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Posts posted by CM-MAMA

  1. I agree fully with understanding the philosophy of CM before starting CM.  It's all about the methods used not necessarily the materials.  In fact so many families use the materials that a Classical approach would use but do so using CM methods which looks/feels very different.  The AO online texts are good and I agree the originals are nothing too hard to comprehend although I have heard others disagree with that vehemently.  Charlotte Mason Help is a good spot too.

  2. We do Poet, Art and Composer study once a week on different days. We school year round so we do five terms (we have a mini term too, but it's for special topics not regular stuff) and we study each poet, artist and composer for 8-9 weeks or a full term.


    All three studies start out with biographies the first week with some discussion or narration. Sometimes I try to come up with a creative way for the "facts" about the person to stick - visual things (giant tree on the wall with leaves that have facts on them that the children write and choose) or something else along those lines.


    Next weeks are filled with CM style picture study for the artists. I hand the piece on our "art line" after we've finished to again keep it alive in our space and let us enjoy it longer. This usually leads to good discussions as we add more to the line each week. I read interesting things I find aloud. We try to understand their place in History and in particular in Art History. Some weeks we try to copy their methods or styles and create our own works of art.


    For our composer study I am using Meet the Great Composers Book 1 this year and just following it week by week. I don't think it's entirely CM style, but it is organized and I like the idea of some fun worksheets too! We never get anything like that otherwise. My idea is exposure, exposure, exposure!


    Poetry study is done similarily. We study the biography during the first week. Each Monday the children are assigned one of the poet's works to memorize and recite on Friday. I try to read other selections from time to time too. Bring in some interesting biographical books if I can find them - they are usually really dull. I might use a video from time to time too just to add interst to their lives. Mostly though we immerse oursleves in their works.

  3. I'd have to say "not so much" on being strict. I like to see them enthusiastic about their lessons and I want to encourage a real love of learning. I'm pretty involved and enthusiastic myself so maybe that helps? I think we all have up and down times and days and subjects. I try to make our lessons as applicable to life as possible and make them hands on fun when possible too. I always remind myself that I can not make anyone learn. I can make them keep the information for a while and spit it out but if that's all I do then what's the point? I want them to embrace new knowledge. If that means that they don't focus or "get" every subject out there then so be it. No one does that ... we all end up specializing and reteaching and continuing to learn throughout life/jobs/circumstances.

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