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Posts posted by Perogi

  1. Here is a schedule for History Pockets: http://lamplightlearningacademy.blogspot.com/2007/10/ancient-civilization-history-pockets.html


    Also, the Handle on the Arts stuff is typically done from things you'd have around the house. It wasn't getting done in my house because we're not a terribly hands-on family but it wasn't a matter of the supplies being hard to track down.


    We also did a lot of notebooking pages last year as well as enhanced mapping from MapTrek.


    For Core 2/C we are using a lot of resources from Homeschool Share and doing lapbooks as dd was looking for a change from the notebooking.

  2. Oh, 3rd grade. We're in 3rd for the first time and ay, yi yi! I do find that it's a steep increase this year and my very capable, usually mature and responsible 8yo dd feels like the world is against her because she is always the last one doing school work. Of course she has more work than her 6yo sis and 4yo bro!


    I've been contemplating how to handle this as well. I don't really want to ease up but I don't want to kill the love either....

  3. I think you will enjoy it and it is quite independent. I was another though that found if I left dd 8yo to do it completely independently she didn't always completely understand but was at least able to figure out the pattern and get everything right on her workbook page. Those same results weren't translating to the tests. So now I go over the lessons in the text with her and she completes the workbook independently. It still only takes a few minutes, gives her an opportunity at independence after our lesson, and is increasing retention.

  4. My IL's are considering getting an Ereader for dd 8yo this Christmas. On the one hand, I think it sounds great because she LOVES reading and goes through a ton of books. Also, she's enjoying tackling some of the harder books with a dictionary at hand and I think it would be so much easier for her to be able to access the dictionary right on the device.


    I'm not sure Kindle is right for us though, because in Canada we can't borrow library books to the Kindle and I certainly won't be buying her all kinds of books!

  5. How about, instead of a no-tattling rule, use the situation to help the children learn how to work things out peacefully? I didn't have a no tattling rule. For us, "tattling" was a cry for help in dealing with a situation. So, we used it as an opportunity to teach the kids how to resolve a conflict. Kids don't learn these skills in a vacuum. When left to their own devices in a "no tattling" household, one of the kids typically gains power over the other and uses it unfairly.


    When I had a child come and "tattle", I often asked what should be done. If they did not know, I would model appropriate words.


    I grew up in a house where tattling was simply ignored. As a result, my legitimate grievances were simply ignored. I felt powerless. That affected my relationships with my siblings. That carried on to school where I suffered through years of bullying. I had learned through experience that the adults in my life would ignore the situation so I didn't bother asking for help.




    I don't usually get a lot of tattling in my house where it's simply about getting someone else in trouble (like telling on brother or sister for not brushing their teeth for example). My experience is more like yours where it's a "cry for help". I think working through it with the kids rather than just doling out consequences keeps it from becoming a rewarding experience in terms of just getting brother/sister into trouble and teaches valuable skills at the same time.

  6. :iagree::iagree: I'd much rather they come to me if they can't figure out a way to deal with it. I especially want them to tell me if the other person is doing something dreadful (cutting the cat's hair, going into forbidden places, etc). When it gets petty, my reply tends to be, "Well, what do you think we should do about that?" and then they solve it themselves.


    I often think, when the tattling increases in frequency, that I just need to be spending more time with them and guiding their interactions more actively. I mean, they're young and aren't born knowing how to solve problems, share, be considerate, etc. so imo telling them to figure it out for themselves isn't always helpful. It does get tiring, I'll admit that.

  7. I have taken as many as 6,000 IU daily while I was trying to get my levels up. Now I am taking 3,000 IU daily.

    Be sure that it is D3. I took plain D for a while and nothing changed, I then read on the Hive it has to be D3..and that is when my levels starting going back up.


    Thank you - this is good to know. It is D3 that I have so I think I'll up my intake for a bit and see if I notice an impact.

  8. I really only use the tokens at the beginning of level 1. We didn't start Level 1 until dd was in 2nd grade so she didn't use them much but my 6yo used them quite a bit and I did find it a helpful method.


    My kids really enjoy AAS but I dread doing it. I rarely ever bother with the tiles - partially because we have a smaller than recommended whiteboard so they are quite cramped but mostly because it just seems annoying. Dd often writes the words on the whiteboard or in her notebook and that's working for us. I'm still considering just getting through the end of level 3 and then moving to something dictation based for spelling.

  9. Your house is lovely!


    I do live in Michigan where the sun doesn't shine for long periods of time during the winter.


    I agree with the PP who said the fireplace can make the rest of the house cold. Fireplaces need air to work properly and they will draw from the house and that makes the rest of the house colder. Also if the thermostat is close to the fireplace where it is warm, thru furnace won't run as often.


    Besides adding more light, changing the bulbs, all those suggestions are great, we close registers where we can to help out. Basement registers are closed, bathroom registers etc.


    The only other thing I would suggest is to take Vit D3 daily. Low Vitamin D levels are more than common here in Michigan. I believe that I have had SAD for many years and after being officially DX with low Vit D and adding that back into my daily routine, I can honestly say I feel better.


    We buy the Kirkland brand at Costco..gel capsules.


    May I ask how much you take? I've recently started taking vit D and a B complex daily and I think it's improving my mood as well. I take 1000 iu of vit D.

  10. I really, really like the oil-filled rad heaters. In our last house 2 of our bedrooms weren't vented so we had to use the oil-filled heaters and they heat up the room really quickly on a very low setting. They are easy to move around also. This year in our new home, I plan to use the heater in the school room in the morning so that I can keep the overall heat in the house lower but still be warm and comfortable while doing school. I just can't stay motivated and on task when I'm cold!


    For light - painting a nice yellow would be very helpful. Basically avoid dark colours in your decor - it seems like you have enough on the dark end of the spectrum with the cabinets and couches.


    Try to just focus on unpacking and getting to know your house right now - moving can be so overwhelming - give yourself a little bit of time.

  11. :grouphug:


    My daughter was colicky for a few months--I wore earplugs and held her, it was too loud without earplugs. Double earplugs, small rubber ones in the ear and then headset ones, would probably have been even better. The hunting earmuffs are cheaper than tool earmuff ones and also offer more hearing protection.


    (We own 4 headsets and protect our ears when running loud appliances, my husband has some hearing loss and doesn't want his hearing to get any worse. We tried out his earmuffs and decided we wanted some, too!)


    Hopefully there won't be too much loud crying, but this is an option if there is, earmuffs for the whole family.


    Seriously!! Maybe it could be some good audiobook time on my Ipod headphones....

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