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Posts posted by pineapplehorse

  1. We did Elemental Science Logic Biology (LOVED) and Grammar Chemistry (MEH...) last year and they were good but....I thought I would LOVE it being independent but I just felt like it had too little involvement and I spent our Friday reviews reteaching pronunciation and the like (I have a BS in Botany and as MS in Forestry so science is my strong suit).


    So, this we are going to step back and do insects and astronomy from MP...alternating with one on Monday and one on Friday and lots of outdoor time. I'll be doing it for 3rd, 4th & 7th at different levels for all.

  2. Why of why do I get sooo torn....


    So...I was convinced I was going to us MCT next year...


    Then, the MP catalog came, and I started wondering if we would be happier doing grammar and writing that way...


    Then, I finally took the time to look at Brave Writer and it COMPLETELY resonated with me and I had a major ah ha moment....


    So why oh why am I still looking at MP?????


    HELP!! Anyone! Tell me to QUIT looking!!

  3. Thanks everyone!!



    Don't read The Mysterious Island. :ack2: I confess that I've never heard of Jules Verne's "Voyages Extraordinaire." :leaving: But I did enjoy Journey to the Center of the Earth.


    Noted :) Voyages Extraordinaire is the name for the collection of novels Journey to the Center of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea & Around the World in 80 Days.


    Okay, not trying to divert your thread away from your original question, or stick my nose it where it wasn't invited (lol), BUT... I don't recommend The Once and Future King (OaFK) for two reasons ......


    I appreciate your thoughts but I have no problem with him reading The Once & Future King. He has read The Hobbit (dozens of times), the complete Lord of the Rings, The Simarillion, The Odessey, The entire Inheritance series (multiple times), the entire Narnia series, His Dark Materials, much of The Canterbury Tales, Romeo & Juliet (OMG - that one has to have been the worst for explicitness), and MidSummer Nights' Dream. He is exceeding mature, and I know that he can handle TOFK with no problems. I really want our first 12 weeks to focus on mythology so that is why I am heavier on those genres.


    Since your DS adores fantasy, why not a fantasy adventure for that last book? You have 3 selections with older vocabulary/sentence structure (Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, and Treasure Island) to challenge him at his higher reading level, but how about something a little more modern and in his "sweet spot" to finish up the year? Ideas:

    - Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (O'Brien)

    - The Great and Terrible Quest (Lovett)

    - The Never Ending Story (Ende)

    - Enchantress from the Stars (Engdahl)

    - The Book of Three (Alexander)

    - A Wizard of Earthsea (LeGuin)

    - The Hobbit (Tolkien) -- and the Garlic Press Publishers Discovering Literature guide

    - Redwall (Jacques) -- and the Garlic Press Publishers Discovering Literature guide

    - Farmer Giles of Ham and Smith of Wooton Major (Tolkien) -- two short stories/novellas


    Or, how about Ivanhoe (Sir Walter Scott), and then read the very fun Knight's Castle (Edward Eager) that lightly spins of of Ivanhoe and Robin Hood characters?


    I understand that your DS is reading at college level, BUT, he's just now at the age where his brain is developing those critical thinking/reasoning skills to be able to begin learning literary elements and to do some very gentle literary analysis -- and it helps to start that process of with works that are much closer to his emotional/mental age than at his reading age. The Garlic Press guides are a great springboard into beginning to "go deeper". :)


    Just a few very unsolicited thoughts ;). Please use, or discard, whatever works best for your family! Wishing you the very BEST of luck in your reading adventures next year, whatever you decide on! Warmly, Lori D.


    I had not considered Ivanhoe or Robin Hood!! Thanks...going to add those for consideration.


    I have The Rats of NIMH on my short list...it was one of my favorites at his age. Not familiar with some of the others, so I will take a look.


    Also, we have been doing MBTP for 4 years as well, so he is very familiar with Lit Studies.



    First off, love this thread because I have a similar almost 13yo and I'm always looking for book lists.


    I might add to Black Ships Before Troy with The Trojan War or possibly change out for The Odyssey and The Aeneid.


    I think I would add to the second list

    The Time Machine - HG Wells

    Captain's Courageous - Rudyard Kipling


    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea will always be my favorite.


    Thanks! I have read 20,000 Leagues but that is the only one. If no one just jumps up and down for the others, I will go with that one :) He has read the Odessey but not the Aenied....


    Never considered Wells or Kipling...they are now on my short list :)


    A bit young but "Around the world in 80 days" is a fun, light read.

    "Journey to the center of the earth" and "20,000 leagues under the sea" are good reads. Gutenberg has them.


    My ds read all of these a couple of years ago, on Lori D's recommendation. Favourites were The Hobbit, Redwall, and the first 3 books in the Wizard of Earthsea series. He also liked Around the World in 80 Days the best form Jules Verne.


    Edit to add: My boys preferred White Fang over Call of the Wild, as not so many dogs die.


    Thanks! Going to look up The Wizard of Earthsea series....


    Great info for White Fang vs Call of the Wild...it's been a while since I have read either and my Jack London loving DH was no help in jogging my memories.


    I love your list. My DS has similar taste and has enjoyed several that are on your list. Some of your others we will use next year.


    I also have The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery on my list. I think it is nice to have a couple of short ones.


    We read The Little Prince this year as a read-aloud. All of mine (11, 8 & 7) ADORED it.



    THANK YOU EVERYONE....off to look up books....anyone else?

  4. FYI...DS12 was a HORRIBLE, HORRENDOUS, ATROCIOUS, pull my hair out speller.....UNTIL this year. Since second grade he has scored 99th percentile in reading and 5th to 10th in spelling. Then, this year....he tested AT GRADE LEVEL! While this isn't 99th percentile it made me do the happy dance. Whether he just finally caught on (I know this is an issue for many gifted readers) or it is curriculum, I do not know. But this year we switched to SWR and he seemed to really like it.

  5. I am trying to set my lit study reading list for DS12 (reading at college level; ADORES fantasy novels) at 15 books for next year.


    For the first third of the year, we are focusing on Greek Myths & Arthurian Legends and I have scheduled...

    D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths

    Black Ships Before Troy

    The Once & Future King

    Black Horses for the King

    The Story of King Arthur & His Knights


    For the last two thirds of the year, we are focusing on adventure novels with various themes and I have scheduled...

    Robinson Crusoe

    Gulliver's Travels

    Swiss Family Robinson

    Call of the Wild OR White Fang

    The Wind in the Willows

    Peter Pan

    Treasure Island

    A Wrinkle in Time

    One of Jules Verne's Voyages Extraordinaires


    So....which one of Verne's novels would be YOUR pick to go on this list




    what 1 book would you add to list 1 or 2?

  6. After drooling over MCT for a couple of years, I have finally found budget space for it. I will have 2 in Island and 1 in Town.



    -we will definitely be using some MBTP units next year

    -we were going to start Lively Latin (finished GSWL)

    -and have been doing Writing Strands Level 3


    I assume that with MCT I can drop Writing Strands all together and eliminate much of the writing and grammar parts of MBTP. Am I thinking correctly? And what about Lively Latin...will the roots work be complementary or overkill?



  7. I participated in TIP in the 80s and my oldest son does now. Because of TIP I graduated from high school a year early but more importantly, because of TIP I knew I wasn't alone. I got to spend 3 weeks every summer with "nerds" like me who were fun, smart, quirky, beautiful/handsome, and cool. No one was afraid to raise their hand; no one was made fun of for being smart; and best of all - there were tons of kids SMARTER than me :)


    Now that my son is in TIP, there is also CTY. I can honestly say that he has enjoyed the CTY offerings more but we have done some of both. TIP and CTY both have spent decades studying gifted education. They are advocates for gifted education and understand that the top 5% are as different from the normal child as the bottom 5% and deserve to have their needs met as well.


    If you have a child that can participate in either of these programs, I would STRONGLY encourage it. They will never forget it.

  8. We LOVED RSA & RSB - especially the games. Then, we started RSC and foundered...so we left and moved to LoF. Then, I stressed out (even though they adore LoF) and went back to RSC. Things went well for a while and I began to wonder why we left. Then after about 6 weeks we hit a wall. Kids were bored with the shapes/perimeter/area work so I was flying through 2/3 lessons a day but while my youngest was getting the multiplication by their method, my middle was struggling horribly and just did not see the connection. So....we went back to LoF and added in MM. I think we will most likely continue next year (today is our last day for this year) with some combination of RSC, LoF & MM...

  9. The MBTP unit is meant to take 3 weeks, while I believe MP is supposed to take a year. That's a huge difference! I haven't used the Greek Myths unit, but the 9-11 lit units I have used have been absolutely wonderful. Everything is laid out very well and the graphic organizers work extremely well for helping us get the work done. I have a hard time with program that tell us what to do in text - but seeing a graphic organizer just "clicks" for us.


    MP Greek Myths vs. MBTP lit unit for A Single Shard (unfortunately they don't have a sample of Greek Myths)


    We have done lots of the MBTP units :) Never thought about the MP unit being for an ENTIRE year??!!


    Is that true...Paradox5, Mama2two?

  10. DS12 LOVES Greek mythology and we are taking up D'Aulaires' Greek Myths next year. For any of you who have done Memoria Press or Moving Beyond the Page's Unit, what did you like or dislike about it and why. Or...would it be overkill to pick and choose some from both. I have the MBTP unit, just wondering if I should pick up the MP one at HEAV conference next month...



  11. I will be also be adding their Sassafras Twins book - because my kids will love it!


    Although I am totally comfortable with the material, I'm convinced that science will just be one of those subjects that we do outside the home as my kids get into high school.


    What comprehension level do you think is best for the sassafras twins books? I just looked at those...my kids retain SOOO much from Story of the World and Magic Tree House. I'm wondering if they would like these as well...

  12. [/size]


    You might want to make a sticky or four & put them all around your house (by the computer, in the school area, on your 'new planning book,' and on your bedroom mirror) that "I will not buy/plan too much this year."


    Join a 12-step program? :lol:


    :) do 12-step programs exist for curriculum stalkers...if so, I need one...Curriculum Buyers Anonymous :)


    Thanks, guys. I always freak out that there are things we won't cover and then realize that buying them doesn't mean we are covering them :)


    Does anyone have any experience with Memoria Press units? My kids are OVER the middle ages so do not want to return to Good Masters Sweet Ladies but was instead thinking about maybe doing Charlotte's Web and Treasure Island and maybe one more....

  13. We tested today and only have 3 weeks left :) One lesson learned from our 4th year....I can fall in love with TOO many good curriculums. What does this leave...multiple subjects half abandoned, plans for next year up in the area and too much money spent.


    So, you ask, what all did you buy?

    TOG Year 2, Units 1 & 2

    WP Equine Science

    RS Math Level C

    LoF - Apples, Butterfiles, Cats, Dogs, Edgewood, Farming, Fractions & Decimals, Percents, Elementary Physics AND Pre-Algebra with Biology

    MBTP - The Hobbit, Good Masters Sweet Ladies, The Prince & The Bard, The Greek Myths


    Duke TIP - Growing Up Heroic

    Lively Latin

    Getting Started with Spanish

    Etiquette Intermediate 2 (The Etiquette Factory)

    Elemental Science Elementary Chemistry & Intermediate Biology

    Writing Strands


    Starting to get the picture....We actually USED all of these in some form or another except for the ones I did not BOLD above. So...now is the time of year when I start dreaming of "how we will do things better next year" and I begin the oh so challenging curriculum stalking. I am even going to the HEAV convention this year in June.


    A few things I know...


    7th Grade

    We will continue with LoF for math

    We will do writing with Johns Hopkins CTY (already put the $ in the budget) and fill in between classes with Writing Strands

    We will do The Easy Spanish

    We will continue with Etiquette Intermediate 2

    We might continue with Elemental Science Intermediate Biology...notice I said might...if we have the money I would like to do science through CTY


    4th/3rd Grade

    We will continue with both LoF and RightStart Math

    DS8 will do The Easy Spanish, DD9 will do The Easy French (her request)

    We will continue with Etiquette Intermediate 2


    -As much as I love TOG it is too much for us with all the other subjects we do. However, DS12 (who just scored 14.9 GE on reading fluency and >18.0 GE on passage comprehension) has really gotten into the historical readings so I do not want to drop that part.

    -I remember what I loved and what I hated about MBTP. The literature is great!! The units are thorough. But the kids get bored after unit after unit.

    -I cannot keep up with what I need to run a biology experiment and a chemistry experiment every week (I have a BS in Botany and a MS in Forestry, so science should be the easy part, ha!)

    -The kids ADORE it when they all work together and when I read aloud to them.

    -They have begged to return to SOTW (we were halfway thru 3 when we stopped last year). They miss the question sessions and liked coloring the silly pictures (even DS 12 admitted to that) and I miss the map work.





    Do I go back to SOTW and supplement with the extra readings from the activity book and WTM AND pick up 3 or 4 MBTP units to use through the year


    Do I continue with TOG and just use the reading and vocabulary like we did the last part of this year and add in MCT?


    Do I try the Trail Guide to Learning Series


    Do I try some of the Memoria Press units...


    Suggestions...comments....observations...complaints... :)

  14. Talk to me about WP Phonics? I was headed towards Spell to Write & Read...(and in fact have already ordered it). But now I like WP as well. I have a 3rd grader who is struggling to read and doesn't ever read on her own for fun and a 2nd grader who loves to read and devours everything in sight.

  15. How much do you pay for your DC's ballet lessons?

    $40 for the first class (ballet), $20 for each additional class (jazz, hip hop, tap, etc.)


    How long are the lessons?

    for K it was 45 minutes for ballet and 30 minutes for tap

    for 1st & 2nd it was 1 hr for ballet and 30 minutes for jazz


    How many lessons per week?

    One lesson per week - back to back so dance lasts 1.5 hours for us right now


    Is there an annual registration fee or something similar? How much is it?

    $25 the first year, nothing after that


    Who teaches the early levels (say about 10 yo and younger) - older students or a trained adult?

    trained adult who is studio owner but she also has a high school student there as an assistant for the PreK and K classes


    What do you pay for costumes (or costume fees)? Do you keep the costumes?

    Usually about $40 to $50 per class. Yes we keep them.

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