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Posts posted by Eln

  1. A video was shared from a 13 year old girl cousin with girl cousins ranging from ages 14 to 7. My two daughters, who were part of the group, refused to watch it and one of them came and told me. My husband was pretty upset and confronted the cousin who was watching it. Come to find out his sister, the girl's mother. had given the okay for her to download this video and show it to her cousin. We are now be labeled as judgmental and sheltering our children! This is NOT the first time something like this has happened. Their solution is that the younger ones can leave the room and also the children need to learn how to get along without parental supervision and if someone tattles they will get in trouble along with the trouble maker


    Appreciate any input.



  2. We love xtramath, too! My 3rd grade dd just finished up using Saxon math, which I have used with our older two, and they do great with it. Not my daughter, she couldn't seem to remember concepts taught from one day to the next. :glare: So we are using Singapore 3, Miquon and XtraMath for the summer. I have high hopes that this will be the solution for her! I want to eventually try to put her back in Saxon when she's in 7th grade. You just don't know until you try! Hopefully this was helpful!

  3. We are using Mark Kistler's Draw Squad this year and my children are enjoying it. It is more of a cartoonish drawing book, than "real" drawings, but they have learned a lot. It covers foreshortening, shading, surface, size, contour lines, overlapping, density, and shadows. We have used Drawing with Children in the past, which teaches more real drawings, but it was a lot more teacher intensive. This is a lot more fun!

  4. We like it!


    I've tried other programs and Saxon just works for us. I've got one in 7/6, 5/4 and 3rd grade. I read a lot of complaints about all the drill work in K-3rd, but I just choose which ones to do. We don't do every drill every day. I like the mixture of new problems and review problems. The books are easy for the older kids to read and understand on their own.



  5. I'm planning on using Biblioplan Ancients for next school year and would love to use MOH with it. My concern is with how fast it moves on the schedule! Some weeks have 4 - 5 lessons compared with 2-3 of STOW and it moves into MOH 2 by the end of Ancients. Has anyone done this before and not been overwhelmed with too much reading. Thanks! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.:001_smile:

  6. Thanks for the help! I definitely want to listen to SWB writing lectures. I was at the Midwest Convention and got to listen to some of her work shops.Unfortunately she didn't give the writing lectures. She is very inspiring. That will probably help me decide how I want to teach writing with my 6th grader. :)

  7. Maybe you can help me out with some ideas for next school year.


    I want to add more writing into our school schedule. I love Rod and Staff, so I want to use that for grammar. I think I've decided to use Writing With Ease for my 2nd grader and my 4th grader, but I'm not sure what to use for my 6th grader. Classical Writing looks awesome, but I wouldn't want to use the grammar book they suggest. Is it possible not to use that?


    Wasn't impressed with Writing Strands. I think IEW is too pricey. Writing Tales looks interesting. Any help would be greatly appreciated.:)

  8. We can't produce the faith we need on our own.The Fruits of the Spirit are love,joy,peace,long suffering,gentleness,goodness,FAITH!That means we have to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to produce these fruits. It's not something that comes of our own will.This was revealed to me a while ago and has really helped me.:)

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