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Posts posted by 3flowers

  1. You could maybe do something different with your oldest in first. (Geography or Cultures of the world..something like that). Then start SOTW1 when she is in 2nd. Then when your second child gets to 1st grade they would just be on the Middle Ages. It would push back Early Modern/Modern a year.


    Just an idea to throw out there. :)

  2. I've been thinking about this too. (and I still have a couple years to decide)


    When my middle dd should be in 1st gr. my oldest will be doing SOTW4. So do I do I teach Modern and Ancients....OR....


    Do I do something different for 1st grade...and start the history cycle in 2nd grade? (then they would both be on the Ancients.)


    Oh, and then I'll have to decide what to do 1-2 years after that when my youngest will be joining in history. :rolleyes:


    Decisions, decisions!

  3. Just thought I'd share.


    ok, maybe it's just the mood that dd is in - maybe not....but


    My almost 4 year old is currently on page 28 in book 1 and I just sat down with her to check out the online version. After doing it for a tiny bit she decided she was done and wanted to do the workbook instead. She said she likes it better (the workbook). Hmm. I'll try it again a different day - just to see if it's the mood she's in or if she really doesn't like doing it online.


    I was shocked b/c she normally loves doing things online. (like starfall.com and preschool games)

  4. I wouldn't say however Malayalam is the main language of Southern India. Tamil, the language of the neighboring Tamil Nadu state, has around 60 million speakers.


    Oops! I just went and re-read were I found that info. I read it wrong the first time. It was saying that Malayalam is the state language of Kerala in southern India. (just saying where Kerala is located)


    That's a tough decision to make. Ideally, it would be nice to learn both. But maybe not realistically. My husband will just tell me "Whatever you decide". Which I do like hearing :D but not always.


    I personally think it would be nice to learn the language that dh would have spoken had he stayed there. But since we don't know anyone there are we limiting ourselves to whom we can speak to?


    I know, I'll have my dh do a poll. :) He works at a mall and often enough he gets Indian customers. Maybe he should start asking what languages they speak. It would help us to know if we'd be able to talk to any Indians around here. Maybe.


    Thank you for taking the time to post to me! I really appreciate it.

  5. Yeah, the only thing I've seen so far is Rosetta Stone. So I'll probably end up with that.


    Maybe after I learn the basics from Rosetta Stone (or something else?) then I can find some one to tutor us as well. Hmm.


    Is it easy to learn languages with Rosetta Stone? I worry, because the books that come with it are all written in Hindi as well. =) So I would have to buy the English counterparts as well so that I could translate it. At least that's what I've been told.


    My husband was actually born in India but was adopted and brought to the US at 13 months. So he knows nothing really of his culture. I think it's sad. And since we have 2 children together I want us all to try and learn Hindi.

  6. Here's the scoop... My daughter went to PS for K-2. In second grade she was also in special reading classes. (slow reader). Our first year of homeschooling was last year (3rd grade) and since it was new to us I didn't think about adding phonics. I thought that was just for beginning readers. So last year we just read back and forth to each other and dd improved tons.


    But now I'm wondering if I should add Explode the Code or something similar to make sure she actually knows the rules.


    How do you decide whether or not your child needs the extra help?



  7. For 3rd and 4th we've used Sonlight. Next year I'm not so sure.... I've been looking at Noeo. I've told my dd9 that she gets to help pick out her next science program (she loves science). So we'll see what happens. I know she wants something real hands-on. Physics or chemistry, I think.


    And I still like the book list for sonlight 5 too. Ah well, daughter's choice this time. =)

  8. In the past I've just been a lurker. I have 3dds and this is just my second year of homeschooling.


    My oldest is just your average 4th grader. She's a science nut though and wants a career with animals.


    My middle daughter is 3 (4 in April). She's still young so I'm not really sure if she's 'advanced' or what not. But she is the reason that I'm a lurker on this (old) board. :) She is currently reading. We're on lesson 30 something in 100ez lessons and she's doing ETC 1. She just got Saxon Math K for Christmas. (she was asking for a math program just like her sisters) =) She's flying through the first part of that. Well, very first part of it. She's on lesson 16 now. But she's been doing 3 lessons at a time. (the beginning ones are really easy).


    My youngest dd is just 1 1/2 and her main interests tend to be making a huge mess of everything or wanting to be held. :rolleyes:


    Well, I guess that's it. (Who's next? :D)

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