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Posts posted by Kathryn

  1. Thank you. This is helpful to gain perspective.

    You're welcome. I was surprised by how "against" Orthodoxy my (western) Ukrainian Catholic family are. I was looking at it from the historical perspective of the fact that our ancestors were Orthodox before their overlords forced them to become Catholic (but I guess they were pagan before being converted en masse to Orthodoxy, huh?). But, they appear to look at it from the more recent historical perspective of Russian aggression and intrusion.

  2. I add my rec for Elementary Greek. I'm learning right along with the kids. It is solid, yet gentle. We're almost to the end of year 1 and I think we've all learned a lot. Although, I will add this.... we did CAP's Codecrackers, and while I didn't really like the book too much (too gimmicky), it did solidify the alphabet in our heads more. You really need to have the alphabet under your belt. Also, we've all had Latin, and that helped us understand the grammatical structure of Greek. The whole idea of conjugating the verbs, declining the nouns, etc.


    If you go with that program, make sure you get the CD. Really helps with pronunciation .

    This is what we did also, CAP's Greek Alphabet Code Cracker followed by Elementary Greek.

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  3. From a priest I love and trust. This might not be all that you are looking for but I think it is relevant.



    Looking at it from the inside of Orthodoxy, I give it little chance. Sort of on the level of the proverbial snow ball. The antipathy is much deeper than you might imagine. This was not a love-fest, despite the theatrical presentation. Easily the most important part of the joint statement was the material regarding Catholic behavior in the Ukraine, including the clearly stated support for Moscow's place in Orthodox Ukraine. When the statement said, "Canonical solution," it means a solution that is not made without the approval of Moscow. The Metropolitan of Kiev is historically, under the Patriarch of Moscow. The Byzantine Catholics in the Ukraine have been encouraging a splinter group who have started a competing Orthodox Church that is not canonically recognized. Essentially, the Pope was agreeing to put a stop to it. I suspect that that part of the joint statement was Moscow's non-negotiable demand. But the statement is not nearly so much about ecumenism (other than the obligatory niceties). It's about cooperation on the social and political issues. The Catholic Church is, at present, much more supportive of Putin's efforts in Syria than America's. The Catholic Archbishop of Syria has hailed him as a savior. Equally, the social issues in Europe and America have received a deaf ear from the US and the EU. Moscow and Rome are in full agreement viz. the family, and abortion. Together, they speak much more loudly. Moscow is also speaking for Orthodox Eastern Europe which is part of the EU. I think there may be rumbles of a new Christian re-alignment going on.

    If anyone is interested in the Ukrainian Catholic perspective, this article is pretty spot-on with my family's opinions (my Ukrainian Catholic family was more than a little upset to hear of my becoming Orthodox):


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  4. Well, my oldest is just 10.5, but I enjoy them all more the older they get. Well, one is my least favorite year, so I like them better before and after that. I mean, it's one of the cutest ages, but it's so physically demanding and draining. They're mobile enough and dumb enough to be such a danger to themselves at age one. I do not do well with lack of sleep, and I don't sleep for the first couple of years. Not that I want my kids to grow up too fast, and I definitely savor the baby cuddles, but I'll be so glad to not have a baby/toddler.


    Anyway, I didn't vote, because for me so far, each time, the hardest has been up to age two.

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  5. We don't use dryer sheets, so we're good there. While it kills me to not get a set, we cloth diaper and have a 10yo agitator-top loader that cleans great with lots of water so I don't want to replace until we're done diapering. But, we really need a dryer. We are having to dry three times just for a normal load of clothes. And this thing has spit lint all over the house since it was worked on several years ago.

  6. We need a new dryer. Looking online, for the combination of narrower depth that we need for the space but also pretty good reviews, it looks like LG wins. But, I get so nervous about appliance buying. Does anyone here have (electric is what we need) LG dryer experience, good or bad?


    Or any suggestions for narrower depth electric dryers? The current one is 28" and has about half an inch of clearance to the laundry closet door.

  7. I don't understand these posts. Post-dated cheques mean just that... post-dated. Your landlord cannot deposit a cheque dated April 1 in February.

    In America, they can. The date is essentially meaningless. It's for your reference basically. At least that's how our bank explained it to us.

  8. So I'm a member of this organization where we are going to choose what meat to have with dinner for the next long while. There are two different groups of choices and they have to be narrowed down to one choice per group and then we will choose out of those two. I can only help narrow down one group. So, group A, I have a favorite choice, but the other choices aren't all that far behind and I wouldn't mind terribly eating any of these meats. For group B though, I don't like any of them and there are some truly horrific choices and a lot of people seem like they're going to pick the horrific choices. There are some not quite so awful choices in group B, not ones I'd be happy with by any means, but wouldn't make me starve to death. So, if you can only help narrow down one group, which one, A or B? Do you pick your favorite from group A or do you pick your least disliked from group B?


    ***Any resemblance to any other sort of situation is purely coincidental, nothing political here at all***

  9. No, because at least partly it depends on how early you wean. Someone who weans when the child is 3.5 is already going to have sized down considerably, compared to someone who weans at 3.5 months.

    Well, it's been 21 months so far. I expect that I'll be done sometime this year.

  10. What a great trip down my children's childhood this thread is (blowing nose into kleenex). Anywho, my all time favorite is Charlie and Lola. I thought it gentle but not too syrupy sweet ifywim. Recently, I found almost the entire set of dvd's at a local bookstore and bought them because hopefully I'll have grandchildren someday. If not, I can watch them in my rocker when I'm 80.


    David the Gnome from ages ago was one of of older boys favorites. They still talk about it even though they are in their 20's. :-)

    *I* loved David the Gnome!


    Eta: it looks like it's on Amazon Prime!

  11. I will ashamedly admit that though I have heard the word "Wikileaks," I am so out of it on news items that disinterested me for years that I have no knowledge or opinion on whatever this guy is or is not wanted for in the US. All I know is what I read about the news that happened yesterday, but I did read about ten articles. It was my understanding that he had been questioned, arrested and released on bail and that's when he went to the embassy. Is that not accurate? I'm more than willing to change my opinion with new information.

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