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Posts posted by lbakos

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone. As many of you mentioned, two logic books would be too much and you were right. My daughter really enjoys the Fallacy Detective. I've put The Art of Argument away for either later in the year or next year. We've chosen Essentials in Writing (book 7) which is working out really well. I'm still undecided on science (leaning towards apologia general) and geography. 

    • Like 2
  2. I really like the Tiner series too, and those were great for us one year in junior high. If I recall correctly, there aren't experiments, if that matters to you. (It didn't to us because my dd was doing a science fair project also, plus we did it after an experiment-heavy year).


    For reluctant writers, I really like Essentials in Writing by Matthew Stephens. It breaks concepts down into one thing to do at a time, and models how to do that in a short, 3-5 minute video, and then the student does a related assignment. I liked that the videos model mistakes or changing your mind as you write--my kids needed to see that the writing process is sometimes muddy and requires rewriting. My oldest especially struggled with writing, and Essentials made it doable and approachable for him. 


    HTH some!


    Thanks for the Essentials in Writing Suggestion. I purchased it and it's working out really well. 

    • Like 2
  3. Hello, all. We're starting our formal studies next week and I'm still trying to decide on what to do for a few subjects. Below is my 12-year-old DD's scheduled studies for the year. Feel free to give me any input/feedback/suggestions. TIA.


    Language Arts


    Spelling - R&S 7

    Grammar - Shurley 6 

    Writing - ??? Suggestions welcome for a reluctant writer! We went through WWE 1-4 & did the writing in Shurley 5 last year, but she doesn't enjoy writing, except when it's on her own time. I always let her choose what topic to write about (in Shurley) & it was still a struggle to get her to do it. Took her ALL afternoon b/c she procrastinated. The only time it went "okay" was when I let her write her assignment on the dry erase board instead of on paper, but that's not always going to be an option. I'd love to find a writing program that's going to inspire her. I've looked through TWTM suggestions, but nothing really stands out. 

    Literature - Various (classical) stories throughout the year. An hour of reading per day. 




    Latin For Children A 


    (I'm doing this w/ both of my kids ages 12 & 9. We started it last year, but it fell to the wayside. Restarting for the beginning - better late than never right?)




    Teaching Textbooks 6 


    (switched from MUS this year - new for us)




    Veritas Press Self-Paced Explorers to 1815 (1/2 way through) & 1815 to Present


    New! Science


    ??? Suggestions welcome!  We haven't done any formal science so far. She's excited about it this year. I like the idea of Memoria Press' J.H Tiner Series. I think both of my kids could study it together, which would be helpful. But, I've also looked at Apologia General Science for my dd alone. Not sure which route to take. I'd love suggestions on this.


    New! Logic


    The Art of Argument & The Fallacy Detective (We'll probably work through these over 2 years. Our 1st intro to Logic other than a couple "critical thinking" workbooks last year.)


    New! Geography


    ??? Suggestions welcome! We've had the geography songs for a few years, so my dd knows her countries by heart, but I'm looking for something formal this year.



    And, I think that's it! Did I miss anything? I appreciate any input/feedback/suggestions. Thanks!

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  4. We switched from SWO to R&S this year. My dd did not like all of the various activities in SWO, they became an annoyance to her. She has been doing great with R&S. We both prefer the layout of each lesson much better compared to SWO and I think it's more challenging for her.


    For R&S I would stick with grade level. But you can always view examples of each book on their website and go from there.

  5. 2 worksheets per day (sometimes 3 with extra activities pages)


    Typical week would be:


    Mon. Watch new lesson do A&B

    Tues. Do C&D

    Wed. Do E&F

    Thurs. Take test


    We have been doing co-op on Friday's so we haven't been doing any work at home but now that it's over for the year we will be doing Math. So we'll probably just continue and do a new lesson Fri.

  6. I recently watched a youtube video of SWB doing a dictation lesson with her son. I think it was called "dictation with dan." You may want to watch it. It's very helpful.


    My dd is using WWE3 and we're basically doing exactly what you described (breaking down sentence by sentence if needed) however, I wait until she has memorized each sentence and then puts it all together before writing down. And once she has it memorized I have her say it to me at least two times before beginning to write.

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