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Posts posted by Zelda

  1. Our current read-aloud is "Black Beauty" which I think would appeal to a boy and a girl. The vocabulary is not insanely challenging but is not at all dumbed down. There are many moral lessons about kindness to both animals and people that have had a big impact on my dd8. I did not expect to enjoy this as much as we are.


    Despereaux is also a fantastic book.

  2. This has been all over the news here in CA last night and today. Front page of the newspaper in my large city.


    I'm not sure what to think. My instinct says that this is a test case and that the teacher's association has a hand in it somewhere because this family's story sheds about the worst possible light on home schooling. I'm worried but I don't want to overreact.


    That said, I've already decided that if the ruling were to stand we would move. Not because I'm *that* dedicated to homeschooling (though I think I am) but because I'm that dedicated to not living somewhere where I'm forced to turn my children over to the government for 8 hours a day.

  3. I would order the Core book. Read it and see if you think you "get it". If you do and you want to pick your own models then you won't need the other two books. If you want more instruction get the instructors guide. Having that can help you decide if you need the workbook.


    I'm assuming that this is for the fall in which case you will have time to do all of this. I found all three helpful for Aesop A but now that we get it I might not need the IG/WB for Aesop B. In my case, the initial investment in all three was helpful but looking back I think it might have been more prudent to buy them one at a time, review them and then decide what else I needed.

  4. We are using it this year and we love it. I'm also using FLL 1/2 with another child. FLL3 is different. There is writing. There is a workbook. But the lessons are nice and short and my daughter looks forward to them (not like she looks forward to Saturday but you know what I mean). I will be continuing with FLL4 next year.


    I can't compare it to anything for you though.

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