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Posts posted by tadbhoward

  1. Well, can you expect better from the kids when the adults do the same?


    I'm atonished at the adults that sit in the karate dojo where ds takes lessons. They sit and text or play games the whole time even if someone is talking to them. Most of them do not greet you when you walk in. Basic common courtesy and manners are disappearing.



    I experienced this for the first time last month at our indoor pool/water park. None of the moms were watching their little ones in the wading pool. There were several dozen moms sitting on the bench surrounding it and every single one of them were texting, or perhaps twittering. I found it rather strange, like I had just found myself in The Twilight Zone. All of these women together but not a single word escaped any of their lips. It was weird.

  2. We give 10% because we believe it is what God requires of us, (dh and myself). There have been times when we felt God has asked more of us and times when He has asked less, monetarily speaking. Usually it goes to our church, though there have been times God has led us to give elsewhere. Just like our relationship with Him, this area seems to be very personable to us.

  3. I have used FLL for the whole year so far. We are around lesson 80. I just started to use WWE because she needs the help with narration. I think they are both separate programs and in our case, both necessary.


    In the beginning, the FLL lessons took maybe 10 or 15 minutes to do and the beginning lessons for WWE are taking maybe 5 to complete. We just stopped doing the optional copy work from FLL and began doing the copy work in WWE instead.

  4. We will be doing 2nd grade and Kindy.


    Math: Singapore 2A

    Grammar: FLL level 2

    Spelling: Spelling Workout B (finish up) & C

    Handwriting: A Reason For...B

    Reading: Orally she is working through SL 2 readers so we will just keep moving on with them. To herself, anything related to her History lessons and whatever interests her.

    History: finish up SOTW 1, SOTW 2

    Science: Apologia's Astronomy

    Art: Drawing With Children, Harmony Fine Arts At Home

    Music: Harmony Fine Arts At Home, violin lessons


    For K, we will be using SL PK4/5 plus she sits in on History, Science, Music and Art.

  5. I started smoking when I was 12 b/c all my friends did it. I quit when I was 27 and pregnant with my first child. I tried for years to quit but could not handle the emotional and behavioral changes that it caused until I had someone other than myself to do it for.


    ETA: 6 years later, I still crave them if I am stressed or tired enough.

  6. My oldest dd is 6. I have been teaching her phonics for the past 2 years with a program I bought (very expensive) when I was really wet behind the ears. It has been more than sufficient at helping her to learn to read. She is currently reading at a second grade level. However, the curriculum itself still has a year left to go and I have been trudging through it b/c, well, I spent all that money on it.


    My question really is how do I know if she needs to continue with these lessons or not? The truth is that they have become confusing as they state all of these rules but then handfuls of exceptions to the rules. She just kind of looks back at me with this deer in the headlights look as I stumble through attempting to explain them to her. :confused:

  7. I picked mine up last night and spent an hour getting to know it at the local Starbucks. Mmmm, Salted Hot Chocolate. Seeing as how, outside of the Bible, the most serious book I have read in the last 5 years is Charlotte's Web, I don't think I did too bad.

  8. How do you know there is nothing wrong ;)


    We are all born with a sin nature, but I do tend to cringe when I hear it applied in this way to children. My problem is we tend to adopt an adversarial "us vs. them" mentality to parenting when every behavior is assumed to have a negative "sinful" intent. I do see my children's sinful nature, but I also see in them a desire to do what is right. They struggle just like I do with the desires of their flesh, and sometimes they lose the struggle. My job is not to battle against them, but to come along beside them, as a fellow sinner who understands their struggle, and encourage them to make the right choices.


    That is beautifully put. :)

  9. We have 3 kids, all girls, and live in a modest 3 bedroom/2 bath house. In January, to save money, we will be moving to a 2 bedroom 1 bath house that will be less than 1,000 sq feet. :001_huh: I figure it is worth the financial freedom that will come with it and in a few years my dh will be out of seminary and we will be ready to move.

  10. I thought my recipe used brown sugar?


    it's a good thing i feel like garbage.... or i'd be making them....


    My recipe calls for brown sugar and we call it Christmas Crack.


    1 box saltine crackers, you won't need the whole box

    1-2 cup butter

    1 cup packed brown sugar

    1 1/2 cups chocolate chips

    1 cup finely chopped pecans


    Heat oven to 350F degrees.

    Line a cookie sheet with foil.

    Arrange crackers snugly in a single layer, filling the sheet completely, about 40 crackers.

    In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium-low heat.

    Add the brown sugar and mix well.

    Pour the butter mixture evenly over crackers, spreading as necessary.

    Bake 8-10 minutes, or until the butter is bubbly.

    Remove the sheet from the oven and sprinkle chocolate chips over the crackers.

    When the chips have softened, spread them over the crackers with a knife.

    Sprinkle immediatly with the nuts.

    Let the cookies cool before breaking apart.

  11. It is really creepy to try to grab a sign at night (when most are stolen) and feel something greasy and possibly nasty all over your hands ...serves them right. Signs are a form of speech and to trespass onto anothers property and steal items from that property is disgraceful. During elections it is a constant problem.I tell people in my precinct to put the sign up staple all along the bottom so they cannot be grabbed easily and coat them with baby oil-our signs are still up. Unbelievable that people will commit trespass and vandalism and try to stifle First Amendment rights all in one fell swoop.



    My friends mother has tied a dead skunk to her McCain sign b/c it keeps getting stolen.


    Note: the skunk was found dead, she didn't kill it.

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