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Posts posted by Reflections

  1. Vitamin D levels don't operate in a vacuum.  You need magnesium and calcium along with it.  A doctor can advise you on that. 


    Hi Jean!  


    My ARNP advised me to take the Vit D and never, not once mentioned increasing or even supplementing with mag and calc to go with it.    I just started supplementing with magnesium recently but for different reasons than my D levels.  I'll keep what you're saying here in mind, as I was wondering what my calcium levels were as I don't drink but 8oz of milk a week maybe, and while I enjoy green leafy greens, I'm not sure I'm getting enough to meet my needs.  Any recommendations?


    My experience with doctors has always, always been "less than".  I am always seeking out my own answers and then finding the appropriate care.  It's never worked out for me and my health to do otherwise.  

  2. Careful with too much vitamin d, it's known to be immunosuppressive and can worsen your chance of fighting infections. 500-1000iu daily is MORE than enough for most people, even up here in the darkness and cold. Mega loading does more harm than good. Even with lower blood levels I'd be cautious of too much synthetic D at once. Slow and steady wins that race if you're already prone to immune weakness, IYKWIM?


    Zinc, c, chlorophyll, probiotics, TONS of sleep. Those should not worsen your situation. But I do wonder if you actually did some damage to your lungs or, yes, came down with something more serious than bronchitis. It almost sounds like myco/walking pneumonia with that rattling and phlegm. Hugs and I hope you get some answers, I'm sure you're just miserable :(


    Thanks for that!  I wasn't aware.  Last time I was checked the ARNP told me to double up.  I'll dial it back.

  3. I second The Martian!


    I really like Jim Butcher's series Harry Dresden- it is however Sci Fi Fantasy.  But they're great books.  


    There's the Dune series.   Frederik Pohl's books like Heechee Rendezvous.  Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game series.


    If you go to Goodreads, or just google search "Books like _____" you'll be surprised what you'll find.



  4. Oh, boy.  That sounds awful.  And you must feel so discouraged.   :grouphug:   You've been sick for a long time and that can just set you up to just feel "unwell" for a long time.  


    Off the top of my head, I would encourage you to: buy Floradix (iron supplement) and take it with 1 gram of Vitamin C, get some vitamin D drops and double up on the dosage, and get a multi vitamin that has dha in it.  


    I would also get thyself somewhere to be tested for asthma, because an inhaler, if you have asthma, is not enough.  Rescue inhalers are just that.  You'll need to be on a daily maintenance drug, like Singulair/Montelukast.  


    There are studies that suggest that coughs are most often helped by honey over most cough medicines.  Lots of people have had fantastic results with vicks vapor rub applied to their feet, too.  Plus, a humidifier that you run in your room at night.  


    Other than that, I would make sure to follow up with your doctor right after each course of antibiotics - even if the doctor doesn't explicitly tell you to do that.   And make it a priority to rest. 


    It's very possible that you have had multiple illnesses invade your body.  That's happened to me a couple of times that left me sick for months.  And once, a whole year.  



  5. We've done it and it's not easy.  The bright side was audio books. My dh would blow through 3 a week.  But the cost of gas was outrageous.  We were spending $300 to $400 a month in gas - in a manual transmission small commuter car.  Not to mention wear and tear on the car - tires, oil changes etc - every two years, we put a full set on his car to the tune of $500+. Plus, adding that many many miles on the car really reduces not only it's blue book value but the perceived value of the car if you were to try to sell it.  Also, your insurance changes if you commute more than 50 miles.   And if there's any chance of bad weather, it'll change the commute time as well. My husband was gone before the kids woke up, but was back home by 530 or so. 


    For the short term, it might be okay.  But don't be like us and do it for 8 years.  It gets old, quick.



    • Like 2
  6. :grouphug:  I'm so sorry. I just left Jessie, our 6 yo lab, at the vet hospital. She became horribly sick during the night and it turns out she has gotten into D-con. There is an antidote but she had a seizure last night leading them to believe she may have bleeding in the brain which would be fatal. Just the thought is horrible. You will definitely be in my thoughts. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


    Yes. Let us know what happens.  Thinking of you too.   :grouphug:

    • Like 1
  7. Yes, the distance between Disney and the keys is sorta like this:  Kissimmee to Miami - 6hours, Miami to Key West another 3.  It's a long drive.


    The keys are great, but if you're going to Disney first and want to go to the beach, hit a beach closer. If you go to the east coast, hit Cocoa Beach or Daytona.  If you go west coast, hit St. Petersburg.


    My all time favorite beach in Florida is Sanibel Island.  Which is an island off the west coast near Ft. Myers below Tampa.  http://sanibel-captiva.org/


    However, it's a pretty fair drive from Disney to Sanibel. About 3 hours.

    • Like 1
  8. We could turn this and ask:  do we give our husband a gift based on his behavior all year?  What about the time he left his clothes all over the floor, and not in the laundry basket even though you repeatedly asked him not to?  Or, should our mom gift be performance based? Were we kind to everyone this year, did we have zero meltdowns, what about hiding in the bathroom secretly eating chocolate - should sneaky behavior be punished like this?  


    Kids are people too. 


    So, no. Nope. No way.  Seems cruel.  


    Christmas is about giving.  Feeling love for our family and friends.  Drawing them closer in to our hearts.  Shoot, the whole season is about this that starts with Halloween -chasing demons away, Thanksgiving being thankful, Christmas giving and receiving love, and then finally, New Years, starting fresh.

    • Like 1
  9. Since someone was bold enough to make a hotline call about a bruise, and since CPS is known for not discussing their investigation, I would wonder if this daycare would be on the lookout for more things to be suspicious about and might even make more reports to CPS about your daughter.


    I'm not trying to increase your panic, I'm just thinking out loud about what I might be thinking about if this happened to me.  


    As far as the couch:  imo, her abrupt refusal probably didn't happen in a vacuum, nor was it coincidental.  But it may be that she's just trying to disengage herself from this situation.


    Either way, I'd be so upset, so anxious, I wouldn't be able to work up to mad.  Mad wouldn't come until later.  If I was really worried, I would get an attorney just so that I'd have their unbiased unemotional opinion.


    • Like 2
  10. I'm finding the same thing ... reminding myself that there is a value to my time, too, and it may not be worth it to save a few bucks ...



    Same here. I've been trying since the code went active this morning. It's especially frustrating because by the time I'm finally able to check out what I want probably won't be in stock anyway.


    ETA: I finally got to the point where I entered my payment info, then got more error messages. I don't want to take the risk of my card getting charged multiple times, so I think I'm done trying. I've only ordered from IEW once before and had a terrible experience with their customer service and don't want to have to go through that again.



    I too finally gave up after many errors.   The one I wanted most was gone, so I scraped the whole endeavour.  The other was Writing with Geography, and I think I'll just download that full price if I can't find it used.

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