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Posts posted by texascamps

  1. I saw this documentary on TV a few years ago and it was very uplifting


    http://www.crazysexycancer.com/ The woman is still alive. I don't know much about her type of cancer. She went macrobiotic I think.


    I also heard a radio show with Suzanne Somers touting a book about alternative cancer treatments. She wasn't the interesting one. It was the doctors that she writes about that were interesting. http://www.amazon.com/Knockout-Interviews-Doctors-Cancer---Prevent/dp/0307587592/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1329647316&sr=1-4


    Personally, I would employ modern medical solutions, with an alternative diet chaser. Medical science has advanced so much even in the last few years. My husband is a cancer survivor of testicular cancer, my SIL had uterine cancer. A friend of mine has Breast Cancer but her prognosis is very good as they know that her cancer can probably be cured by removing her ovaries to inhibit Estrogen production. This find is a new advancement in cancer. In another five years, I suspect it will even be better.

  2. Based on the facts, the man was reasonable in his actions.


    Firstly, I thought the Grizzly was no longer endangered, so I looked it up on the Fish and Wildlife page. It was taken off the endangered list in '75 and off the threatened list in '05 so I wonder where they are getting "endangered." Anyone?


    Secondly, I'm wondering where people live rural where the bears are predictable. I live rural and we don't have bear alerts where we "keep the kids inside." I live at the base of a mountain where people have lived for 150 years, so its not like we are "intruding." Bears just show up, unpredictably. They are unpredictable, especially if they are coming toward or near a home. Bears that avoid people are predictable and not a threat. Bears that chase dogs into homes and attack people like reported by the AP today are a threat. Bears break into homes around here every year. So, bears that come 40 yards close to a home when they can reach a child who is safely sitting on a porch in 3 seconds is a threat. Those bears are not afraid of people or animals. A grizzly is not a little 'ol bear. Its a car, to its an ATV. Turbo.


    Also, who manages their kids that much that they know if they are on one side of the driveway or the other at any moment?


    I imagine if he saw the bear and the bear was approaching the house then he felt the bear was being led to the house by something tempting, a smell like a sweet tasting child perhaps.....


    I'd shoot. I love my kids more than the bear. Call me wacky.


    The DOW would come get the bear, if you called it in before you shot it, and they'd go put it back where they thought it belonged until it came down again then they would shoot it. It's a problem bear....



    Oh, which reminds me of the story of the bear around Provo, who took an 11 year old boy from his tent, and killed him. The family won a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the DOW for not warning folks of the bear that they had failed to dispatch when he became a problem.



    If we find out this guy poached this bear or killed it somewhere else then brought it home, then that's a different matter.

  3. Dh coaches under 6's. One player scored 12 goals in a 14-3 win. League rules say she has to play a certain amount of time (rec league.). He's not telling a 5 year old to not try. So, he usually tries to have her spend part of the time guarding the goal to keep the score reasonable. Yeah, 14-3 was him doing his best to keep it reasonable. It's youth sports. Who benefits when a team wins by a crazy margin? It's not like they're trying to win a BCS ranking.



    i agree with everything you have said! Its Youth Sports. Its not even High School where there may be recruiters.


    Plus at this level of playing, the goal is to get as many kids to participate, and learn how to play, especially since most leagues are funded out of the fees, not gov't money. Our last league guaranteed 15 plays per kid. However, we didn't have that rule about the point spread. But, I realize that when kids get soooo far behind, no one wants to play.... Or if one person dominates, kids don't want to play. They are, after all, kids. They just want to play the game among peers. Our new league doesn't promise any playing time at all, and there are days I quietly wonder why we show up, but, we tell our #2 son to just keep trying, they only play the guys that perform.



    I do think its a cheap shot to initiate new rules in the middle of season, though. That would be my biggest complaint about this particular instance.

  4. I do NOT find it disturbing.


    Firstly, he was guilty of plotting to do harm against the United States and to kill citizens of the US.


    His actual citizenship is simply a technicality and he used it to his benefit as I see it. I think that he basically renounced his citizenship when he established himself in a new country and began plotting to take the US down. He was not living in the US and never intended to come back. If he were living here as a citizen and simply trying to "change" the US through speech or whatever, that would be different.


    There are some laws against treason, sedition, etc. that allow him to be given the death penalty. I expect "they" felt lives were in danger if they didn't take him out. Yemen wasn't going to send him back.



    I sure hope they clarify laws so that when citizen terrorists do move off to other countries, conspire to kill Americans and hope to overthrow the gov't then its clearly within the law to stop them, even if it means death. I think they can write to the laws to restrict this power to only those that are an imminent threat to citizens of the US.

  5. Denser living. No sprawl, no huge yards, no single family dwellings for everybody - but living in towns where the distances are such that you can WALK to store, bakery, yoga, library.

    i.e. a departure from the car centered society.



    I know that's what a portion of our society wants. But its truly creepy to lose the freedom to travel, see the world, and to have to live where one wants just so we can go to yoga....doesn't seem worth it to live like cattle, especially when we have the resources and know-how NOT to have to live like that if we can just get past the environmentalist religious agenda.


    I hope we can snap out of it soon before the country craters. Why is it that so many folks want us to be like "Europe?" Our land is not the same our people are not the same our resources are not the same,our history is not the same, etc..... Why would want that?

  6. What is sad is that most of us are changing the way we live. We used to visit town to shop more than once a week, we could drive to the thrift store, the grocery store, the mennonite bakery, the rec center the small town theater. All of these places would earn our money. Now, we go to Wal mart once a week. No Rec center, no classes, no cinnamon buns... yoga classes, no organic lettuce from the health food store. No picnics in the State Park


    The extra money I pay in gas ($800 for March) is no longer going to employ neighbors, its all going to Walmart to buy outrageously priced lettuce that is shipped by trucks that are also having to pay outrageous gas.


    How long will it be before the Yoga instructor, the health food store, the Mennonite bakery and the State Park go under because most of us are barely keeping our own heads above water?



    What's the solution?

  7. I'm fine with the federal taxes I pay because we don't pay much to the feds. There was a time when we were in a higher tax bracket and it was horrible. We couldn't deduct charitable contributions, student loan interest, etc. because of our bracket.


    However, my state tax is a burden. I feel I could pay more for medicare and SS as there is no way they'll make enough off me at this rate to pay for me later.


    I do have friends that make quite a bit and the amount of tax they pay is obscene. Most wealthy friends I have are quite generous with their money and frequent small businesses and donate to charities. I feel their money is better spent by them locallay than being sent to Washington to be wasted on criminal orgs like Acorn and Planned Parenthood and booze for Nancy Pelosi's jet.

  8. Hmm, I'm really surprised by these responses. I know that among my close friends who would be considered pretty right conservative, we would agree that most people lean to the good people side.


    I believe most people are basically good and are inclined to be good. We are born innocent as we grow do we make bad choices and are tempted to a selfish natural state of "sinning" or making trouble. I think its its not as easy as drawing lines in the sand. The charitable humble man who is honest in his business yet cheats on his wife....where does he fit.


    I believe we are made in God's image and because of that, we have that inclination to be good and to love one another....

  9. I like these lists and went immediately to netflix to add some to my queue.


    Here are some (some old) that we had some of our kids watch and they liked them enough to talk about them years later.



    North by Northwest

    Operation Petticoat

    Father Goose

    Ghost and Mr. Chicken

    The Bishop's Wife

    Christmas in Connecticutt


    Fiddler on the Roof

    Some Like it Hot

    The Trouble With Harry

    Penny Serenade

    Roman Holiday


    Cool Hand Luke

    Flight of the Phoenix

    Double Indemnity




    Any John Wayne, many Clint Eastwoods and all Pixar movies. There are so many genres out there that contain fantastic movies. History can be supplemented with quality movies to help move along discussion. My dh got my kids to watch a number of Rat Patrol episodes which led to a discussion on WWII in North Africa.


    Thanks for everyone's suggestions. Can't wait for movie night.

  10. Same problem here with my FL. My girlfriend and I got ours at the same time and we both hate ours because of the poor cleaning. However, the same time we got our new FL our state outlawed phosphorous in the detergent. So its hard to know if its the FL or the soap.


    My solution has been to use HOT water, twice the soap, and do an extra rinse for everything.


    My whites still come out dingy and grey but they smell okay and the armpits aren't crusty.....still can't get my socks clean...there is actual debris on them. Sometimes I have to rewash washcloths and socks.


    I really miss my top loading Maytag Atlantis and my phosphorous soap!

  11. :iagree: I know farmers that go close to a million in debt over one or two pieces of equipment or a barn. They may or may not break even every year...and generally it would be due to the fact that they also have other jobs on the side of farming (construction, blacksmithing, concrete work). Farming is not lucrative once everything is balanced out. You can't just look at what comes in; you have to look at what comes in then subtract everything that went out...or rather, you take everything that went out and hope you had enough come in to cover it in the end.


    Any time you start regulating you edge out the small man. This bill is just furthering the demise of the small farmer and hastening the monopoly of the multi-national ag corporations. I don't know of any farmers that don't also have another job. Equipment is expensive, seeds are expensive, hail frost and failure is expensive. I guess its just an excuse to "create jobs" in the manner of oversight committees, regulation bodies, secretaries, field supervisors, IT personnel to supervise the laptops that all of these regulators need... sigh!

  12. I believe food prices are already on the rise, dramatically where I live. I read within the last two months on the Wall Street Journal about a failed wheat crop in Russia and how they are not exporting wheat. China and India are currently having a healthy economy and are importing food at high rates. I also read about a failed sugar crop. Cooler summers across the US in food producing areas also prevented some crops from thriving. Eggs are outrageous here, maybe because of the Salmonella debacle this summer.


    Some crops are suppressed to help regulate prices. But if those crops fail then prices go up on those because of scarcity.


    The Wall Street Journal is a great place for factual updates on what is happening in all industries across the globe. Ag reports are fun, CNBC with Fast Money and MadMoney are great, too!

  13. My dd 12 loves Reminisce which is filled with old timey photos, comics and stories. I bought it for myself but she gets it first and keeps them in her room!


    There is a new magazine called Discovery Girls which she wants but its TOO much about self esteem. (IMHO)


    American Girl is pretty good. It has recipes and crafts. Cobblestone is an excellent History mag which we all like but its $$$.


    I'm going to look at Justine and Kiki, too, now.

  14. My ds, dd and myself had it don before Chrismas. On day ten we ate real food and it really hurt. Everything hurt and the pain meds we were given would not control the pain.


    Its different for everyone, but we felt great for the first 3 or 4 days like this was going to be a breeze, then on day 5 when scabs start coming off the actual pain started. Horrible! We lived on gatorade. Even pudding and ice cream hurt.....for us.


    Good luck! Hope it goes well and easy.

  15. I'm searching for science curriculum and I've taken the advice of others and am looking at Rainbow Science and Ellen McHenry. The Smithsonian chemistry set recommended in WTM does not seem available anymore. At least I can't find it. Also, I can't tell if Rainbow Science is secular or not, my charter school won't pay for it if its not secular.


    My goals for ds.


    Know how to keep a lab notebook. I'd like a curriculum that shows examples.


    Get to know the periodic table and learn about the structure of molecules.


    I'd really like it to come with the materials needed or some simple set to purchase which will come with everything.




  16. Can you go to a thrift store? We always get nearly new books there for $.69 sometimes toys and clothes. We hit garage sales and fine new or nearly new items there for pennies on the dollar.


    Also, can you call up the Fire Department and get on their Toys for Tots program?


    Our church fills the gift requests for families in need, do you have this opportunity?


    Folks really, really enjoy giving things that kids want and they will do it anonymously. Even if you feel you don't want charity, others really need the opportunity to share at this time of year. Even folks who are not doing well themselves really want that feeling of sharing and giving especially with this feeling of malaise hovering over so many many!

  17. I believe now, but not at the beginnig, that Global Warming Alarmism is a fraud and from what I am witnessing now, perpetuated by folks who have a financial iron in the fire.


    I have done extensive reading and following of cites and footnotes on reports over about 7 years about this debate because I want to be informed. Those whose livelyhood are depending on man made global warming to be real tend, of course,to showdata that "proves" it (while at the same time disregarding all science showing any dissent) while those who simply record data and whose jobs are not depending on research dollars from Global Warming "endowments" show quite a different story.


    I also believe now after listening to what is going on globally as far as who should "pay" the world is looking to the west.


    After years of being "Alarmed" folks are wising up..


    Its a shakedown and I believe the global warming fanatics like Al Gore will eventually go down as the Phrenologists of this century.


    Personally, I have removed the "eco" and environmental certifications from my bio and from my business cards because I no longer want to be associated with that industry until the hype has settled and we can agree on legitimate and rational ecological steps to preserve and sustain.

  18. MY daughter had HSP


    Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP)


    Anaphylactoid Purpura


    However, it started with excruciating abdominal pain, then a fever. then the purple bruises and a rash that I thought looked like train tracks.



    Its a rare disease but all of our pediatricians knew about it.... They couldn't verify HSP until the purple spots appeared. The spots were firm like there was tissue behind them and a they were a little raised.



    There are mild cases and there are severe cases. Ours was severed because she couldn't walk for about a month and had to be carried around.


    keep us posted.

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