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Posts posted by SunnyDays

  1. I'm newer here to the boards, so I won't qualify for any crowns, thread killer or otherwise, LOL...


    We used to attend non-denominational churches as well, but have, in the past year, become part of a Lutheran church... going back to my roots, so to speak, all the ancestors on my dad's side were Lutheran (and very German!!). So Lent is something we're thinking about for the first time this year. I'll have to go back and read the other thread.


    I'm not sure I'll give anything up this year... I'm still trying to figure it all out. Although if pressed for a decision, I think I could comfortably give up cruciferous vegetables. :lol: (You know, for the once or twice I might come across them during the Lenten period...)


    My DS is taking his first communion class at the church though, and will receive his first communion during Holy Week, so we're looking forward to that!

  2. Oooh, a reading thread!! Can I join you??


    I just joined the Hive a week or two ago, and just found this. I'm a huge reader and have a pretty big goal for this year.


    Today I finished my 12th book of the year... I've been on a "cozy" mystery kick and have been reading JoAnna Carl's Chocoholic mystery series. My three favorites of the year: The Language of Flowers, What Alice Forgot, and The Lightning Thief (first Percy Jackson).

  3. One thing you could consider: The Ma book, "Knowing and Teaching..." is available as a Kindle book on Amazon. Better yet, if you want to try it out, you can *rent* this Kindle book for 30 days for half the price of buying it. (I think a 30 day rental was about $9.50, and you can extend it to a purchase within that period if you decide you want to keep it.) This book was suggested to me, so this was the route I took. If you don't have a Kindle device, you can download an app and read it right on your computer. Just a suggestion if you're looking to go the most economical route!!

  4. I know many of you use MCT for LA. I'm seriously considering it for my son.


    MCT uses the four level analysis rather than traditional diagramming. If a student learns that way, does he also need to learn how to diagram sentences in a more traditional manner? And if so, does knowing the four level analysis help with that, or is it just more confusing?


    He may eventually return to public or private school, so I wonder if he at least needs to be familiar with how to actually diagram. Or do they even teach that anymore?


    Also... in the Island and Town levels, I've heard some of you say the writing is fairly minimal. Does it need to be supplemented? If so, is another formal program needed, or can I just toss out a few extra assignments here and there?


    Thanks much! :)

  5. I wasn't impressed either. I did ask a question online at AOP, and asked for an e-mail response. (It was a simple question that would have been quick to answer.) They called twice in two days, AND sent two e-mails... WITHOUT answering my question. At that point I lost interest.


    But yes, try CBD.com, I've had good luck with their customer service and feel their online samples are helpful.

  6. Such great ideas!


    We are loving the original Ticket to Ride, as well as 10 Days in the USA. (Amy, we must shop at the same places, LOL.) Both are great for US Geography.


    Another good US one is Sequence States and Capitals. We like the original Sequence game too.

  7. Our math background: We started out this year with LifePac level 3. We liked the format of the LP's, but we weren't impressed with the content. We finished that off, and just started Abeka 4. I know it's a good solid program, but we're just not loving the format, or the way the problems are mixed in, or... something. All I know is it's not really grabbing me, but more importantly, my son has gone from wanting to do math first each day, to dragging his feet on it.


    I've seen a LOT on this board about CLE Math. Before coming here, I'd never heard much about it at all. The format seems more like the LifePacs (10 separate books, new concepts plus a review section each lesson, etc.) and I think he'd like returning to something like that. But it also seems to be a good solid program. So I have a few questions for you CLE veterans:


    1. People mention this is more conceptual... would you say it's less "conceptual" than something like Singapore, but more than many other math programs? Does it do a good job of teaching both concept and procedure?


    2. For 4th grade level, is the teacher's guide necessary or just the answer key? The TG does look pretty helpful.


    3. Are all the drills and tests included in the unit booklets?


    4. It reviews mental math often. If we start at the 400 level, does it tell me how to teach mental math, as that was something we didn't do in LP's?? Or would I need to get a previous unit to go over that, as it seems like 400's simply review it??


    5. Finally, this may sound silly... is each individual unit its own workbook, with heavier workbook cover and everything (Similar to LP's)? Or is it just separate paper packets? Just thinking of durability. Not a deal breaker but I would need a plan to keep it from being destroyed, LOL.


    ETA: I am also considering Singapore, but really wanted to explore CLE too.


    Thanks so much for your help with this... I want to make sure this will actually fit us well. :)

  8. We just finished up a 3rd grade LifePac, which we won't use again for math. We are starting 4th grade Abeka next week, and we also have the Life of Fred books that my son loves.


    I'm really amazed at how many people use CLE. I hadn't heard much about it before coming to this forum, it seems very popular but I'm not familiar with it.

  9. Okay, can I throw one more wrench into the machine here?? :)


    I have seen a lot of you post about IEW. We haven't done the curriculum, but may have an opportunity next year to do the SWI A in a group co-op type setting. Where would this fit in? Would that much writing be overkill for DS? If IEW is different from WWE, how so?


    Thanks... I really appreciate you helping me sort this out!

  10. Okay, you've all convinced me I need WWE!! ;)


    I think, like I said above... I will try WWE 2 for the rest of the year and get a few of the Island books. Then we'll see if we're ready to move on to the next level.


    One more question from above... for WWE, are both the textbook and workbook necessary?? I've seen several reviews that say the workbook is sufficient on its own.


    Thanks to all of you for your help!!

  11. So I've been reading through the boards this afternoon, and my head is swimming with information!! I am currently mulling what to use next year for LA in general, and for writing in particular.


    I've really been looking at MCT, I think it'd be fabulous. However, I have not stretched my DS in writing, and I really like the look of WWE to focus more on that. Of course, FLL is a really nice program too! ;)


    Here are a few questions I have:


    1. I have seen from several threads that quite a few of you use both together. Is the writing in MCT pretty minimal? We're looking at the elementary levels.


    2. I like the look of WWE, but is it too much along with MCT writing? I feel like we're *behind* here but since my son is a bit of a reluctant writer, I wonder if we should start with WWE2 instead of 3. (ETA: For WWE, is the Textbook really necessary? I see a lot of reviews that say plenty of instruction is in the workbook portion.)


    3. My DS is a gifted 3rd grader. Even though he's not crazy about writing, he's pretty good at grammar so far. Would we want to skip the Island Level and go straight to Town? I've heard so many good things about Island, though, that I don't really want to skip over it.


    Here's my current thought: I'm thinking to finish out 3rd grade, the next 3-4 months, I could get just a few of the Island level books and read through them together, doing a few exercises here and there... and that perhaps I could also get the WWE 2 book and work through that a bit.


    Then, next year for 4th grade, I could get MCT Town and WWE 3. Would that be too much? Is there a benefit to adding FLL in as well?


    Your thoughts? Am I on track or way off?


    I know it's a good problem to have that we have too much great curricula to choose from, LOL, but sometimes it makes me crazy to have to actually PICK something!! :001_smile:


    Thanks in advance for your help...

  12. Before reading about it here last night, I'd never heard of Galore Park. So I looked it up, and WOW, looks like they have some great things.


    What can you tell me about it?? What products have you used and liked? How can you determine proper level? And, if you're in the US, do you find that any of it is difficult or doesn't apply to your child, being British-based?


    I would just love a few pointers to browse their site intelligently!! Thanks!

  13. We've been struggling with this too! We had a program for LA this year and it just didn't fit us... we've tried restarting with it three different times, and I think it's time to give up, LOL!!


    MCT is really appealing to us, my son loves the quirkiness of it. I've got a gifted kid who gets bored easily, and I think this would hold his attention. He likes what he's seen so far from the previews.


    I'm glad for the suggestions here, because I've wondered if I could just buy a few parts of Island level for an introduction, then go fully into Town level next year. I think, based on all your comments, we may go that route!!

  14. We are using Prima Latina right now and DS is enjoying it. The lessons are short and it provides a good blend of new material and review.


    We have gotten a couple of the Literature Guides... they are well done, but at the start of this year, it was too much writing for DS, and we went with more of a discussion format. I do like them, though.

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