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Laura in NC

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Everything posted by Laura in NC

  1. Hi everyone, I am a long time lurker and I used to post on the old boards when they used to be flipped. I am the mom of 3 wonderful blessings who all have some special needs. My oldest, dd11, has Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and head migraines, my middle child, dd10, was just diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease, and my youngest, ds8, has Hypotonia and was just diagnosed with Dyspraxia. Life in our house can be a bit wild at times between therapies and dr's appointments, as I'm sure you all understand. My middle child receives OT and my youngest is in PT and tutoring. My main question is I'm a bit lost on what to do use for math with ds8. We have tried Saxon and Singapore but he was just lost and confused with both of those. Do you all know of any good curricula for math for Dyspraxia kids? His tutor is working with him on writing his numbers, as he writes a lot of them in mirror image and upside down. We are using the HWOT program and his tutor is also. For reading, he is using Read, Write, and Type and a few other things his tutor has started him on. I'm so excited to finally join in here. Now I just need to figure out how to do my signature. Thanks Laura in NC
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