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Michelle in AL

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Posts posted by Michelle in AL

  1. I think you need additional lab results in order to diagnose this such as RDW, iron levels, MCV amd MCH. What did your doctor think it was?


    I would guess it could be anemia from chronic disease or from inflammation or infection.


    Again, your doctor should be able to look at the results and tell. Hope you feel better soon?

  2. Get some Bonine preferably chewable tablets Take 25 mg every 8hrs. This stops it immediately for me. A decongestant is good with it too.


    Your doctor can hopefully show you some exercises to adjust the crystals in your inner ear that are most likely the cause of this.

  3. My dd started workin gon her pilot's license when she was 17. She loves flying, but decided against becoming a pilot, because she wanted to do it for fun, not for a living. Anyway, she's majoring in aeronautical engineering. With that degree you can become a pilot or go the engineering route.


    Getting your first level of pilot's license unfortunately costs about $5000 to do it yourself. For the next levels its possible to get scholarships.

  4. There are several different "cell mediators" that are avtice in an allergic reaction. Singulair work against leukotrienes and other allergy meds such as zyrtec and claritin work against histamine. IF you use both an antihistamine and singulair you will be eliminating most of the irritating factors. If you don't treat the histamine you're gonna still have a large reaction.


    Hope he feels better!

  5. We drove through Hell's Kitchen, it seemed very nice from what I remember. Times Square itself is much too busy to stay in directly IMO, but Hell's Kitchen is very close. I like the lower east side of central park for closeness to the zoo, and art museums. If you plan on mostly seeing a Broadway play, eating, and staying the Times Square area then choose that one. If you're more interested in the museums maybe Central Park.


    So glad to see you're doing well! Wishing you all the best!

  6. If the GAD is negative then your doctor will do the glucose tolerance test to see how you are reacting to sugar loads. IF your numbers are high during this test, she may opt for more drug treatment over just lifestyle changes.


    If your GAD is negative she will probably classify you as prediabetic. She may want you to start metformin to prevent actual diabetes from occurring. Staying at a healthy weight and eating a diet with less than 100 grams is good (for me eating <100 grams is very difficult). Walking or any other aerobic exercise 30 minutes 5 x week is also wonderful. 30 minutes of aerobic exercise will stabilize your glucose levels for 48 hrs!

  7. I'm not sure how she would be able to classify you as LADA without anitbody tests? You can become type 2 even if you are of normal weight and some people stay pre-diabetic and don't pass over into DM type 2.


    Do you take any type of steroidi n the past 3-4 mos for your other autoimmune ds? If so, that can definitely elevate your glucose levels and your Hgb A1C.


    I wouldn't worry about it too much until you get the results of your antibody test back.


    I hope everything is fine!

  8. I had this about 10 yrs ago. The microcalcifications looked so much like cancer (they were in starlike constellations) that the OB GYN told my ex husband he was sorry for the diagnosis. They were classified on the mammogram to be grade 5/6: cancerous until proven otherwise by biopsy.


    My biopsy was negative. I was followed by an oncology surgeon for 2 yrs and had mammos every 6 mos for that time period and nothing ever turned up. I don't even think they can see the calcifications on mammos anymore.


    I think the stats are something like <10% are cancerous.

  9. I come from a home where I just had a feeling my stepdad didn't like me. I'm pretty sure he cussed us out once or twice at teens. From that expereince I would have to leave if someone treated my child that way, especially a 7 yr old. I'm a single mom and won't even date anyone my kids don't like.


    My experience scarred me so badly I'd even put my kids in school if I had to in order to leave a man that did that.


    I would arrange to live with a family member or someone in the meantime if possible.

  10. While you need to be careful with statins, monitoring liver panels and watching for side effects, they have been proven to decrease morbidity and mortality. Women after menopause have cardiovascular disease equal to men and present differently. It's very important to control your lipid levels, especially since women live longer and are more likelyto suffer strokes etc. They now think dementia is mostly related to fatty deposits in the vessels of the brain. Women are more at risk since we live longer.


    Please don't be deterred from statins, but do add in lifestyle changes to see if that can help too.

  11. Weight loss if needed is a good place to start.


    The DASH diet is recommended for hypertension, but would work well with lowering lipids. Any diet that has lots of servings of nonstarchy fruits and veges and decreased animal fats is good. Fresh 20 diet works well for me in order to decrease carbs, calories and increase veges. You can find it at thefresh20.com but you have to pay to join. I joined for half price on groupon.


    Increasing your fiber will help too as the fiber helps to sweep away fats in the digestive system before they can be absorbed.


    Try substituting one meal with a salad with lots of extra fruits/veges. My favorite is fesh spinach with blueberries, blackberries, feta chees and almonds. Add a low carb, low fat dressing. I use Amy's brand rasberry vinegarette low fat.


    Eliminate sweets and acohol if at all possible.


    Exercise is key too!


    It's really hard to make lifestyle changes like these. Try to think of how you eat/exercise now and what you can do to improve while still enjoying life.

  12. I read a statistic that only 10%of alcoholics remain abstinent for life.


    That is a sobering statistic and shows how hard this disease is to beat.


    It's very hard to be married to an alcoholic and even if they quit you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop and start back up again.

  13. I'm a nurse practitioner student and I've never read that BC was a type 1 carcinogen. I would go with scientific study data only in your decision (based on wide scale studies). I think you have to weigh the pros and cons in your case. BC can prevent certain cancers while increasing the risk of others so it's a toss up. Diabetes is also linked to cancers, so controlling PCOS is in your best interest.


    PCOS has many undesirable effects and a steady supply of hormones instead of a low stream or unsteady stream that comes with PCOS is I believe safer for your body.


    The wrong levels of hormones in BC can cause depression, but so can the unsteady level in PCOS. With BC its easy to fix, call your doctor and they adjust the amount of either progesterone or estrogen in your BC in order to better balance your hormones to avoid depression.


    Furthermore, BC is linked with blood clots in only those who smoke and those who have a hereditary clotting disorder (Don't know the name of it). If you have the clotting disorder the combination can be bad, The clotting disorder can be tested.


    Metformin is really a good drug choice for most PCOS pts too.

  14. This does sound like more than depression. Can you talk to the person from the positive perspective of having a diagnosis? There are some meds and lifestyle changes that may help these symptoms or prevent them from worsening. If the person has a dx they can then deal with making changes or choosing treatment to prevent or delay decline.


    On the other hand, some people are afraid of being diagnosed with something like alzheimers (not saying that this is what happening, but the person may fear it). Treatment options have some hrad side effects, and the person may make a conscious decision to not deal with it.


    I would say that the symptoms you describe could also occur under extreme stress/distress mixed with lack of sleep.

  15. I do take Magnesium but only 250mg per day for PMS/perimenopause symptoms. Magnesium affects conduction of the heart, so it's nothing to mess around with. If you start to get diarrhea or abdominal cramps after taking it, it is a sign you're taking too much.

  16. I'm in school to be a nurse practitioner. The roles are very similar, but actually the NP has more autonomy in most states than PAs.NPs can in some states practice independently. Both roles can see patients for any type of disease process, treat the disease, have prescriptive authority with some limitations in some states.


    The difference is in the model of care. PAs practice from the medical model, the model is very similar to that of a MD.


    Nurse Practitioners practice from a nursing model that aims to treat the patient holistically with lots of health promotion and disease prevention.


    Both are paid pretty much the same.


    The education is different. PA school is usually full time on campus for 3 years. NP school can be done online and in your own home, but the last year and a half adds in many hours of clinical that are done with a preceptor. This allows you to work through school, something that would be difficult to do in PA school.

  17. Hi julie, hugs to you. There are no words for the pain you're feeling.


    My ex husband left after 20 yrs of marriage. The day he left, I got the kids out of the house so they wouldn't see. I cried a lot that day. Crying can be really cleansing.


    I am a cancer nurse. Every time I work I see the best of love between couples and sometimes the worst. After a yr of therapy I realized I deserved more than what I was getting from my marriage. I wanted the kind of love that I saw from the best couples,the kind of love that stands by you through the thick and thin, that cherishes you, and cares for you.


    So how I got through was focusing on that. I replaced the sadness with hope. I knew that God would not want me to live in the marriage I was in before. I knew that He loved me and that He would in His time provide the love here on earth that was right for me.


    So basically I get by hoping that the rest of my life will be spent with someone who really cherishes me. I am grateful that I no longer have to live with the anxiety and stress of being married to someone who was not emotionally safe for me.


    My living alone survival kit has been:

    • Do something I enjoy for at least an hour EVERYDAY
    • Journal. I have a journal that would scare the cr*p out of my family if they read it.
    • Yoga daily when not working
    • Art or other hobby that is soothing
    • One trick for panic that has really helped me is to be in the habit of naming my feelings. Everytime I feel something I name it (fear, sadness, anxiety). Then I realize that most of what we are anxious about is unknown. We create possible scenarios in our minds that may or may not be true. If I start worrying about the future or feel anxious, I just tell myself to stop thinking about it. Iliterally tell myself "thinking stories" and picture the thoughts leaving my mind. I basically refuse to worry. But, I do name the feeling. Psychologists say that if you name the feeling and allow yourself to feel it without telling yourself stories, the negative feelings will usually leave in less than 90 seconds. It has really worked for me, and I try hard to get into the habit of this.
    • Make a plan for your future. If at all possible, try to make a plan to provide for yourself. This for me relieved a lot fo anxiety and I had time to do this before the divorce which was helpful.


    Again, hugs and prayers for you. Remember that God can turn some of our hardest times into something good.

  18. I'm a nurse. Jobs are still in demand in the city I work in even though it has a BSN and an ADN program. Other areas are saturated though.


    I would say it is a tough job, demanding and hard work, but like another poster said there is great camaraderie, the shift goes by quickly, you're rarely bored, and it pays fairly well. Still I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone. You have to be fairly high energy, very willing to study a lot during school, handle stress well, and be willing to clean up a variety of body fluids. It is physically very hard work (inpatient hospital).

  19. To be honest, it's not possible for me. I work 2 -12 hr shifts/week and go to school full time (it's online so I'm home). I only have one dd who is high school age at home now. She get's school done because it's all outsourced. Her classes or online, one is in town, and one is at the community college.


    I am extremely driven, emergetic, and organized, but after doing it all for one yr I had to outsource. I simply didn't have the time or energy to even plan her school.

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