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Posts posted by My3Boys

  1. We had to buy a computer for ds14 who is starting high school and doing the VP online Scholars, all 7 classes. The sales tax here in Tennessee is almost 10%, so we saved a good bit.


    Here the tax-free thing only applies to school supplies, clothing and computers under $1500. Maybe a few other things, but that's the bulk of it.


    I'm one of those people that thinks we pay too much in taxes anyway, so I'm glad to take advantage.

  2. I've decided to piecemeal according to my ds's needs. The one size fits all....didn't fit...even though I really wanted it to....picture Cinderella's step-sisters....:D


    So, I decided to us VP Academy for Geometry and Omnibus 3 Primary...I'll teach the secondary books....

    I have Taditional Logic 1 & 2 on DVD...


    Grammar and Comp will be IEW US History Based Lessons w/ a grammar w/b


    We will continue Henle Latin at a snail's pace....


    I'll add in lots of fun reads and videos.


    I feel like a boulder has been lifted off my shoulders...I really needed to farm out math and use mare than a dvd or video...we need a real live person to help and I couldn't find a tutor....


    As far as Omnibus, I could teach that, but I thought it would be more engaging for him to bounce ideas off of others learning the same books...instead of just me and his younger siblings.


    I am also planning out our CLEPs, SAT2's etc for final exams...I like the idea of a finish line. I am planning on having him do CC courses starting at age 16. He is well prepared acaemically to start now...but I think maturity counts too...AND there is no rush...I'd rather an older than a younger start...


    So, 9th grade is planned...


    Now to plan the other kids..12th, 5th 1 and K here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Faithe, I have a 9th grade ds who is doing the Veritas online scholars Omnibus III too! We are actually doing 7 classes with them.

  3. Hello. My name is Carol and I am brand new to these boards, although I have done a bit of lurking here and there. I have 2 sons in college and a rising 9th grader.


    The 9th grader is who I have question about. He has attended a classical Christian school since 5th grade. They were on a "university" schedule, 3 days at school and 2 days at home with a schedule. They were supposed to add a year up through high school but annnounced last Feb that they were switching to K-6th. That left us scrambling as to what to do next year.


    We have pretty much decided on Veritas Press online Scholars program, but I am having trouble deciding which Omnibus to start him with. The description of Omnibus III says it's designed so that a student who has never done the Omnibus before can start with it, but I'm wondering if it will be too hard for him? The school he was in kind of loosely followed it, like they read the same books, but didn't have the same depth of study or assignments.


    Any advice? He does very well with classical as a whole, especially with logic and Latin, and is good at writing and is an excellent reader with good comprehension.


    I look forward to conversing with you all!



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