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Posts posted by Katiebug_1976

  1. Thanks for the comments. I will try and go to a conference this summer and look at MFW. The main reason for not wanting to go with MFW is that they don't use SOTW for Ancients. I wanted to use this with my LG and UG children. Two other ladies here are going to use it and I was hoping to get with them from time to time to do activities. I will relook at this.


    Mabye you could just add this book in if you decided to use MFW?? Then you could get the best of both worlds?? I switched away from MFW after ECC. For us that was a HUGE mistake! After coming back to MFW my stress level has gone way donw, and I am "back home" so to speak. I hope you find what works for you.

  2. I would look into the requirements for your state. When we pulled our children out of ps, it was between school years. I wrote a letter to the school district that said that we intended to homeschool our children and they would not be returning to public school. At that time, we lived right across the street from the front door of the school in a very small town. We had no problems with the school, or other parents/teachers etc. I feel very fortunate for that considering where we lived. However, I have had friends that did not have as good of an experience pulling their kids out. I think all you can do is make sure you are following state requirements, and try to be as kind as possible, then it is just up to the school, teachers and other parents how they react.

  3. In the last 2 years my 13yo dd has gone from a girls size 14 to a ladies size 10 (in pants)! Her legs however are not long enough for the ladies sizes, and the juniors jeans that we have found are mostly low rise, and we do not like that. I thought she was "filling out" and getting ready to grow taller, but the taller part just hasen't happened yet. Does anyone have any idea where I can find pants for girls with "shorter" legs?

  4. We don't do as many outings as we used to. It just seems like it takes sooooooooo long to get everybody in the car! I know that probably sounds like a cop-out, but I'm usually exhausted by the time we are pulling out of the driveway! I feel guilty because my little kids are not getting to go to the park etc. as much as my older ones did at that age. I guess I need to start making more of an effort to go on "fun days" more often, even if it means bringing school with us.

  5. You are not alone. I've heard her on the radio, and done a couple of her studies and just don't feel like I gained anything (for lack of a better word) from them. I usually enjoy bible studies, but I had a hard time focusing during both of her studies. I'm afraid that some people get stuck on a specific "name or person" and run with it instead of getting stuck on God ans what He wants to teach us.

  6. Thank you all for your info. I think we are not going to stop "schooling" when summer gets here this year. It seems like there are always sudden days or several days that, for one reason or another, school just doesn't get done. Or if it does, it's only because I have had to fight to get it dine. Then at the end of that day, I wonder if anybody really learned anything.?. I am really liking the thought of going year round and being able to take off the days or weeks that we just can't focus.


    Thank you all! I don't feel so "alone" with this anymore.

  7. This guy sounds VERY unstable. Even though he has not shown any violent actions, there is always a starting point. I know that this is way, way out there, but even serial killers start out with small things and it escalates from there. For the safety of my family (children especially) I would move if at all possible. Even if he just turns out to be a really annoying neighbor, do you really want to live near this guy for the rest of your life?

  8. It's not just on this site, though. My husband is taking online college courses and to earn "attendance points" you have to post so many times per week. You should see all the grammatical errors that are posted! My 12 yo dd made the comment "If this is what it's like in college, then I'm ready now!" She couldn't believe that these were "college students" and they were making so many obvious mistakes.

  9. I would say enjoy it! My 2 dd's are 12 and 11 and share a room, so they are together all the time too. However, they don't get along all the time. They have a "love/hate" relationship and I find myself wishing we had the space to give them each their own rooms, then I feel guilty for not being "content" with what God has given us. I think you have been very blessed with 2 daughters that get along so well!

  10. I grew up in WA, and planned to live there forever. I really liked where I grew up, 20 minutes from the ocean, mountain climbing, hiking, no nasty snakes bugs etc. But then I met this totally WONDERFUL guy in college, who by the way was from Oklahoma........so to make a long story short, here I am, living in Oklahoma. Isn't it amazing how God's plan can be so different from "my" plan?

  11. This made me chuckle. Here in TN August is not a summery fun month. August is the month of despair. March-June and the Oct and November, those are OUR fun months!!!


    I grew up in northwest Washington State, and thought the summer was great! Not too hot, but hot enough to go swimming or play in the sprinkler. Then I got married and moved to Oklahoma. WOW what a culture shock! After 12 years I'm still adjusting. Usually by April/May it's hotter than WA in August!


    Thank you all for your opinions of schooling all year. I have thought about doing it for the last couple years, but life has a way of messing up my plans sometimes. This is our 4th year of homeschooling, and I think I'm finally letting go of the typical "school stuff" and breaking out on my own. I think this year is our turning point and hopefully the stress level will continue to go down.


    I really appreciate having so many other moms, homeschooling or not, to talk to.

  12. Hi,

    My husband came home today talking about this homeschool mom he had heard on the radio. She homeschools all through the year. She said they focus on the basics, math and language arts during the regular school year, and then do their history and science during the summer months. She said it is easier to do outside experiments especially when it comes to growing things. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but after hearing someone say it, it make perfect sense. With 5 kids, I'm always trying to make my day last longer. I think this might be the answer to my time problems. What do you think about schooling like this?

  13. We turned off our land line about 8 months ago and my husband and I each have a cell phone (his is payed for through his job). Now, my cell contract is up, and we are trying to decide whether to renew it or get a land line. Our older children are getting old enough to be left at home for short periods of time, but I wont leave them at home w/o a phone. So usually we leave 1 cell at home, and take 1 with us when we leave them. We cant afford both, and have kind of gotten used to the convenience of being able to get ahold of each other at any time (this also has saved many extra trips to town). However, long distance is limited with a cell phone unless you call nights and weekends. What would you do?

  14. I would say find a chiropractor. My hips have done the same thing. For just about as long as I can remember, they pop when I walk, rather loudly I guess. I thought they had stopped, 'cause I hadn't noticed the sound for the past couple years, but when my mom came to visit, we went for a walk. It was quiet and peaceful to me, but she made the comment, "Is that you? Are your hips still popping?" So I guess it didn't go away, I just got used to it. I would blame it on old age, but then I would have been old at 15! Oh well, thats life, I guess.

  15. I cant comment on the effectiveness of allergy shots since I have never had one. I'd rather go the natural/herbal route if at all possible. Alfalfa tea and local honey are good fighters for allergies. Take dried alfalfa (you can mix it in w/ you favorite tea, you don't have to drink is alone) and steep it in hot water, then sweeten with local, preferably raw honey. This is not an quick fix, it's a long term thing. But if you drink it regularly, you will start to notice a difference after several months.

  16. With our house being so small, I didn't think of hanging clothes up inside. As soon as the weather gets nice, we stop using the dryer altogether, but mabye I should find the space to put come clothes racks inside during the not-so-nice weather. I can't tell you the exact savings (my husband usually pays the bills), but our electric bill does go down in the summer, and it's not because we are not using the heater anymore. We have wood heat. So I'm all for the laundry lin, inside or out!

  17. We have the same problem with burning and stinging....

    ..just went to the website but didn't see how I can contact your mom directly...is there some place I need to click on the other site'?



    Neither her contact info or her products are listed online, but you can contact her at (360) 592-9442. Her name is DeLee. I told her you might call, but she can answer any of your question and tell you much more about this than I can.

  18. I agree, the one in the package looks blue, and you are obligated to pay for it. But if the seller said it is lavendar, and you receive it and it is blue, then the seller did not advertise it correctly to you. Ebay and Paypal have safe guards set in place, so that if what you receive is not what was described in the auction, you are able to get a refund for the item. I would save the email you received from the seller stating that it is lavendar, and then just wait and see. If you get it and it's not lavendar, and the sellar will not "fix" the problem, then you can contact Ebay, and they will assist you in getting a refund.


    Hope it doesn't come to this,

  19. Kathi,

    I have struggled with this same problem for several years, and I couldn't even use the sensitive skin lotions because they would still burn severely. So when my mom, being a 30+ year self taught herbalist, came up with Skin Soother, all my dry skin problems stopped! She runs a small organic herb farm in northwest Washington State, and markets her salves and teas through the local farmers markets and the Skagit Valley Food Co-op in Mt. Vernon, WA. It is not listed on their website, but if you were interested, I'm sure you could call them and ask for Skin Soother made by Genuine Goods, Welcome Valley, WA. We use it for dry skin, rashes, burns, bugbites, diaper rash etc. I hope this helps, dry skin is awful!




    Here is a list of the ingredients in Skin Soother: Olive Oil, castor oil, beeswax, vitamin E, calendula, horsetail, rosemary, thyme, green tea, slippery elm, red clover, parsley, comfrey, burdock, chickweed, poplar, turkey rhubarb, plantain, basil, cleavers, birch, sheep sorrel, camomile, lavenday, and peppermint.


    I hope this helps,

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