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Posts posted by usetoschool

  1. I have a daughter who is like that. She was my smartest, most creative child. She is now an adult and fully functional but still lives inside her head. We battled over it way too much as she was growing up. Trying to impose things on her never worked. It was always better to let her learn for herself and internalize it. It was sometimes a little painful but not terrible. Trying to make her into something she wasn't was more painful for her and me.


    Not to say that you can't guide her and give her suggestions of course. Just having btdt I needed to learn to pick my battles because some kids are just like that.

  2. I am trying to get better at it. If my dc say "can I", I respond with, "I don't know, can you? Are you capable?" If they say "can you", I respond with, "yep, I sure can!" or "nope, I can't do that." LOL



    :lol: Just what I say to my kids. Except with a tone in my voice - I don't know...caaaannn you?


    I agree that I feel old and archaic when I speak 'properly'. I find my self slipping into slang and colloquialisms whenever I speak to younger people.

  3. To answer the question about streaming - I don't like it as well as other ways of watching things. We dropped Netflix streaming because they don't seem to have what we want on the streaming side of things. So take it for what its worth. Amazon has a long list but that doesn't mean it is worth watching. They are adding more all the time, just not documentaries that I can see.


    For me the search function is annoying on Amazon. The pornography is mixed in with the documentaries and you just have to keep scrolling until you find what you want. There aren't many ways to narrow it down.

  4. Do you guys think this is a good deal...




    It's 54 oz and $20.00, plus free shipping if I buy $50 or more. Does it matter what brand you buy?


    I paid $39 for two 54 oz jars of Nutiva at Amazon so pretty comparable. I have Amazon Prime so don't know about the shipping - if you order over a certain amount at Amazon then shipping is free but I don't recall what that amount is.


    Just info for comparison, btw, not trying to talk you into Amazon or anything

  5. 500 - Internal server error.

    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.




    I get an error message :( I guess we will try again later.


    On the plus side I am really excited about this. We use a website called WhatBird.com and really struggle with it. It has never helped us correctly yet.


    eta: I must have been doing something wrong because it works fine now.

  6. Thanks for that! I used the ISI Student's Guides with my big kids but I had not seen this book (so of course I ordered it :)) Good time to go back and review the guides. I keep vacillating between between a standard modern education with some classical thrown in and letting it all go to give my last kid a full blown classical education. He is kind of a renaissance minded kid anyway - loves everything, good at most things, and has no idea what he wants to do when he grows up. A perfect student for just educating - no rubble here.


    I am enjoying the juxtaposition of this information and the thread about dumb as rocks kids. Thanks again for the info and the kick in the pants.

  7. Well, I thought I was sitting around watching tv tonight :001_smile: Instead I spent it looking up references and taking notes. Interesting article. Thanks for linking it.


    1 - I have been harping for years that college has become technical school

    2 - This could have been written today and still be relevant but I am not sure an audience could sit through it or understand it. The more things change...

    3 - I partially disagree with not educating everyone. I believe everyone can be educated to the best of their ability and trained to think but I agree that not everyone should be on the university track. I think we can do better in having a thoughtful populace.

    4 - It increases my desire to educate, not instruct, my last little pupil

    5 - I have been reading a book about the history of education and am on the volume about colonial education and this reinforces the ideas I have been having about the importance of logic, writing, communication, etc. in a good education and less about information and trivia


    Not sure what I think of his world views and politics as I read it quickly and need to do some background research.


    Most of these notes are for myself so I can keep track of this thread and information :D

  8. I was theoretically in advanced classes, at a special pull out school and all that nonsense but I can't remember a single thing I learned other than math, and that very poorly. My own education was a waste of time. My kids were watching Looney Tunes (the old one) and I realized I probably learned more culture from those cartoons than I ever did at school.


    Even with failures over the years my children are better educated and my youngest is the best of all because I have had all these years to catch up. I keep thinking if I could start over today I would do a much better job. I just need to get my hands on some - ahem - willing victims. ;)

  9. If you are ever going to use it to have all the kids watch online science videos or Netflix or whatever I would definitely go with the 17 inch. I have a 17 inch and when my daughter is here with her 15 inch I am glad I got the bigger screen. It also helps to have a bigger screen if you often have multiple programs running or files open.


    I would especially want a larger size if it is going to be my only computer.


    I take mine places and move it around all the time. It isn't that much of a problem but finding computer bags to carry it in is a little bit harder and a bit more pricey (or at least it was when I bought mine a few years ago).

  10. Nope, not the only one. We have been on the verge of getting sick or actually sick or recovering from something since before Christmas. And I have several friends who got some virus going around and were out for almost a month with bronchitis and laryngitis and every other itis and are just now starting to feel better.

  11. That is a terrible ratio! I've converted a few people myself. But, it's easy. I live in Nevada. We're #50 out of 50 right now.


    And our county superintendent (in northern Nevada) just won NATIONAL!!! superintendent of the year :glare:


    Our school district spends about $9500 per kid and is struggling to pay the bills and is in the middle of an ongoing hiring freeze. From what I understand they tossed out the low teacher/pupil ratio because it was too expensive and it wasn't being shown to have any measurable results.

  12. What I have told my kids is to stop thinking of the minus or plus as meaning to "do" something and think of it as an adjective telling you what kind of number it is. 3-2 is a list, instead of 3 minus 2, it is a positive 3 and a negative 2. Start at 0 on the number line, go positive 3 and then from there negative 2 and you end up at the sum. There really is a positive sign in front of the 3, it is just taken for granted.


    We also talk about the negative sign meaning opposite. Every number has an opposite that, when added to the number gets you a zero. So, 3 - (-2) would be a positive 3 and the opposite of the opposite of 2. If you trace it on a number line you can see that you end up at positive 2.


    Just some wording that helps sort things out at our house - probably sounds clear as mud trying to explain it here though :D


    Now let the real math majors chime in...

  13. socks with my sandals if it's really cold. :p hehe





    See, if you lived somewhere cold you wouldn't have to resort to such blatant fashion don'ts :D


    Where I live it is typically 30-40% humidity. We love Aquaphor and Nivea chapstick. Sometimes we resort to a pot of water boiling on the stove to add moisture fast. It is hard to GET warm with blankets and clothing so it might help to take a hot bath and then STAY warm.

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