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Posts posted by TwoEdgedSword

  1. I just bought a bunch of stevia packets while traveling and kept them in in my suitcase/purse and wherever I went. Found the whole foods/health food store as soon as I could and got some good stuff there.


    That headache is sugar withdrawal. So before you are tempted to "fall off the wagon" just think what sugar does to you. I gave up white sugar (the white death ;-) years ago, but even if I have sucanat/rhapadura now, I still can get a sugar headache about 10 minutes after consuming. Then a few minutes after that I get a little snappy with everybody. Then I feel bad that I had some to begin with. Such a predictable drama!

  2. The bitterness some experience with the stevia could be the quality/brand they are using. I use several different types, so I'm not partial to any brand. The THM one is GMO and pure they say though. I don't taste a bitterness in even the Truvia which Walmart sells cheaply, so maybe it's just me.

  3. Yep it's amazing what a little salt can do! I do THM too and my little indulgence is a spoon full of raw cashew butter with lots of Celtic sea salt mixed in then I dip it in chocolate chunks. I can do the skinny chocolate from THM if the kids haven't eaten it or the Enjoy Life chips which have evaporated cane sugar but this would be my only added sugar for the day. About 6 grams total.

    Dipping it in the THM skinny chocolate is no sugar bc it's stevia.

    No guilt, no sugar headache, no sugar moods wings. Yes!!

  4. Yay for savory snacks! Not related to sugar free, but if anyone is interested, I made a fairly yummy dairy free cheese. It's way better tan the Dayia stuff at the store. It's spreadable, not sliceable or shreddable, but so far I've put it in quesadillas and on top of chili tonight and it was good. Made with raw cashews.


    DF people holler if you want the link.

  5. A couple of my high school aged kids seem to work pretty well on their own, checking in with me from time to time. I am considering for history to purchase the Teacher's Edition and giving it directly to them so they can get the more detailed ideas/analysis for themselves there. I'm looking at BJU, but this question could easily apply to any textbook curriculum.


    I would still give all the section quizzes and tests and discuss with them where they want to.


    I trust they wouldn't look ahead and cheat on tests or quizzes.


    Does anyone else do this?



    Any cons?


  6. I'm coming from homeschooling based on Charlotte Mason and MFW type methods and we are gradually switching some of our kids, for some subjects over to textbook method.


    Say for BJU Heritage Studies or Abeka history, which grade levels do you think the Teacher's Edition is necessary? We have Kindergarten through high school kids, so I welcome your input on any level!


    I'd like to have our kids working independently on some subjects where possible.

    If there's another curriculum out there that you feel is thorough where the child works independently, please lMK! I do use CLE for some things.


    Many thanks!!!!!! :-)

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