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Posts posted by Mamachick2

  1. I'm considering this for next year but I don't think we can afford it. I think I would have four in foundations and 2 in essentials, possibly 3 in foundations 1 in essentials and 1 in challenage, I don't think it's in the budget to pay for all of that.


    Have you considered tutoring one of the classes? That could help pay for it.

  2. We're coming up on our 3rd year of CC, and have found that focusing on the memory work really pays off when they hit Challenge. I tried to add too much and it really took away from the memory work. If you join the CC online community, many parents post some really good things to reinforce the memory and map work.


    We use only a good language arts program and math in Foundations. I used FLL, WWE, and MUS. For history and science, we just read good books. We've watched some programs on Netflix this year the coincided with US History. My children liked Liberty's Kids. My kids play outside a lot, and I've noticed CC creeping into their play. They've always played "war", but now they're pretending to be specific generals in specific wars. Unfortunately, they get a little aggravated when the boy next door comes home from school and has no idea what they're talking about. :001_unsure:

  3. If I wanted to use the program at home for Foundations (mainly memory work), what would I need to buy?


    You'd need the Foundations Guide, and if you get the 3rd edition, you'll need the Veritas Press history timeline cards. Some tools that are helpful, but not necessary, are the audio CD's and the flash cards for the Cycle you plan to use.


    The book is broken down into 3 cycles; Ancient, Medieval, and US History.


    If you plan to do more than just memory work, you'll need some of the other resources in the CC catalog; such as the science book, the artists book, a tin whistle, and I think the Classical Music for Dummies book, depending on what you want to add.

  4. Where are you? Are you directing this year? Just curious.


    I'm in Virginia. I'm not directing this coming year, but hope to direct one of the Challenge programs the following year. Planning DD's summer wedding gets in the way of focusing on training. :001_smile: I will, however, substitute for Foundations or Essentials if needed.

  5. I forgot to mention, the memory work for Foundations covers the following (I'm pasting it directly from the "What We Learned" page in our guide)


    160 events and people in a chronological timeline

    ✔ 24 history sentences to “put some flesh” on our timeline (including the Preamble to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights)

    ✔ 44 U.S. Presidents

    ✔ 120 locations and geographic features in North America (emphasis — the United States)

    ✔ 24 science facts (including the first 12 elements of the periodic table and the parts of 8 body systems)

    ✔ Latin rules and vocabulary, (including the text of John 1:1-7 in Latin and English)

    ✔ English Grammar facts (including the principal parts of 11 irregular verbs)

    ✔ Multiplication tables up to 15x15, common squares and cubes, as well as basic geometry formulas and unit conversions

    That’s over 400 pieces of information!

    Not to mention…

    • Exposure to drawing techniques

    • Music theory and tin whistle

    • 6 Great Artists and related projects

    • Introduction to orchestra and 3 classical composers

    • 12 science experiments, 12 science projects including probability labs and…

    • 24 oral presentations!

  6. I've had my boys in Foundations and Essentials for 2 years and am getting ready to begin Challenge with one of them.


    Foundations is memory work, and it's excellent! I purchased the book, tin whistle, and history timeline cards.


    Essentials is an intensive language arts program that covers writing, as well as drilling in math through games (kids love it).


    For students enrolled in Foundations, you'll need to add a phonics/language arts curriculum and math.


    For students enrolled in Foundations AND Essentials, you need only add math.


    Challenge is a complete course of study.


    Hope this helps!

  7. When my children turned 13, they got a box of Tide, a bottle of Downey, and a laundry basket, along with lessons on how to use the washer. :001_smile: Of course, they went to school and I worked full time. The little ones, who are homeschooled, already know how to do their own laundry and have been folding and putting away their own clothes since they were five (I take care of the washer/dryer).

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