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Fleur de Lis

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Posts posted by Fleur de Lis

  1. An acknowledgment may be nice. However, sometimes I'm really bad about getting thank you notes out quickly because I really like to sit down and write a nice thank you card and with kids, etc. it doesn't always get done as soon as I expect. Perhaps you just need to wait a bit longer??


    Also, are you sure this person knows it's from you? Maybe they don't know who to thank?


    If this person is in really tough straights, he/she may just be super busy and just mentally overwhelmed and for some reason not feeling able to get back to you right away but still very grateful.


    If it's bothering you, just call the person and say, "hey, just wanted to check and make sure you got the check?" Then you can talk and I'm sure you'll be properly thanked and the person may appreciate the fact that now you will know how grateful he/she is even though he/she wasn't able to get back to you before this time.

  2. a child going to bed hungry on a regular basis because they don't like the food that is typically served in their home and are NOT allowed an alternative.


    I haven't read all of the posts, but are there many families on here whose children go to bed hungry on a regular basis? My impression is that if a kid knows they don't have other options they typically will decide to expand their palettes after only a couple of incidences - deciding the food isn't that bad after all.


    BTW, please don't interpret what I am saying as critical of other people's choices. Just defending us "eat it or don't" types against the charges of child abuse (!).

  3. Having plenty of healthy snack options around is good, and can lead to life long healthy eating habits. We keep lots of fruit, raw vegies, nuts, popcorn, whole grain bread, and other similar items around.


    We also keep these items around, but if I let him fill himself up with other things (which he would if given the option), he wouldn't be hungry for the healthy snacks/meals.

  4. With five kids, there is always someone who doesn't like what we are having. Their option is to eat what I cooked, or they may have plain cheerios with milk. No dessert though. Sometimes they will choke down what they don't like, since they really want dessert, other times they will just have the cheerios.


    That is an interesting idea. I may use it in the future. Our current dessert rule is that everything that I've put on his plate must be eaten first. Half the time he'll choke the veggies down, half the time he won't.

  5. Maybe this is why some of us don't force the issue. My dds snack on fruits and veggies through the day. They usually have a smoothie for breakfast which includes fruit and veggies and they usually always have veggies at lunch. So, forcing them to eat dinner if they want to make themselves something else just isn't a big deal here.


    Yeah, I think you're right.

  6. My kids can go to bed hungry if they stick their nose up at what I serve. They won't repeat this pattern for long. I know there are some kids who have specific issues and they will make themselves sick over food, but most kids will get over themselves and eat eventually.


    I do take their preferences into account when I choose the menu. I generally won't serve a meal that I know will be completely intolerable to someone. I'll mix it up so that there is something the picky eater can eat - for example, since one dd loves beans and the other hates them, I will serve beans along with another veg or fruit that the other one likes. If Miss Picky can't tolerate the main part of the meal, she can have a plain slice of brown bread. I will also allow her to substitute fresh carrots or applesauce (if we have them) for a side dish. It's been a while, though, since we needed to do that. There have been times, however, when she was hungry for a hearty breakfast the next morning.:D


    This is pretty much like our house, too. It isn't like we are starving the boy. And we don't make a battle about it. It's just the rule. Otherwise I'd never get him to eat fruits/veggies/meat.

  7. If you are allergic to dairy then you wouldn't be eating it. :confused:


    My son is anaphylatic to dairy. There is no sensitizing him with low doses.


    My impression from reading about it on acne websites is that many people who have acne are allergic to dairy and the symptoms show as acne, not something more serious. There are different levels of "being allergic" it sounds like.

  8. I don't understand this. Dairy is not an essential food. There are many people who have never eaten dairy and are perfectly fine.


    Sorry if that was confusing. The reason I said it is because from what I've learned of going gluten free it sounds as though once your body gets used to being gluten free it can really be hard on your system if you are accidentally exposed. I was wondering if eating dairy free is similar.

  9. While DH is out of town, you could sit down with a pen and paper and write him a love letter right now telling him how much you miss him and all of the qualities about him that you appreciate and admire.


    If things have been ho hum, I bet he'd really appreciate such a warm welcome back! And come on, he's great. Great enough that you fell in love and married him, right!!

  10. Go out of your way to find a million ways to make your DH happy (praise him, rub his back, make foods he loves, tease him nicely) not because you want anything in return, but because he's great and deserves it. You'll find each other again :001_smile:


    Praying for him is always a good idea, too!

  11. Everyone I know thinks I'm nuts but I like white countertops. White quartz is what I want. I can't stand not being able to instantly tell if a countertop is clean. I shouldn't have to run my hand across it to tell. I have a friend with dark granite and she says she likes it but when I'm there, I see her scanning it and running her hand and then picking stuff off. Ack. No thanks.


    I have white and really like it. Easy to tell if it's clean and brightens the room. I need a bright kitchen or I feel like I'm in a cave and want to get out.

  12. We had a ping-pong table in our basement when I was a kid. It folded up on both sides, so it was easy enough to get out of the way if we wanted the floor space. My brothers and I got a TON of use out of it. I particularly did - I'd put up one side and hit against it when I got bored. If your DD likes to play in her room, though, and your boys are so far apart, it's possible they wouldn't use it as much as we did.

  13. If you can afford it, pick up her kids and take them with you. Don't expect payment for her kids.


    Do not use her employee discount. That is stealing from her employer.


    Your kids can play with her kids at your house where it doesn't cost you anything to host them but maybe a snack.



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