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Posts posted by Zelda

  1. This reminds me of "The Ten Tree Commandments" that someone on the board wrote a few years ago. I can't remember who wrote it? Was it Nicholson?




    Rule #1: Thou shalt assemble the artificial tree and bend the branches for no less than one hour for a realistic appearance.



    Oh wow. I do all of these things except then tinsel part. Does this make me a crazy person?

  2. My pediatrician has never examined that closely during a well visit. He checks to see that the girls are still prepubertal but a quick glance has been the extent of it. He also tells me what he's doing when he does that.


    I think you doctor has a preset notion about homeschooling and would blame any quirk (not that being shy about private parts is quirky, I don't think it is, I don't love my yearly) that he would find otherwise typical on homeschooling. Sorry that happened to both of you.

  3. I am mid 40-ish and my eyes are so droopy! I am embarrassed to take our family portraits next weekend.


    Does anyone have recommendations on an eye lift cream that actually works? And works fast? :lol:


    No. Creams can't lift. They can improve appearance and can temporarily make it appear that lines are smoother but they can't move anything.


    Eye cream, a light reflecting concealer, color on the lips to draw attention there. That's what I read everywhere...


    The eyebrow advice was very good too!


    Anyway, I found a Just Like You AG on CL today at a significant (i.e., not $5) discount. And I started wondering--is there any reason to get one of the historical dolls instead? I mean, couldn't we get *any* doll & just dress her up like whichever pd dd is interested in?



    Yes! Any doll will fit any of the clothes.

  5. You had me salivating right up to the "Chicken in a Biscuit" part. It's "Biskit", not "Biscuit", and I wouldn't touch the things. :D

    Kidding. The kids and I love C in a B crackers and enjoy them on our environmentally friendly homemade-paper plates with a nice dollop of cheese. From our organic hormone-free goat.


    Darn. I knew there was something about the spelling. I actually hate those things and find the very idea of putting chicken in a cracker very creepy. I worry that I'll go to the grocery and find a whole aisle of food like that: Pastrami in a Pineapple, Rotini in a Weenie, Falafel in a Waffle. *shudder*

  6. I have had dark circle under my eyes since I was pregnant with my last. (she's 3). All I can think of is an allergy or tired. Should I be worried? My kids just said they don't think it is that bad.


    I was BORN with dark circles under my eyes. I feel yer pain. But if its a sudden change you might consider a lingering sinus infection.


    Probably its a combo of being tired and being over 29. Nothing a little moisturizer and a light diffusing concealer can't help.

  7. Powder crap cheese in a plastic bottle? Holy Moses, who would eat such a thing?!?! 'Fess up! Now! Expunge the evils of Kraft Powder Crap and its ilk - Velveeta, Philadelphia, Powdered Cheese Sauce - we must rid ourselves of this evil! :D :lol:



    Please, nothing tastes better than a generous sprinkle of green can cheese over a hearty bowl of canned condensed cream of anything soup. Crumble some, "Chicken in a Biscuit", into that baby and you're gettin' your stew on (for AD fans).

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