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Allen Academy

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Posts posted by Allen Academy

  1. Bible... Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Unit 4, Intermediate Level, plus scheduled reading/memorization from Sonlight


    History... Sonlight 2 - second half of World History


    Science... Noeo Biology 1


    Math... Teaching Textbooks 3 or Right Start Level C - haven't decided... either way, we'll still be using the games from RS.


    Grammar...FLL 2


    Writing...WWE 2


    Handwriting... Finish HWOT Cursive, then Copywork for Little Girls (in cursive)


    Spelling...All About Spelling


    Reading... Sonlight Read Alouds and Sonlight Readers 2 Advanced


    Art Instruction... Artistic Pursuits (the second half of book 1), plus lessons from Mark Kistlers Online Academy


    Other... Building Thinking Skills, Wordly Wise C, Piano (at home)


    Classes... Japanese, Gymnastics, Girl Scouts, Friday COOP, and maybe soccer

  2. Thanks for starting this post - I am in a somewhat similar situation and appreciated the responses.


    My DH is in the military, and we are doing a move with a temporary duty assignment in the middle. We moved from Florida to Oklahoma at the end of November and will be here for a few more months - we don't know how long, and probably won't find out until about 3 weeks before the move - and then we are moving to Japan.


    All of our stuff was already packed in Florida - 1/3 was sent to Japan, and 2/3rds is in storage until we get back in 3 years. We were only allowed to bring what would fit in our SUV, so we are living with mostly Wal-mart furniture and stuff we borrowed from our family.


    To top that off, we just found out that the base in Japan is rennovating their lodging, and the Air Force has decided that we, the family, cannot travel with my DH. We have to wait until he finds housing (which, according to the AF can take up to 5 months), and then we can come over. Since we can't bring our cars, that means my DH is going to be responsible for picking out our car and our house.


    So where will DD and I live during that time? We are moving back in with my mother and father - and my brother and his wife, who just got married and are living there until the construction on their new house is done, and my little sister (16), and her best friend who will be staying with my family for the summer. Luckily my other brother (19) will be moving out the end of April. Hopefully.


    So I am not sure about how our homeschooling is going to work out. I have been teaching DD to read, and if nothing else, I do not want to take a break from that because I don't want her to forget everything. I also do not want to purchase more curriculum, since the AF will be shipping 600 lbs when my DH leaves, and we will only be able to take what fits in our suitcases.


    I am a planner. All of this "unknown" is scaring me a little...

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