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Posts posted by JFJ in IL

  1. Myself and 2 others organized and orchestrated VBS this year for my church and 250+ children. It was a huge commitment on my part but totally worth it. The children had a great time and the volunteers felt like they really made a difference! We did track first time families vs returning families and/or members and we had 45 brand new families. That was awesome! Even without the new families, though, I still think it is a great way to treat our own congregation and their children to a little fun while learning about God :001_smile: We only spend what we bring in so our budget is based on enrollment at $25 per child. We also raise money each year for some charitable contribution...this year it was nickels for nets.

  2. I live in Illinois and a formal registration or letter of intent to homeschool is not required but...should I do it anyway?

    There are links and forms I can use to accomplish this for my state so it makes me wonder. Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Just a little back ground info...my son attended the local ps for K & 1st. My daughter has never attended ps. I did not register either of them for ps this year.

  3. My dd is also pretty tiny and has definite preferences for foods. If your dd is complaining of feeling hungry, I'd try to increase her protein intake any way you can. You can make smoothies with fruit she likes, yogurt, milk and protein powder. You can get her some meat treats like pepperoni sticks, chicken/turkey nibblers, or sliced meats. Maybe she likes other kinds of nuts or seeds, such as pistachios, sunflower seeds, or almonds.


    If she's only eating simple carbs her blood sugar may be swinging up and down, which may account for some of the moodiness. Protein will help stabilize things and reduce that feeling of hunger.



  4. My kids are 7 & 5 so we haven't done much besides collect food for the local food pantry. Next year will be our first year of homeschooling, though, and we are planning on helping at our local animal shelters on a weekly basis. I also love the idea of making cards for nearby nursing home residents. Great thread, love the wonderful ideas!

  5. We got hermit crabs for the kids this past Christmas and then researched them, duh!

    First, they are nocturnal and make quite a bit of noise (squeaking believe it or not!) and during the day they are buried in the bedding.

    Second, they need to live in groups of 3-4+ to be truly happy.

    Third, they can pinch you and that hurts so the kids don't want to pick them up.

    Lastly, and most important, hermit crabs don't like to be played with....

    Ugh! I take care of feeding, cleaning and watering them and their habitat daily because I have to BUT I don't recommend them to anyone looking for a family friendly pet.

  6. I was just able to watch one of the very long video's and I must say I am impressed and I will definitely be picking up the book soon! Headed to the website now in an attempt to locate chapter samples, etc...so I can decided if I will be using FLL in addition to this program. As far as my daughter goes, she has learned *some* of the simple sounds but not all. Do you recommend starting her with OPGTR instead?

  7. Hmm...well, I am hoping to have one program for reading.

    My daughter will need to start from the beginning but I will still need something that I can use with my son, too.

    Right now my son is reading at an average first grade level but he did have go into a reading recovery program to get there.

    I had planned on going with OPGTR but LOE sounded like it might have a little more explanation & content for all ages and stages.

    I had also planned on using FLL & WWE for my son but I am unsure how that would fit in with LOE.

    This will be my first year homeschooling and the curriculum choices have been a bit overwhelming!

    Going to watch those video's now :001_smile:

    Thanks for the help!

  8. Hi all. I noticed a few different threads mentioning LOE and I became interested in the program :001_smile: I also noticed many people comment that they were waiting to see the program and materials at the convention. So...if you went to the/a convention and browsed through LOE what did you think? I was thinking I might use this for my 6yo kindy daughter and my 7yo second grade son...Thanks for your help!

  9. We went 2 years ago in June (so before the movie was released) and we did get to see Winter perform.

    They had multiple shows and Winter's was the last.

    It was about a 10 minute show and the trainers explained her story in great detail.

    Call them, I am sure they will be honest with you as to the possibility of seeing her while you are in Clearwater.

    Just so you know, the Clearwater Aquarium is a pretty low budget operation and does not have many bells and whistles so make sure to bring your suits so you can hang out on the beautiful beaches!

    Have a great vacation!

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