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Posts posted by MommaOfalotta

  1. What I find so weird about teens today is that they're constantly on their phones WHEN THEY'RE SOCIALIZING IN-PERSON. Sure, I used to chat on the phone with my friends (what girl didn't?) but when I was hanging out with my friends at the mall/roller skating rink/movies/etc. (can you tell I was an '80's kid, LOL?) we actually PAID ATTENTION TO EACH OTHER. What a concept!

  2. I'm odd, but most of the stuff has been mentioned. The only thing that hasn't been said is that I have no qualms walking around with just one sock. I didn't know this was odd until I got married and The Hisband made a huge deal of it. It bugs the heck out of him...


    I just did this the other day! One fell off in the night and I walked around the house the next day with only one sock. I noticed, and it bothered me a lot, and yet I didn't put another sock on or take the other off! :laugh:



  3. I've recently become bothered by cell phones. Not just with kids but adults as well. My mom, a 61 year old woman, got her first smart phone about a year or two ago and in her free time is constantly on facebook. I don't even like asking her to watch the kids because I know my 3YO will be unsupervised.


    I gave up my phone about a year ago because I couldn't stand paying such a huge bill (we were with Verizon at the time and paid about $220 a month for two phones!). I realized I was paying all that money to text and facebook. And I did it entirely too much. I remember I would pick up my phone and check texts/scroll through facebook before remembering I had JUST checked everything minutes ago. I would constantly be telling my dd "Hold on a second," as I responded to texts. After being phone free for a year I do actually miss having my own phone. It's weird but it feels a bit like I've lost a little of my identity. I have used dh's phone to text a friend and I still communicate with others via computer, but people don't text me anymore. It's not MY phone. I don't know it's weird lol but it just shows me how much I was invested in a cell phone. 


    The plan is dd will not get a phone until she starts driving. Now, that might change if she needs one sooner--but as for having a cell phone at 8? Heck to the no. I've seen 6 year olds with phones and although they know perfectly well how to use them.. I don't think they are ready to have unsupervised access to internet, facebook, etc.


    I'm rambling but basically.. I do not believe it's just a generational thing. I think it is an entire society thing.

    • Like 9
  4. Question: What follows OPGTR?

    Answer: A library card.


    Have fun and happy reading




    Independent reading and read alouds.


    ETA: We began a spelling program as part of our LA work. LA also includes, for us, reading poetry & narration, etc.

  5. I have a lot to do today... but I have RED BULL :hurray:


    As much school as we can fit in w/todays events

    Take trash out


    1 on 1 w/Ds (He got "school stuff" last night at the store and he's excited)

    Library again (3rd time in two days)

    Take dd to get ears pierced for her birthday

    Get dog tags

    Give dog a bath & wash her blankie


    Begin cleaning whole house for dds party tomorrow

    Have dd call aunts to invite them for cake



    I know I am forgetting things.. hm.

    • Like 2
  6. After 5 consecutive days of playing outside.. the cold weather is back. I'm really going to have to fight a bad mood today, lol.



    Order dd's birthday cake

    Feed animals/Clean litter box

    1 on 1 w/ds

    School with dd- Science, Math, Spelling, Writing, IR & RA, English (some catching up from yesterday--but without outside play we will have extra time :crying:)

    Start getting the house ready for Saturday (Dds birthday "party")

    Couple loads of laundry


    Oh, I forgot.. Plan paycheck/Grocery list

    ETA: Return overdue library items


    Nothing to do this evening so I'm hoping to get all work done early and relax.

    If the day is REALLY good I might even find time to take the dog on a quick, cold walk.

    • Like 2
  7. I have music set on my TV as I type.  It's at 13... my usual number for this station.   ;)


    TV is generally watched at 15 or 19 if live, and 35 - 55 if taped.  I've no idea why our DVR requires a louder volume than our TV, but it does.


    But no... we're not set in where things have to be, those are just known "works for us" numbers so we gravitate to them rather than trying to figure it out each time.  I'm pretty sure if you visited you could choose 12 or 14 instead if you wanted to...  or the pp could have 10 or 15.   ;)


    Oh, the horror! ;)


    ETA: It doesn't bother my dh.. it's just a thing with me. He will be adjusting the volume and stop on 11 and I cringe. He's like "Oh, sorry." *Changes to 12* lol Sometimes if he's feeling funny he picks odd numbers on purpose.. :glare:lol​


    • Like 2
  8. This has been fascinating to read!


    I can't stand to be breathed on or breath somebody else's breath. It will wake me up at night if my husband ends up too close to me and I'm beating his breath. I've never told him that either.


    I hold my breath and don't look at dead animals on the road. I have to actually force myself to start breathing again once I've passed it. I guess I don't want to breath death? No idea! I'm not actually grossed out. I just can't.


    I know the numerical order of the alphabet as well as I know the letter itself. A=1, M=13, etc I play a game, especially while driving where I alternate adding and subtracting letters in a word to know its numerical value. For instance the word weirdness equals 4. I do it a lot. :)


    I can't stand loose teeth!! I can handle all the other bleeding, vomiting, etc things but do NOT come show me your loose tooth or, heaven forbid, ask me to pull it!! Gag!!


    I'm sure there are others. I'm just too distracting with these others I'm thinking about now. :)


    Yes! I sleep facing opposite of my dh because I don't want to breathe on him/him breathe on me. When he works nights I enjoy sleeping on my other side!


    And I cannot take teeth at all either! My kids know not to come near me with any teeth issues. Although this is accompanied by a phobia of the dentist and probably had something to do with getting 11 teeth pulled.. while awake... as a small child. It was spread out over three appointments but was by far the most traumatic thing that ever happened to me LOL

  9. A few others (because it feels good to let them out I guess).. I cannot stand noises from eating and/or drinking. Even the sound of a swallow. *shudder* I am constantly trying to eat quietly so no one hears those nasty noises come from ME. :lol:


    When I was a kid I would get the urge to make a certain letter sound. I would be playing or whatever and just get an urge and have to make the N sound (or whatever letter) a few times.


    Can't eat popsicles because just thinking about my tongue accidently touching the damp popsicle stick is enough to make me gag. (The same way with my moms wooden spoons. I refuse to use them because of the way they feel in my hand. YUCK.)


    My dd will erase something on her paper and NOT BRUSH OFF THE ERASER PIECES but will instead JUST CONTINUE WRITING WITH THEM ON HER PAPER... :scared: This is a criminal offense.


    There are a lot of words I cannot stand to hear or say.. or apparently type. I was going to list them but I just can't :blush:


    The list goes on.. and on... and on.








    • Like 3
  10. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

    School- History, Math, English, IR & RA, Spelling, Handwriting

    Clean up house (slacked a little yesterday)

    1 on 1 with Ds



    Clean litter box

    Feed animals

    Outside time with kids/walk the dog


    I would like to finish earlier today so I can have more down time. I'll either be going to church (might not if Dh uses my car for work) or having some veg time in front of the TV looking at next years curriculum options. :drool: I always use that thought to power through the day but somehow I never get the time/peace to actually do it.​

    • Like 2
  11. Good Morning!


    Amy....labor cost are outrageous!  I detest car troubles of any sort. 




    quick clean main floor---aka suck up the dog hair --I feel like I live to vacuum.

    ds school--on his own

    Go to Ollies for books for the grands--mail package

    Go pick up 5 rotisserie chickens at Costco --remove meat and bag up and put bones in crockpot to cook 24 hours for bone broth

    Make Chicken poblano popper soup for dinner

    Day 2 of challenge...stay on task! :) and exercise.


    Have a good day! 


    The bolded... :seeya:Me too! I realize I forgot something from my list now. What breed do you have?

    • Like 1
  12. Good morning!


    Top priorities today:

    B/L/D- & Dinner prep.. need to thaw the ribs

    School-Math, Science, IR & RA, Language Arts

    Baby school with ds- Last night I was so tired we ended up just reading story books. He enjoys the counting bears & "Real" school things so I need to make an effort to do that with him today.

    Keep the house clean

    1x Laundry

    Feed animals & Clean litter box


    I would LIKE to do:

    Watch some TV- my DVR'd shows are really piling up (this is why we are considering cutting cable! :p We never watch it!)

    Start looking into next years curriculum

    Walk the dog/more outside time if it's warm enough

    Vacuum again!

    • Like 2
  13. I come and go from these threads.. but if you all don't mind I need some extra accountability this week (and through the end of our year but we will take it one week at a time lol)



    School- History, Math, English, Spelling, Writing, Reading (IR and RA)

    Pick up house


    Call my aunt

    1-2 loads of laundry

    Litter box

    Run Vacuum

    Walk dog (play outside if everything gets done?) with kids

    Kids will probably needs baths

    One on one "school" time with ds


    Dh is on seconds this week.. which is good for me getting things done.


    *Adding about 2 more loads of laundry. Little one had an accident this morning.


    Done... exhausted... and heading up to put the kids to bed. House is clean.. kids are clean.. school is done... beds have fresh sheets and blankets.


    It doesn't happen often but man does it feel good!

    • Like 2

    You might want to read the book Teaching from Rest or listen to a podcast on it.  This is because when you are operating from anxiety, which causes that burnout and all that fear and tension, you can really do a lot of damage to your family, without even realizing it.  I think many homeschoolers either learn this lesson or they give up on homeschooling because it gets so bad.  


    So do yourself a favor and read this book!  It is like manna from heaven!  Teaching from Rest


    Thank you for this!

    • Like 1
  15. Hello sister!


    Wow can I relate. This is our 4th year homeschooling and although I feel like I'm making progress with handling my stress.. I can still largely identify with you on everything.. from the library issues to the 3 year old boy :p We have used all the same curriculum but the math! I think a big part of the stress for me is how different our school year looks from what I had imagined it would be. I would love to have everything go by the plan with perfectly correlated read alouds and a child that will sit there attentively and listen to SOTW 2-3x a week and we would never fall "behind" my curriculum plan. NOW.. that being said.. We are only on lesson 12 of SOTW 3 :) And we skipped some! We are on lesson two... TWO.. of Latin. Confession time: I bought Artistic Pursuits when dd was in 1st grade and we have still not finished it. Same with our music.


    She's on track with math, writing, reading, and spelling (well, ahead in most actually) but I, too, worry about her comprehension. SOTW can be so hard for us. I don't know if it's her not paying attention or if she struggles with comprehension. In fact, I just posted about it the other day. It sure makes history frustrating for us both sometimes.


    Anywho, where was I going with this... Oh yeah.. the bright side! lol I am realizing that most of the stress/anxiety that I feel about our school year all comes back to me. I need to CHILL. Yes, it physically hurts my brain to not check off all the lessons in the year but guess what? She's doing fine. We have never had an issue with our yearly assessments. I sat down Saturday night and mapped out the rest of the year in an attempt to finish everything. Will I try? Yes. Will I stick with it? Hmm... Let's hope.


    I'm rambling but my point is.. it's okay. :D She sounds like she's doing just fine!


    We might not have read all the books I planned out on the beautiful 4th grade reading list I made back in August but my kid is begging me DAILY to read 2-3 HOURS of Harry Potter. And she would let me go on longer! That, to me, is so much better for US and our homeschool than me pushing a read aloud on her that she didn't enjoy just because it was on my pretty list :p (Not saying you would do this- just showing that sometimes ditching the plan can lead to something wonderful!)


    My last thought before falling asleep last night was "Homeschooling is hard." lol. But I think I make it harder on myself than it has to be. Is having a plan/goal important? Sure. But learning to sometimes relax and see where your own dc take you is important too. As long as she is moving forward.. you're good!


    Sorry for rambling... my "morning me time" is running out and I'm trying to hurry!

    • Like 1
  16. I come and go from these threads.. but if you all don't mind I need some extra accountability this week (and through the end of our year but we will take it one week at a time lol)



    School- History, Math, English, Spelling, Writing, Reading (IR and RA)

    Pick up house


    Call my aunt

    1-2 loads of laundry

    Litter box

    Run Vacuum

    Walk dog (play outside if everything gets done?) with kids

    Kids will probably needs baths

    One on one "school" time with ds


    Dh is on seconds this week.. which is good for me getting things done.


    *Adding about 2 more loads of laundry. Little one had an accident this morning.




    • Like 2
  17. I wouldn't give up!


    I think that listening comprehension is a skill...and something that many kids need to practice at.  It is just like running or anything else you need to train your body/mind to do.   You have to sometimes start slowly and walk A LOT before you can acutally run.   (Just to use that analogy. haha)  


     Here are some tips I would try...


    1)  Before you start reading, ask her what she remembers from the last time you read.   Make that a general habit before you read anything new.  Work on seeing more improvement in these answers instead of perfection right away.


    2)  Another thing to do is scan the chapter for key words.  (You can also use the comprehension questions or sample narrations in the AG for help with this.)  Write those key words (2 or 3 at most) on the board and tell your daughter to be listening for these.  Tell her you want her to include these words in her narration.


    3)  Start reading shorter passages at each reading.  Meet your daughter where ever she is.   Maybe this means half a section.   OR, maybe she can only take in a single paragraph or two!   Meet her where she is.   Read VERY short parts of SOTW, and then asking her to give you a Charlotte Mason style oral narration.   (Have her tell back everything she remembers in her own words.)   Do this instead of the comprehension questions.  This will allow you to see how much she is actually taking away from the reading, and saying things back will help her make it her own.   Retention will go up.


    4)  Keep practicing this skill.  Again, you are looking for improvement--not perfection.  


    Eventually her narration skills (oral composition) will keep improving.   Eventually you can start reading a bit longer passages.   Eventually she will be able to answer more of the comprehension questions.  


    And PLEASE, PLEASE don't worry about being "behind".   You aren't behind!  This is history not math!  Ignore the perfect 4 year cycle if you have to.    Just keep the skills practiced at each level of history appropriate (oral narration now, outlining in the logic stage, etc.) and read the content of wherever you are.    Maybe you will have a 6 year history cycle.   (The world will not end, and many, many classical homeschoolers do this.)    Maybe you will only make two rotations through history.  Again, the world will not end and she will be just fine.


    Thank you! I posted this yesterday in a moment of frustration and afterwards decided to stick with SOTW in hopes that she will strengthen these skills the more we stick with it. Your tips are wonderful and we will be using them.

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