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Posts posted by fshinkevich

  1. On the boy's youtube music video, they say something like...."We go to school to get an education. No homeschool it's (something I couldn't understand, but their body language indicated it would be the opposite of getting an education; and perhaps they said that word which was the name of the song and would rhyme there, but is not suitable for this board.)


    Anyway, I thought they slammed homeschool.


    Nonetheless, I would hate to have the entire nation judge me based on what my six year old might say into a camera.


    When they interviewed him this morning, the dad said as they watched the balloon take off, he knew he had to call someone for help. But the interviewer didn't ask him whom he called. I'd really like to know. Did he call 911 or did he call someone in the news media or a publicist or an attorney or what? I think the answer to that would make a difference here.


    Also, while the reporters questioned the 6YO, I didn't see anyone ask the 10YO whether he really thought he saw the boy get in the basket, or why he said that. The answer to that would make a difference.


    And on the interview this morning, when Dad was asked if he was sorry he yelled at the 6YO for getting in the basket (reportedly, the reason the 6YO hid in the attic), the teary eyed dad said, "Yeah, I probably yell at him too much." Well that may be true, but it seems to me that it was perfectly appropriate to yell at him at that moment. I hope the dad doesn't take away from all this that his kids need more freedom and less parental restraint.


    Also, I'd like to know if the attic was a place that the kids normally had access to. In our house, a 6YO could not get into the attic. Is this a place they play? And had the law enforcement/rescue people previously searched the attic or not?


    Weird situation, to be sure.


    Oh, and I read a fiction book just like this. Has anybody read Enduring Love by Ian McEwan?


    According to the press conference this morning the father called the FAA first, local news station second, and 911 LAST.


    And that they had checked the attic, but this particular spot was in a dark corner and had been overlooked.

  2. This is the latest:


    The Larimer County Sheriff's Office just held a press conference on the Heene family's flying saucer caper -- and they said, as of now, they feel it was a "real event" and not a hoax.


    Sheriff Jim Alderdon said Falcon's parents "expressed statements, non verbal communication, body language, and emotions that were consistent with the events taking place."


    He confirmed Richard Heene called the FAA first, then a local TV station before calling 911 -- because 9 News had a helicopter they believed could help the situation.


    Also interesting to note -- Falcon's parents were asked if they wanted to be present when investigators interviewed him yesterday, but they didn't care, so he went solo.


    Alderdon said the video of Falcon from Larry King has raised skepticism in the department and they will re-interview the family tomorrow

    Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0U861HNRQ



    So it is possible the situation was real, and now they are just milking it since they love the spot light.


    I don't know if they are "CPS worthy" but certainly can't win any parent of the year awards for teaching their kids certain words and how to use their middle finger. Sad situation, imo.

  3. Has anyone heard exactly what this family does for a living? I've seen the storm chasing, Wife Swap, YouTube video, actor wannabes, and balloon building stuff but I haven't heard anything they do for a living. Is that it or do they have "regular," jobs as well?


    I think the father is a meteorologist, not sure about the mom. TMZ is reporting that they have been pitching a reality show idea to all the networks including TLC. So very possible this was all in the hopes of getting picked.

  4. I just read that he had gotten in trouble (Dad yelled at him) for messing with the balloon and that is why the boy hid. Apparently played with toys and napped in the attic.


    I also read that he was asked if he hid a lot and he said YES! So why the heck was that not considered?? Mind boggling.


    But I guess I cannot judge since I have never thought my child was careening through the atmosphere :)

  5. I'd say the $200-300 range would be the most I would be willing to pay for a vacuum.


    Thanks for looking it up!





    For canister vacs, the highest rated at $300 is the kenmore progressive 27514 with a score of 70.


    This vacuum got the second highest score in your range, 68.




    Both vacuums got an excellent rating for bare floors.

  6. I thought he might have been the one who untethered the balloon and then hid because he thought he'd be in trouble. Perhaps?

    After that theory popped into my head I sat my girls down to make sure they knew to NEVER, EVER hide from us, even if they thought they were going to get into trouble about something.



    My very first thought was that he probably hid thinking he was in trouble for losing the balloon, but once the hunt continued with so many people involved I figured that was not possible because the second thing I would do after calling 911 would be to strip my house and neighborhood of every hiding spot. I assumed if the parents didn't do that, police would.


    It will be interesting to hear later details.

  7. Also found this one online, which is prob the one out of the other book I was looking for - actually pumpkin pie ice cream, not just pumpkin spice :)







    • 2 cups Silk soy creamer
    • 1 cup Soy milk
    • 3/4 cup Brown sugar
    • 1 cup Cooked, mashed pumpkin (homemade or canned; see note below)
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon Pumpkin pie spice
    • 2 tablespoons Arrowroot
    • 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract







    Mix cup of soy milk with the 2 tablespoons of arrowroot and set aside.

    Mix the soy creamer, remaining soy milk, brown sugar, pumpkin, and pumpkin pie spice together in a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the mixture has just started to boil, take off the heat and immediately stir in the arrowroot slurry. This should immediately cause the liquid to thicken (not a lot, but a noticeable amount; it will be thicker when it cools).

    Stir in the vanilla.

    Set the ice cream mixture aside to cool. Freeze according to your ice cream makers instructions.

    Note: If you cook your own pumpkin, be sure to use a sugar pie pumpkin or other cooking pumpkin (not the halloween variety).

  8. My fave book is packed :(


    But here is one from another vegan ice cream book (yes, I have more than one lol):


    Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream:


    1 14 oz can full fat coconut milk

    1 cup pureed cooked pumpkin (fresh or canned)

    1/2 soymilk or other nondairy milk

    1/2 c maple syrup

    1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

    1 tsp. vanilla extract

    1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg

    1/4 tsp ground ginger


    Combine all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Then freeze in an ice cream maker according to manufacturers directions.

  9. DS was absent one day a couple of weeks ago because his allergies were really bad so I let him stay home. I wrote a note which ds remembers turning in to the office. Today he brings him a truancy warning letter stating the I was in violation of attendance law (warning). then it goes on to Because of an unexcused absence your son is classified as truant and con sequently in violation of STate Law. blah, blah ,bla. The school board would prefer not to prosecute parents and or students however without your immediate attention to this matter such action will be necessary and will be reported to juvenile authorities.


    So, me being a rebellious soul:D wants to not sign this and staple NOTE 2 100 times to the truancy violation letter. (okay I used 5 staples but you get the idea) and storm into said school tomorrow and ask that this "violation" be removed from my sons record. I know however, the right thing to do is write a sweet little note explaining his absence yet gain, sign the darn, I mean sweet truancy warning and walk it personally to the attendance off at ds school. with teeth gritting of course.


    Okay, much calmer now that I have it all written out. Now where's my staple remover:confused::001_smile:


    I remember getting one of these when my kids were in elementary school. It pissed me off something too, but it actually gets auto sent out from the district. Its annoying, but not schools fault.


    You should mention your son may have to homeschool due to his terrible allergies,maybe they will leave you be, they don't want to lose money by you pulling him out :001_smile:

  10. No,

    Would you think less of me if I told you I developed an online friendship with someone of the opposite sex who turned out to be a stalker and who put me and my family at risk??


    I would not think LESS of you, but yikes! Hope everything turned out ok!


    Would you think less of me if I told you that I made turtle brownies and a batch of fresh fruit margaritas for the Greys Anatomy premier tonight? :D

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