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Deidre in GA

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Posts posted by Deidre in GA

  1. i'll take a stab at the first one. if 3 gals cost $4, divide to find the cost of 1 gal. then, multiply the cost of one gallon times 18.6. it actually comes out to an even number. then subtract from $40 to find the correct change. this seems multi-step but simple - which always worried me with SM! maybe i'm missing something! (since you have the answer, i'm assuming you just wanted a process.)


    as for #2 - aaarrgh! i hated those kinds of problems!

  2. We put our 10th grader in school this year. He has 3 honors classes and only has little bits of homework, sometimes none. I am not impressed with our school. Somedays he says he is wasting his time because they don't do much in school. I think they really aim low because they don't want anyone to fail. We may bring him home again next year.




    though my son is not in any honors classes, we are having a similar experience. i don't know how much longer i will be able to stomach the low academic standards. my son, OTOH, is enjoying the vacation.

  3. i am an adoptive mom. even though there is no birth father listed you still need to have the birth father's rights legally terminated. besides the experience on the forum, you need to talk with an adoption lawyer familiar with your state's laws.


    our adoption is open but the birth mom is a 1000 miles away. it has been an absolutely positivie experience but my son's birth mom has turned her life around 180 degrees since entrusting me to raise her son. the dynamics might be very different if we were geographically closer and she was still in crisis.


    i wish you well with this decision and i commend you for considering it so thoughtfully.

  4. I don't care how nice the woman is or how big her SUV is, if she'd taken my child out to find a deer to hit, that would be the last time I'd let her have responsibility for my child.


    People have died or been injured in vehicle accidents with deer. I think it is irresponsible to take children on a drive with that purpose in mind. I also think that is a barbaric way to hunt deer. What was she planning to do if she merely injured the deer? Back up and hit it again?




    two friends of mine hit a deer in Tennesse a few years ago. the dear went through the windshield of their minivan and out the back window. (no, i'm not exaggerating.) the hooves of the flying deer seriously injured the skull of my friend who was driving; she has neurological damage that will plague her the rest of her life. it was a miracle my passenger friend was able to grab the wheel and navigate the van to the side of the road.


    'hunting' deer in the manner described is far from hilarious. it is dangerous for all and particularly inhumane for the deer. not only would my child not ever visit that family again, i would be doing some heavy googling to determine if this was legal and if not, who to report this incident to.

  5. it's not exactly food but one of my brother's favorite gifts from me was a six month membership in a beer of the month club. every month he received gourmet beers from microbreweries around the world. he really found it interesting. there are also cheese of the month clubs and, ugh, cigars!


    i'm not at the computer i ordered it from but if you're interested let me know and i'll look up the company i used. there are a lot of them out there.

  6. at 55 i get mine yearly. just did it last week as a matter of fact.


    i have had a number of women in my circle diagnosed with breast cancer. their uniform message to women around them is to get a mammogram - find it early. yes, the benefits of early detection definitely outweigh the risks. if you are fortunate enough to have health insurance, getting a mammogram is a no-brainer. the hospital i go to here has it down to a streamlined science; i swear i've never spent more than 30 minutes there from signing in at the receptionist desk to driving out the hospital parking structure.

  7. What's frustrating is that school teachers get to keep the books 1 month. So, several of the books were tied up weeks ago and are not due back until December.




    i successfully lobbied with my library's administration to get homeschool parent's cards educator status. in our system it doesn't affect how long you can keep a book but it does affect quota. regular users top out at 25 books; teachers get 50.


    you might see if you can get a similar change at your system.

  8. I copied that from this website




    This is a picture of a wetus.




    i'd definitely bring up the teepee thing. the teacher is perpetuating a stereotypical view of how all Native Americans lived. Religious overlay she may chafe at but she certainly has to be informed about a secular historical falsehood.

  9. DH still put it on our mac's. And yes, it has had issues before. The reason we did is I download stuff. Files, applications, stuff from unknown sources...and yes, some are corrupted sometimes. We also have a backup drive. And it scans it everytime I backup and the few times I needed to get the info off the backup drive. And yes, it has found 'issues'.


    So while you are pretty safe it's still a very good idea. My DH is a software engineer who is obsessed about security :D


    corrupt files and viruses are different issues. i download a lot also. having the protection on the mac side doesn't hurt but it is an unnecessary expense. of course, if it make dh feel better, then virus protection is priceless.

  10. Jumping in Puddles has nailed it. i will add, though, if your DH intends to run Windows on his MacBook he should know that the Windows partition is just as vulnerable to viruses as any PC and he needs to run all requisite virus protections. if the Windows side never gets ANYTHING from the internet, then that caution is less necessary. perhaps.

  11. Bump, anyone else? If you've had these symptoms is it Meniere's or Postitional Vertigo or something else?


    i've lived with Meniere's for the last 20 years. why do you think it's Meniere's? a diagnosis of MD (meniere's disease) is by exclusion; you have MD if all other possibilities have been ruled out. there are a number of conditions that can induce vertigo.


    other indications pointing to MD are things like:


    a feeling of clogging or pressue in one or more ears

    ringing in one or more ears


    just as a general guideline, with any vertigo - don't fight it! lie down and stay down until it passes. trying to navigate only makes the throwing up part worse.

  12. phone etiquette is one of my pet peeves. his friends have learned not to call this house and say "yo. nia home?" my son has learned that when he calls a friend's house he identifies himself and, if the parent has answered, he CHATS for a sentence or two before asking for his friend. my friends often comment on how cordial my son's phone manners are. some very simple concepts about civility are being lost in the modern age.

  13. personally, i watch ER, Boston Legal, & Raising the Bar. my son and i watch The Unit and, when they return, LOST and Battlestar Galactica. all of it is Tivo'ed and we are often a week or more behind; we consider watching live TV an incredible waste of time.


    we'll rent a movie about 3 times a month. we both spend far too much time playing with other electronic toys that involve screens...

  14. these batteries are meant to be cycled. i do leave mine plugged in a lot but every so often i let it drain. most mac batteries in good form last 3 hours which, according to my PC brother, is usual in the windows world.


    it may be time for a new battery but in the meantime, let the mac drain down completely and then recharge completely. you may find you have more than 30 minutes of life. btw, Amazon sells MacBook batteries.

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