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Posts posted by 6wildhorses

  1. Here's a link with info about thermograms: https://www.drnorthrup.com/best-breast-cancer-screening-tests/ 

    I've had 2 thermograms. The thermogram center I went to gave me tips to help me reduce my risk. When I did a follow-up thermogram, my risk had decreased. Some of the things I did include stress-management, Reiki, and yoga. Even though my risk had decreased, it was still high, so I've since added CBD oil.

  2. Here are a variety of activities nearby: Evergreen Lake, Lookout Mountain, Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave, 16th Street Mall, Molly Brown House Museum, and Lair o' the Bear. You can also hike around the ampitheatre.

  3. The best thing I did for my daughter was to get her a puppy. Her dog forces her to be active and present. She takes full responsibility for her dog, and her dog is loyal and loving. Her dog makes her laugh and brings her so much joy.

    She also goes to a yoga studio, and yoga has been great for her confidence and health. The studio is run by a psychologist who also does therapy, and she has a refreshing approach. She focuses on developing coping mechanisms and strategies instead of just talking endlessly about problems. 

    I know how hard it is to see your kid struggle. I hope she can find some relief.

    I also recommend checking out Anthony William's books. He has some great advice about healing using food. 

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  4. When we travel we usually rent a house instead of staying in a hotel room. I always make sure we have a washer and dryer. Staying in a house is much more comfortable for us than being in a small hotel room.

    That said, traveling is exhausting. It's a lot of work. I have to be really mindful of what I plan, both from a safety viewpoint and a practical one. Some things just can't be done as a whole family. I generally plan 3 day/2 night trips, and I plan activities that everyone can do.

    When I was growing up, my mom planned trips that were packed with sightseeing destinations that kept us busy all day. It was great, but there's no way my family could keep up with a packed schedule. We have a different pace, and that's okay.

  5. Sorry to hear you're going through this. It's hard to be a caregiver when there are so many needs that must be met.

    My naturopath put me on Kavinace ultra pm, and it helps me to fall asleep and stay asleep, as it calms down my brain. I had terrible insomnia before I started taking it. On nights when that's not quite enough, I also take 3 mg of melatonin. Sleeping with an eye mask also helps.

    Theanine has also been a life saver. I take it 2-3 times a day, and it also calms down my brain. The brand I use is Thorne.

    I recently had a crisis and needed something stronger, so my naturopath gave me Charlotte's Web (CBD oil). I went from a terrible mental state to feeling normal again. He also gave me some chewable GABA pills to take if I start having anxiety. 

    I also wonder if there are some services available to help your family and neighbor. I would definitely explore options for help. However, I understand that sometimes life just throws too much at us at once, and we just have to muddle through the best we can. Hopefully if you can start sleeping again and calm down your brain, you'll feel more up to task.

    • Like 1
  6. I am so sorry that you are going through this. You are not a failure. Raising a child with special needs is just so difficult. My son (16) is not as severe, but he will likely live with me forever. I think a lot about what is sustainable. In other words, I think about what I can sustain over the course of my life, and what services he will need so I don't reach my breaking point.

    It sounds like your current situation is not sustainable. I would suggest that you make it a priority to find services for your son, even if it means relocating. I would open myself up to more options, and I would extend my research far beyond what I had explored before. I have a hard time thinking about the future. My son means the world to me, and I want him to always be surrounded by people who love him. I'm going to have a hard time trusting other people with his care when he's older, but I know it can't all be on me.  

    I've had to learn to make myself a priority, and it's been hard for me. But if I don't take care of myself and manage my health and stress, then I won't be able to continue to care for my son. I've been doing yoga and meditating, and it's helping me manage my stress better. Sometimes life gets unmanageable, though, and we need to revamp things, so life becomes manageable again. No amount of meditating will help if you're in an impossible situation.

    It sounds like your husband has already passed his breaking point and that you are alone in this. What a tough place to be in. I'm hoping that means he will be amenable to ideas of how to improve the situation, even if the ideas could mean big changes in your lives.

    I want you to remember that your health and happiness are important too. You are important and valuable, just like your son. I hope you can find a way to make things better for everyone, including yourself. I know there are no easy fixes or answers, but I hope you can find a way.

    • Like 7
  7. Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. She's my new best friend. LOL She encourages me to be kinder to myself and is helping me calm my overactive, stressed-out brain.

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  8. I would recommend an evaluation with an occupational therapist. I recommend researching sensory processing disorder to see if that fits. You can also look into a program called the Zones of Regulation. Like others said, food allergies are worth looking into. I would do an elimination diet.


    I wish my daughter had started occupational therapy sooner. It has helped her so much with regulating her emotions.

    • Like 1
  9. This article has a lot of great information about brace and mobility support dogs: https://www.anythingpawsable.com/brace-mobility-support-dogs-complete-guide/. You'll see in the article that dogs should not be used for brace support until they are 2 years old. My daughter has a service dog we trained ourselves. Her dog is amazing. However, the training and qualifications needed in our case were much less specialized. If you think you want to try training yourself, I think you'll need to find a dog that is old enough to start working. You should also have the dog examined by a professional to see if it has any health issues that would prevent it from being able to work.

    • Like 3
  10. I make myself a separate dinner. I'm mostly vegan and gluten free. I eat things that are quick and easy, like quinoa, cooked or raw vegetables, soup, beans, and salads. Sometimes I'll substitute ingredients, so I can have a similar item. For instance, if I'm making burritos I use a gluten free tortilla and dairy free cheese on mine.


    Because I make 2 and often 3 different meals, everything is quick. Tonight I warmed up a pre-made chicken alfredo, and I pulled out some ham and chicken from the fridge for my son who won't touch pasta, and I made myself some cooked vegetables and nuts. I also had rice and raw veggies on the table as sides.


    I have started insisting that my son at least try some bites to try to expand his palette because it would help if he was less picky, but I think there are sensory issues going on. Plus it's hard for me to be too hard on him since I eat separate food too.


    Sometimes I get irritated by the whole thing, but mostly I've just accepted this is how it is. There's just no way my family is going to eat things like quinoa with broccoli or vegan soup for dinner.


    It sounds like you should tell your family that you're changing your diet and that you may cook your own food even if someone else makes dinner. Let them know that it's about eating in a way that makes you feel good and not a judgment on their eating choices. People can get really defensive and judgemental about food, especially when they hear the word vegan, so your approach is important.

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  11. I love when people do Jamba Juice fundraisers because the discount cards are a good deal. It looks like a very easy fundraiser to pull off, if you have the store in your area.


    My son did the See's candy fundraiser. It was profitable, mostly because he set up at a great location. He got a lot of donations too because people believed in his cause and because he had a personal connection to the location he was fundraising at.

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