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Posts posted by tex-mex

  1. It's all about knowing your spouse though. I have received and loved cookie sheets as gifts. Dh said he had never seen me so excited as the time I got a food processor (it was a gift certificate but I picked out the FP and went nuts when it got here). The blessed man has learned that no kitchen gadget goes unappreciated by me so he got me new knives for Christmas. It was wonderful!


    LOL... I do get excited after 22 years of marriage when I get a practical gift! My kitchen is fully stocked that is for sure! One Christmas I was very happy to get cutting boards and a set of pots and pans. :O)


    Everynow and then hubby will surprise me with a gift like expensive chocolate, flowers (one time he paid $125 for one set of roses... I was thrilled and later shocked at the receipt he failed to hide. O-M-G), or sweet little love notes he creates handmade. Doesn't happen every year -- but when he does -- it sure is special.

  2. Unless there's more going on than stated, I'd guess he honestly thought he was giving you something you want, because you'd said so often. So, in the future, you might have to give direct suggestions. "I would LOVE the pretty nighty on page 32 of the Pretty Nighty catalog for my birthday" with a sweet smile. Or, put a picture of whatever it is you'd like in his briefcase, OR make it the homepage of his computer! He wouldn't be able to miss that! LOL


    Since my divorce, I've read a lot of books on how men think (because frankly, it's always been a mystery to me), and I have concluded that they don't to hints easily, so you have to be direct. It's not especially romantic, but chances are you'll avoid this problem in the future if you just make it plain what you want and like. And, when he does get you something you love, praise him like he's just created cold fusion. I hear men like that sort of thing. ;)


    (and, I need silverware; if you don't like it, you can send it to me! LOL)



    Sometimes you just have to spell it out for them... it ruins the surprise, but you do get what you want. LOL But don't make it into WWIII as it will ruin any future gifts. He will remember your venom and retaliate by not giving you a card or gift. Men are very literal and gift giving can be hard for them. I think it was neat he listened to you and got you something.

  3. We buy certain things from IKEA like garage bookshelves, cheap plastic kitchen items, or bath rugs... for cheap prices. But, if it is quality and longitivity, don't buy at IKEA. Their stuff will not last a long time -- especially if you move a lot. Just my opinion.


    BTW, you will need a truck or large car to tote home the furniture you buy -- it is in big flat boxes to be assembled at home.

  4. Very fun!


    I got:

    You are Dirty. You're so cheap, you don't even know the concept of spending money. You probably steal whatever you can to save as much as you can.



    Today I went to the dollar store and stocked up on goods. Because, I didn't want to go to Target and buy similar stuff for more $$$. And hubby and I have been known to take advantage of FREE used stuff before it gets tossed or sent to Goodwill... goodness! LOL

  5. I'm sorry to hear this! Back in April/May, I had a similar situation with flu that turned into strep (painful sore throat/strep - false results, severe cough, chest pain, hurt to breathe, body aches, sinus pain but no drip, fever, etc.) that lasted close to 4 weeks. I went to my doctor and she said it was a virus. So I went w/o any antibiotics... I slept a lot, kept hydrated, but my body was worn out! I'm sorry to hear you ds is sick!!!

  6. Has she had a basic eye exam to rule out any need for glasses? The squirminess is normal... she may just have that need to roam a bit as sitting still probably isn't her learning style? Keep in mind that her attention span for her age is limited. In my day, we would do a group lesson on the carpet/whiteboard area and then break them up into learning groups for a 15-20 minute session and then rotate them to another area. She just may be too young to sit still?

  7. So, my kids were out playing with the neighborhood kids this morning. We eventually all moved to my yard to play in the sprinkler. Two of the kids left when their parent went to get them. I sent the third child home after he failed to heed my warning on a discipline issue. My kids and I went inside since the last child chose to end play time by not following the rules I laid down. Soon after, one of the first kids that left returned and knocked on the door. My daughter answered it and was asked if she could come play. I said, "No, not right now." The child then looked at me and asked, "Why not?"


    Is it normal for kids (this was an 8 year old) to question the parents of their friends this way? How would you have responded?


    VERY normal for a child... they are quite literal and can't read subtle nuances or adult concepts. Sounds like the child really wanted to know why. Don't take it as an insult. Just the way kids are. This child most likely is very black and white -- and sees no wrong with being blunt or rude.

  8. A friend recommended this book. Only problem is at the library I am ~146 on the wait list. And our local bookstore does not carry the book. If I special order it then I am obligated to buy and I am not sure it is worth it.


    I am not familiar with Glen Beck other than I was not feeling well and so sat down and channel surfed for a while and happened upon his show. He seemed a little over the top but logical.


    So if you have read the book or have feedback, I would enjoy listening! Thanks


    We've watched Glen for a long time back when he was on CNN... he is more of a mid/conservative libertarian. He believes in gun rights, pro life (conservative values, not Libertarian) -- but doesn't go for the drugs that the Libertarian platform advocates... he is a recent Mormon due to wife, I think. Due to his background (family suicides, divorce, and daughter's cerebral palsy) and past drug addiction/alcoholism, he really wants to pursue truth. We like him! Lately, he has been big on original source documents of founding fathers... and like a Libertarian, encouraging us to question the system (i.e. $$$ Bail out of Wall Street & Automakers, he opposes the Federal Reserve, etc.).

  9. Is about a mom leaving her baby in the car (accidentaly). So, so sad.


    I'm posting this because their was a thread about this earlier this week.


    Eta- FYI, they just played a graphic 911 tape. I wish they didn't play that.


    I thought she and her husband were very brave to face the viewing public with their story. It was such a tragedy and so sad. Really made you think.

  10. My soon to be 3rd grader has had the dardest time memorizing his math facts (addition/subraction). He can work addition problems with no problems, it's the subraction he has problems with. He will get the answer after about 3-15 seconds (depending on the difficulty). We have worked and worked and worked on memorization to no avail.


    For addition he counts "dots" in his head. For subtraction, he counts backwards with the dots. I was looking at touch math and he worked quite a few sub. problems with it just fine.


    I realize that multiplication is coming up this year and I know he will have to memorize his mult. facts. Just hoping it's easier:001_huh:.


    Not sure what I'm looking for with this post. Help me out here!


    From experience teaching the lower grade levels... it is not unusual to have your child struggle with learning the basic facts. Try to work to his strength... some kids learn best with paper and pencil drills, others singing to songs, some do the Touch Math, there are lots of computer games to help, and I've even seen some do rote memory while jump roping or bouncing a ball. See what works.


    Yes, he needs to master the basics. If he cannot master +/- facts, then multiplication and division concepts will be difficult to understand or recall.

    Do what you can. Keep persevering... it will kick in. Like brushing your teeth -- practice with him for 2-3 minutes at a time daily. Build it up to 5 minute drills if he can tolerate it. You're trying to jump start his short term memory into retaining it for long term memory by daily practice. Make it fun. Don't punish him. He may need a different way of learning?

  11. I do understand the reason for the show was to earn money to raise (and college) eight kids. But they reportedly receive $75k per episode and there are 20 episodes in the first 2 seasons and 31 in season 3.....that nearly 4 million dollars (and there is still season 4 to count). How much money do they need? I guess the real question is how much money does Kate need. She seems to be the one always harping on the money issue. That much money will pay for all 8 kids at Harvard for heavens sake, and that's if you don't invest a penny.




    From what I've read with numerous sources and an online newspaper in Philadelphia, it appears that when the tups were born in Hershey, PA -- the governor of PA announced the 6 babies would be getting full college scholarships to any PA State college.

  12. This thread is now so huge, I just don't have time to read through; I apologize if this link has already been posted, but what do you think of this question: Were Christian fans 'seduced' by 'Jon & Kate' shows of piety? The article/opinion is posted today's USA Today website.


    I am a Christian, and I would agree with this statement. Unfortunately, we Christians tend to jump on the "oh they're famous and say they're Christian" bandwagon WAY too easily. Think of how excited we got with this year's American Idol. Two genuinely great Christian guys were on the show, and we blubbered all over them. The Jonas Brothers...Miley Cyrus...What about Mel Gibson and The Passion? Why are "we" so enthralled with fame?


    I think we're easily fooled and should be more discerning. Opinions? Flaming arrows? Tar and feathers?



  13. I do feel sorry for Kate, because it is so obvious that she does not see how she comes across to the public, and refuses to admit how her actions have contributed to the demise of her marraige. At least Jon recognizes that he should have stood up for himself more, but I see absolutely no humility on her part, only playing herself off as an innocent victim.


    :iagree: I really think Kate has issues she is unaware of or not wanting to deal with. She is showing a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for wanting "the show must go on" in deference for family coming first and healing.


    NARCISSISTIC Personality Disorder: The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others, and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, and prestige.Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness. It is also colloquially referred to as "the god complex".


    DSM IV-TR criteria


    A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:



    1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance

    2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    3. believes that he or she is "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also "special" or of high status.

    4. requires excessive admiration

    5. has a sense of entitlement

    6. is interpersonally exploitative

    7. lacks empathy

    8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

    9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes


    Now, I am NOT DIAGNOSING Kate... but honestly, she really comes across as being a tad unstable with her ugly rages (folks say it is worse off camera) and panic/anxiety. She has never admitted any wrong in any of her actions. She seems to think she is always right. Even now she plays the victim in this mess. Jon seems to be acting like a teenager -- but hopefully someone will come along and slap him out of his adolescent behavior. Kate, I fear, will not address this issue... and the kids will face her pattern of strange controlling behavior. That part bothers me.

  14. So Jodi's sister is the driving force behind GWOP? Did you know there's now a GWOPwop that was created to discredit GWOP? Holy cow! I can't keep up with this stuff! Serena and Julie really are the same person!


    Dunno who is whom... LOL


    Don't go to GWOP anymore. Went there when it was created when Jodigate hit the fan and saw the original blog by Jodi's sister that started it all. I have no idea if sil or sister still run it? But, ya... BIG internal family feud with Kate. Goes back to her cutting off parents over donations when the 6 babies were born and her Pop's church gave USED items... Kate was displeased, yadda, yadda, yuck.

  15. We have a kitty just turning 1yr old that we had spayed when she was around 6 mos. But, now I am pretty sure that she is spraying around the house! I thought that male cats did that? And I thought that a fixed kitty would NOT do that?!?


    Is this normal? PLEASE tell me that there is something that I can do about it other than let her find a new home?? Ick, ick, ewww!






    Sounds like the kitty is marking his territory against the other cat? And they do not get along? That type of behavior is hard to control.

  16. And allegedly, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi got $$$$ for coming forward - to the tune of twenty or thirty grand. If that's true, I'm putting them in the knucklehead category, too!


    Oh noooo... that brings back "GWOP" reason for being created. Jodi's sil created it due to Kate not wanting her paid by TLC and had her cut out of the show. Auuuugh. I haven't watched any of the new Season 5 episodes and still Kate is driving me bonkers. :confused:

  17. I think a marriage can survive a lot of things--maybe even a reality TV show--but it probably can't survive lack of respect. That was what came out loud and clear in Kate's attitude toward Jon.


    And, not to excuse Jon's affair, but didn't Kate also have an affair?



    That's what the gossip mill says -- Uncle Kevin & Aunt Jodi claim (taped) that Jon came to them 6-7 months ago devastated... he claimed Kate said the marriage "is over". Something about signing a contract for him to let him date other women but he had to tape the shows for TLC. Basically Jon hinted that Kate and the old bodyguard slept together loooong before Jon got naughty. Soooo sad if all of this is true. Those two are real knuckleheads.

  18. Here's a link that goes into another angle of this whole mess:




    I'm paraphrasing here, but Kate had only to mention "Crooked Houses" on the show, and within moments the company's website was inundated with hits.....there is no way that TLC is going to let go of this cash cow, nor are the advertisers if the woman has that much influence on viewers!


    And I have to add, at the book signing (I think it was in May), the line literally stretched through and around around the entire store. When Kate arrived, people were screaming like she was a rock star. And it wasn't just young or middle aged women. There were a lot of college-aged guys and middle-aged guys, and tons of teenaged girls. I guess they were the ones who were making all of the noise.;)


    TLC announces today they are in "hiatus"... what a joke. The next episode is a re-hashing of J&K's 10 yrs together. Then no filming or new episodes 'til August 3. What vultures.



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