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  1. Hi all. Does anyone have a recommendation for the best place to buy a physical copy of Explode the Code? Thanks!
  2. Thank you both! I feel considerably better now. I checked out the Derek Owens site and it looks good. I obviously want my son to do well with math, who wouldn't?, without bogging ME down with all of it. Assisting with math is fine, but I really want to free my time up for us to focus on what I can do well with him.
  3. We have been a homeschool family for my rising 7th graders entire life and, I hate to admit it, but this is the first time I have really started to feel panic over part of his education. Namely, math. He's a bright kid who figured out multiplication in first grade and didn't struggle with math while doing Saxon for 1-3. Then we started 5/4 and it was a struggle. I, however, kept thinking it was us, not the curriculum. We plodded along for 5/4 and 6/5, even though we both disliked it and he wasn't actually very successful at it. Then, feeling like a BIG change was needed, he started doing BA online. He really loves it but there are some definite holes in his math understanding. At this point, I know I need to outsource his math education. I started looking into WTM Academy and the AoPS Online classes. Then I noticed that WTM Academy has a class for what sounds like us....kids who need a solid review before going on to Pre-Algebra. Here's the kicker, and where my panic sets in. We live in Chicago and in order for my son to apply for select enrollment high schools, we would need to submit his grade 7 grades and I'm worried a review class would not be an acceptable level. I looked at the placement test for AoPS Pre-Algebra and there really are only a few concepts he would need to learn in order to pass their placement test. Could we take the rest of the summer and review those concepts so he can take an online (preferable AoPS) Pre-Algrebra class? Or is this a mistake? In order for this to not get too long, I'll also add that he would like to homeschool for high school. My concern is that as a 12-year-old he wants to choose that, but might change his mind later....and then it would be too late to apply for select enrollment high schools. (Yes, he could go to our neighborhood school, but it's really not good and we'd rather avoid it.) Any advice??
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