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Posts posted by momtoboys

  1. Do you feel scared of getting older?


    I do. Not in the sense of being "scared of dying", but more being scared of not being young anymore. I don't want to "feel" old. I don't want to have to wear older-people's clothing. I don't want to not enjoy doing really fun, active things. I see old people, and most of them sit around and watch TV all day and complain (sorry, just the truth). . and I'm afraid of becoming like THAT.


    On the other hand, I feel blessed for each year I live, because i know some people never get these years. . .

  2. I don't know. . i think it depends on *why* she is lying.


    I always try ot make "telling the truth" more attractive to my kids than lying.


    For example, I'm going to be honest, I was a little girl who lied a lot. Mostly, the reason was to avoid getting in trouble w/ my parents. It was *not* desirable (LOL) to get in trouble w/ my parents for anything, and so I lied. . .


    I always tell my oldest DS, it will be far better for him to tell the truth than for me to find out he lied.


    I'm going to come right out and say I am NOT a fan of putting hot sauce on a kid's tongue, or anything like that. I also am not a proponent of continuing to "punish" your child until he/she tells the truth.

  3. My parents did not require us to. In fact, they thought it shouldn't even be the law to wear seatbelts, but was unnecessary "government interference" into people's lives.


    We rode sleeping in sleeping bags in the back of the station wagon, we rode on the back dash of our grandparent's car. . .we even had a car accident where my dad hit a dear and all of us got slammed into the seat in front of us (quite hard I might add). . .And still, no seatbelts. As kids, we didn't think much of it.

  4. Personally speaking, I feel like this a lot.


    I think, at times, our expectations are the problem. We aren't really always going to open the Bible every day and read some great new truth. There are days we will get something good out of our Bible reading, and there are days we won't. It's life.


    There are Sundays we'll love going to church, and there are Sundays when we won't feel like going. We still go. . .And it's our hearts that God sees.


    Real Spiritual life isn't in the highs of the campfire service or making a great decision for God. The most faithful people I know didn't have exciting lives, but lived out their faith in day-to-day seeming monotony.


    I recently heard of a man who spent his entire life working in a factory (which would bore me to death!), and right before he died he said he felt his biggest joy was that his 12 children were walking with the Lord in their daily lives.


    Another thing that helps me when I get "unexcited" in my spiritual life is trying to help someone else. It takes my mind off of ME.

  5. We send one out at least every other year. . .mostly to older relatives who wouldn't be on facebook necessarily.


    Last year, I thought our life was so mundane, I didn't bother. LOL. This year, I'm sending one out. I always try to make it a little bit realistic. I kind of have a distate for Christmas letters that read:


    "Our child was the top student at his school every week last year, and my husband got a 200K raise, and we moved into a mini-mansion, and then we took a vacation to Hawaii for a month. After that, we came back where we got right back into participating in our numerous church ministries. As a family, we are memorizing the book of Leviticus together." :lol:


    Seriously, you know what i mean!

  6. since i'm bored too (and tired :lol:)


    How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? no clue


    Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? maybe sometimes. . .


    Have you turned into your mother? i hope not


    Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? not yet


    How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? haha. . no


    Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? no, i'm not that exciting


    What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? try to find a random unused piece somewhere. . then i go for a paper towel (which may or may not clog the toilet)


    Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? Nope! :)

  7. Yes, your situation does sound depressing.


    As far as knowing whether something is situational depression or not, I'm not an expert, but I think there are a bunch of factors.


    I think if you are so depressed that you can't function, or do your day-to-day responsibilities, then you should seek help. If you're sleeping all the time, or just always feeling sad, you should seek help.


    It's hard w/ kids though. . Do you have any friends who would watch them while you saw a doctor or went to counseling? Maybe you could exchange child-care days.

  8. Yes, because I think DS would have more manipulatives for math at school. I think he would get to do more science experiments. I think he would get to do better art, and have music theory class each week. I think he would have more structure.


    No, because I think DS would hate going to school right now. I think despite my weaknesses he is still thriving academically. In fact he says he doesn't have the slightest desire to go to school. So. . Yes, and No. If that makes *any* sense. :001_smile:

  9. I would not use the curriculum our local public school districts all use (Everyday Math). I'm not at all a fan of it. I would make sure my children knew "traditional" math well, and if I *had* to put them in public school, I think they would catch on well, and maybe be ahead.

  10. *watching Mister Rogers, Little House on the Prairie, Wild Kingdom. . .

    *slap bracelets, jelly bracelets, banana clips

    *Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake

    *actually writing letters to people (not emails)

    *a corded phone

    *listening to books on *record*

    *jelly shoes

    *roller skating youth activities (church-related)

    *riding my bike with no helmet

    *not wearing seatbelts in the car (forget carseats!!)

    *getting my first tape player

    *wearing barrettes w/ ribbons on them


    Wow, I'm really dating myself. . . LOL (can you tell I grew up in the 80's?)

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