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Beth in IN

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Posts posted by Beth in IN

  1. You ladies are so helpful. My internet was out all day yesterday so I just got to read through some of these and it is great to hear some more opinions. When I go to conventions I listen to the "salesperson" and they always make their program sound great but since each child is different it can be hard to discern what is best for your child. And since this is my oldest, I have no experience to draw upon.


    I am going to a small convention next weekend and should be able to look at the things I don't have.


    My biggest concern with MUS is not that it is not as rigorous, but the idea of starting something so conceptual this late in the game. But I am going to still look at it.


    So, I have a friend who did Pre-Algebra with CD(that is why I have it available) and then did Jacobs Algebra and she said she thinks she should have just skipped the CD and gone straight to Jacobs. Anyone else feel as if CD was too rigorous for Pre-Algebra?


    And, finally regarding Saxon which has been the one I have been leaning toward(and more so after hearing Lori) was trying to teach it as we move forward. I really don't want to keeping this hopping around with Math.


    Keep the advice coming! So Grateful:D

  2. Your experience is similar to ours. We also switched from ABeka to TT Pre Algebra and we are so ready to be done with it. No TT ever again for us! I really liked ABeka Algebra for my son who was very math challenged. We found the explanations very understandable (unlike Saxon 1 which made us crazy).


    Are you headed back to ABeka then?

  3. I will look at MUS, although I just watched a video online and I was a bit confused. I am just wondering if starting a more conceptual program this late in the game will be even more confusing.


    I don't know exactly how to put it with TT but as I started going through it with her(before I decided to sell it). It was driving me nuts how they would do it in such small increments. I am wondering if Saxon is the same way. She needs the concept taught and then do it over and over. It is great that there are so many choices out there, but it drives me a little nuts, because they all claim to be "the best" and I see them all and each one has some stuff I like and some I don't.

  4. Okay ... after spending the last two years reading these boards and getting more and more confused about which math to use, I am going to post this.


    Just a little background ... My dd13(finishing 7th grade) used A Beka math up until 6th grade when I decided to move her to pre-algebra because the A Beka 6 seemed to be just review. Now the past two years seem to be just a big waste(I am exagerating ... slightly;)). We have done TT pre-algebra, key to's and LOF, and the only thing I think that has happened is we know that she needs some sort of Spriral method. The TT she got during the lessons and then took a test and the information was just gone from her head. Same with LOF. So she definately needs more drill and review.


    So I am thinking of moving back to something more traditional because she seemed to do so much better when she did A Beka. But ... I want her to get it, not just memorize. She is not "mathy" but also not what I would call bad at math(does that make sense?).


    Just to make matters more complicated, I have a bunch of things we could use.


    Lial's Basic College Math(don't really like the flow)

    Chalkdust Pre-Algebra(heard it was more difficult the Jacobs Algebra

    Jacobs Algebra

    First Module of Video Text(willing to buy the rest if it works but heard review is minimal)

    Saxon Algebra 1/2(most likely choice but does it explain the "whys")


    Is there anybody who has done maybe a combo of say Saxon and Video Text?


    Sorry for my long winded post. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.:)



  5. I am going to chime in to this to say, first of all My dd12 has not done LOF algebra yet, but we have it. She is doing the percents and decimals now that she completed the fractions book.


    I think the question of it being a complete program is totally dependent on your child. My dd is good in math but it does not come easy to her. So what I have found with LOF is that the amount of problems the lessons give is not quite enough for her to grasp and remember. With that said he does build in reviews throughout and she usualy looks back if she can't remember. So I believe I will use the LOF Algebra as a supplement to probably Jacobs and see how that goes. Now if you have a strong student in Math and they do not need a ton of review I say go for it. I beleive it covers everything you would find in a more tradional approach. Either way the books are great fun and I have enjoyed going through them myself with dd. I don't think you will regret buying them and giving them a go.


    One thing I have learned is that what works for one child can be terrible for the next. So what might be a complete program for some won't neccesarily be for others.





  6. Yes, you can use it for all ages. The program starts with very easy poems and goes all the way through to long and more difficult passages. So with an older child, you could skip the first level or just move quickly through it, which is what I did with my dd who was 10 when we first started. My son was 5 when we started and he loved listening to the poems in the car. I found by just playing the CD in the car they would memorize the poems without really even trying.


    Plus IEW has a lifetime money back guarantee. So you can try it and send it back if you don't like it.


    I have been very happy with the program, and everyting else from IEW.





  7. My dd gets up at 6:30 and we begin school by 8am. We take maybe 30-40 minutes for lunch. She's still working until at least 5:00 and then has to finish up with reading and Spanish. I do have to play "taskmaster" a lot as she tends to daydream from time to time. But even on days when she's working her tail off, we don't finish any earlier. For those of you that do finish by early afternoon, HOW do you get it all accomplished? Am I scheduling too much stuff in our day? Obviously I have no suggestions or answers for you, just sympathizing with you and pleading for help and suggestions on how to get it donefrom others who have been there, done that.

    I'm listing what we use below.

    Bible - Reads a chapter each morning from New Testament, works on a section each week in AWANA book, & we've been going through a short devotional each morning discussing "teenage girl" topics

    MathUSee - Algebra

    Bob Jones 8th gr Grammar

    Spelling Power

    Writing Strands

    Wordly Wise 3000

    Building Thinking Skills Level 3 Figural & Verbal

    Apologia General Science

    History/Lit - Sonlight Core 100 w/ Hakim's History of US along with the recommended historical fiction and literature selections

    Geopgraphy - Maps, Charts, Graphs (in lieu of the mapping activities in Sonlight history)

    Rosetta Stone Spanish

    This is what we do each day. Now, because she loves art and this is the ONLY way it won't get pushed aside, we're going to begin lessons soon.

    Art - start class w/ an instructor twice/month beginning this month




    Are you doing everything in Sonlight's Core 100 except the geography? If so, that may be your problem. It looks like you may be doubling up on things if you are. I am using it also but heavily modifed because of all the other things I am using that covers the same or similiar things. We have very similiar schedules but it is taking dd about 6 hrs/day to complete.


    BTW...GO Colts!



  8. Are any of you other moms with children in this age group struggling with "lazy learners". This year it seems that if my dd has to do anything that takes some time and effort, it becomes a struggle. I know the time she spends on school work is half the time that the ps kids spend, yet it is still "too much work".


    Sorry if this needed to be a new thread. I just thought I'd post to this group that has all the same age kids. Please let me know if I should repost as a new thread and lease forgive my greenness when it comes to posting.:001_smile:

  9. Our schedule is quite similiar to yours...so I wanted to quick give you some ideas I had. Feel free to ignore any or all. I have a 12.5 yod who takes 10+ hours of ballet/week in the evenings and Saturday mornings. We also lose every other Tuesday for co-op.


    In regards to grammar, have you thought about Analytical Grammar which you do for about 10 weeks and then do just a review and reinforcement once a week throughout the year? If I had been smart I would have had dd do during the summer and be done with it now. So that would free up some time during the day.


    Also, I use IEW for wrtitng and icorporate that into history so I can "kill two birds with one stone".


    My last suggestion would be *gasp* to do some things on Saturday. Maybe whatever doesn't get done during the week. We do that if we have a busier week and I really want to try to stay on "schedule". I only say this if you are uncomfortable letting something go., which I don't think could hurt. It sounds like your daughter is getting a very well rounded education which I think is more improtant then finishing every lesson in every book.


    BTW-how is your DD liking Starting Points? That is the one thing I would love to add to my schedule but can't really decide if we could do anymore right now. We will probably wait until next year but I would love to know how your dd is enjoying. That is great you have a class for it.


    Again, just my $.02



  10. You ladies seem so level headed. I have not been on these boards long and I don't post often but the political threads alone have made me want to leave. I love the amount of information regarding homeschooling but the bickering over political ideas is something I just don't need. So even though I have been lured into reading them. I must stop also. I fully agree with another post about them being emotionally draining. I also agree that it seems like some are just posting to stir the pot.


    Thanks for helping me remember not to peek:)

  11. Second, where can I find similar foods without HFCS. ?


    Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? They are the most reasonable for more "natural" foods. I have always lived near one and now I live about an hour away so I stock up when I go there.


    If TJ's is not an option, how about a health food store? Just be careful because they can be very expensive and you may be opening pandora's box. :tongue_smilie:Actualy most of the big stores carry organic(which would contain no HFSC) now, even Walmart, so check your markets.


    Then ofcourse, as others have said, you can always make things from scratch, if you have the time and inclanation. Then you can control what goes into your food.

  12. A just wanted to chime in to this post as it was very interesting to read. I wanted to mention that not all publishers are like WP in their resale policy. For instance. IEW recommends you resell their stuff. Which is brilliant beacuse then you have more money to buy more of their stuff. It also gets people to buy who may be hesitant about purchasing something pricey that may not work for them. That gives them the "safety net" of reselling. Which is a great way to get more business. A lot of us, me included, never get around to reselling our stuff, so there is still plenty of business for the original publisher.


    I do love IEW so excuse the shameless plug!;)



  13. What a fun thread. Thanks for starting it.


    Mine is TRISMS. I have been unsucessful at using anything too "put together" i.e, I own year 2 and 3 of TOG and am still thinking of buying another year even though I don't use it for much more then a booklist. So I am wondering if I would actually do all of Trisms.


    I am also very interested in Starting Points and Windows to The World.


    It had been RightStart Math until I finally bit the bullet and bought it.



    Too many good things out there:001_smile:


    I missed the part that said "not major curricula". Now I remember why I usually just lurk.:confused:

  14. What a fun thread. Thanks for starting it.


    Mine is TRISMS. I have been unsucessful at using anything too "put together" i.e, I own year 2 and 3 of TOG and am still thinking of buying another year even though I don't use it for much more then a booklist. So I am wondering if I would actually do all of Trisms.


    I am also very interested in Starting Points and Windows to The World.


    It had been RightStart Math until I finally bit the bullet and bought it.



    Too many good things out there:001_smile:

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