.


    Let me know if you have any more questions. I've only told you about a few homeschooling ones. There are many, depending on what kind of content you are going to have. Another popular one is Menu Monday at orgjunkie.com. And a lot of the healthy living/food blogs I follow have weekly linkups and occasionally specific recipe carnivals.

  7. I have a blog for a couple reasons. One is just keep some of our memories and pictures in one place. I don't update it often enough, but I like the idea.


    The other reason is as a way to interact with other bloggers. Sometimes I'll take part in carnivals or weekly memes to share our experiences. I don't do it often and don't have a huge regular readership, but I enjoy it.

  8. So it sounds like you have about a 45 minute drive to anywhere, right? So what if you figured out about an hour worth of school they can do in the car. That would free up an extra hour a day.


    Also, will you have to drive that far to take DD to some place to run? Because if that is the case, I'd be combining her running days with karate.


    Also, I'd say the Sat karate should be out, since it breaks up the day so much.


    Then what I'd do is take a piece of paper and break it into 7 columns. Then color in your track/karate/etc. Then cut out different colored papers for the different things you need to do - in the size chunks you need. 4 hours for school (assuming it needs to be 4 hours straight?) and 8 hr work days (or how ever long you need to work). Then rearrange until you find something that looks good.

  9. I'm not sure if I'll get the names I want if we ever have more kids - but right now I love:


    Lillian Jay (My g-ma's name and DH's g-ma's maiden name) - nickname: Lilli

    Luellen Michelle (I'm not set on the Michelle, but it's the name DH really likes, but I'm not sure about the double 'elle'). nickname: Ellie


    Elijah -- no middle name assigned yet (possibly Andrew). nickname: Eli.

  10. Where did she buy her supplies? Imported from Europe? I have a hard time believing that even the most extravagant supply list would add up to $600, unless that's for more than one child and she is buying Trapper Keeper binders and specialty notebooks and such.




    That's just insane. Even $60 would be a lot for school supplies, but would be a bit more reasonable if she had a lot of extras to buy. But $600 is just crazy!


    Many of the local schools around here are just asking for $20 for each kid and the teachers buy what they need at the super cheap prices. That way each child has the same brand and everyone is guaranteed to have everything. Problem is, if you shop deals, you can spend a lot less than $20 for everything on the list!

  11. Alright, because I'm feeling lazy and don't feel like looking it up, why was two spaces standard on a typewriter? I get that the letters were all the same size, but what does that have to do with anything?


    By the way, I usually do two spaces, although I've found that I don't do it if I'm in a hurry and not using proper grammar and/or spelling (texting, chatting, etc).


    And I was taught two spaces in the early 90's when I was in middle/high school. So it may be 'out-dated' but not that much!

  12. I didn't know how to vote, so I voted, other.



    My kids are very young, I have no plans to ever send them to school full-time. But, even now for the older kids, there are many options for part-time high school enrollment, taking a few classes, lots of options at the CC, etc. I think by the time my kids are teens there will be even more options. I'm quite certain I will be outsourcing many high school classes.

    At the same time, I hope they will be able to keep a very flexible homeschoolish (made up word :tongue_smilie:) schedule.


    That is one of the options I forgot! Homeschooling some subjects and outsourcing some subjects to CC or part time public school, etc.


    Other is there for a reason! :lol:

  13. How long do you plan on homeschooling?


    *Poll to Follow*


    ETA: I hope I got all the options in. I'm sure I forgot something, because no poll is perfect. :)


    I did multiple choice so you can pick for different children if needed.


    And I'm mostly curious of those who never sent their children to school. I think the #'s would be different for those who pulled their children out of school.

  14. every time I see a new post on here, I get excited, and then it's just a bump :tongue_smilie: You know you want to join people! It's so much fun, and if you're married, all the other husbands are jealous because yours has one who likes to talk football with him! That's a fun reason to join, right? It's ok if you know nothing about football or fantasy, and want to learn and have some fun. My first year I didn't know what a quarterback did :lol::lol::lol:


    Actually, in this house, I am the one with the football knowledge! Hahaha! My DH didn't have a clue before he married me. Now he knows enough to get him by, but he's still not as into it as I am. And when asked his favorite team - it's our local university's team. He'll choose the Packers for NFL if forced to make a choice - but only because I'm a Packer fan. He doesn't care enough to make his own choices. :)

  15. I answered other - I've not given my son anything. But when I was working as a nanny for a family that had foster kids - I was instructed to give all the kids cough/cold medicine, whether they were showing symptoms or not. I was also given instructions to over medicate a couple of the boys who were taking things for ADHD and PTSD. Was not what I wanted to do, but according to them the DR said it's OK. I'm now not sure they were telling the truth. But I now know that medication will be my very last option if I ever have a child diagnosed with ADHD. I don't want my kid to be a vegetable.

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