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Posts posted by mom_of_bree

  1. I am suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle (all of them) pain (more than normal). I am bruising extemely easily. I am getting bruise from leaning against things. For instance, when I was painting I got bruises on my leg where they were leaning against the ladder. I have bruises on my forearms from where they rest on the desk. I am having a great deal of weakness as well. I went to the dr. and he said I had low iron levels and prescribed an iron supplement. It was low last year but I didn't take anything for it and now it is worse this year. Is it possible that this is the problem and iron will cure it? If so, how long before I can expect to feel better? Also why would I get low iron levels now when my periods have become lighter and farther apart (every 2-3 months)?


    My mom just had an episode where she actually spent a few days in the hospital. She suffered from very low iron levels as well and she had a lot of the symptoms you described. It took her almost a month after taking iron pills and eating foods with iron in them, for her iron levels to get back up to the normal level. She feels so much better now!

    I hope you get to feeling better!

  2. Definites:


    Interest rates will rise.

    Retirement accounts/plans will shrink or disappear.


    In the range of probability:

    A rise in tax rates.

    A rise in unemployment.

    A rise in the cost of food and energy.

    Reduction in any kind of government benefits.

    More bank closings.

    More business closings.

    A shrinking of the consumer markets which will mean less choices and variety.

    Lifestyle adjustments for most of the population.



    Severe economic depression, especially in cities.

    A return to the one income/one car family.


    Possible positive outcomes (IMO):

    More barter/trading of goods and services.

    More local consumerism.

    A swing away from materialism.

    More value placed on skilled trades.


    Thanks! All this confuses me and to have it broke down helps!


    Am I the only one that is nervous over this? We have a small amount of debt, not much at all, but after reading this I want to work at getting it paid off and sock it back in savings!

  3. Watered down mashed potatoes and formula. I have no idea why the potatoes were a big deal to them, but they fed them starting at birth.


    I LOL when I read this, because my in-laws have this thing with potatoes and little kids. My M-I-Law told me that my hubby grew up on potatoes and gravy!


    When my kids were younger and we went to my inlaws for dinner, she always made potatoes or gravy (white flour, milk, butter and salt!!!) for my babies. I never complained, though because she was making them something to eat and I am not a confrontational type.


    Oh and this is also the same M-I-Law who recently brought my 14 month old at the time, son home with his OWN Oreo Mcflurry. Yeah, I just about flipped! I now tell her that he can't have much sugar because it makes him go wild!


    I know that my mom bf me for a couple of months but then went to a formula.

  4. Thanks! For awhile I did. Especially when we would be around children younger than her and they could write and spell their name. But I realized that she just learns differently and I need to go slower with her.


    I just wanted to reassure you that you are correct in not stressing. The reality is that you could absolutely nothing and still end up in the exact same place as starting again when she is developmentally ready.


    For kids that aren't ready to learn their letters, sequencing activities and pattern block puzzles are great pre-reading skills that do help develop how the brain processes reading.

  5. I agree that it isn't odd as well. My dd is 5 and we are starting K this month and she knows her ABC's, but she can't recognize many of the letters and only knows a few of the sounds. Same with numbers. She's great 1-10, but more than that and she's saying 13, 16, 20 etc. She also cannot write or spell her name, even though she has had practice.


    My dd's vision is great, but I feel like she is a little immature. (hope people don't take that the wrong way! I just feel like compared to other 5 year olds on this board, she can't do most of what they are doing.) That is why I am starting her in K4 phonics and numbers instead of regular K.


    I wouldn't worry at all! I worried for awhile, and then thought, you know what? She will be in school for 13 years, probably more after college, and I'm going to stop pushing her to learn until K.


    I also have heard people who's children were late readers, and their children ended up reading much better than children who were early readers. Not sure if it is really true or not, but it helps me!

  6. Hmm, you described my DD, who is 5, almost to a T! She has always been what the experts call a "high maintenance" child (their words, not mine). She has such a hard time keeping on track with things. I have to explain things several times and go through steps and instructions a few times as well.

    I have decided that I don't feel like she is mature enough to do a full Kindergarten schedule, so I am starting out slow and easy. I am using Abeka's K4 Phonics and Numbers (I taught this at a preschool, so I am familiar with it) and I won't push her with it. If she is struggling, we will slow down, or go to something else.

    For all other subjects I am doing a Charlotte Mason approach. Lots of reading books and the Bible (which she loves), outdoor activities, crafts, unit studies of things that interests her that I will put together from free resources. I am just not stressing out about her learning everything that K'ers are supposed to learn.

    I have to have an abundance of patience with her and I know having a detailed schedule and curriculum to follow would probably drive us both crazy!

    Good luck and I hope that it turns out to be a great school year for you!

  7. I kind of remember watching the OJ chase on tv, but my real first memory was the OKC bombing. I was 10 and we lived 30 miles from the building that was bombed and I was siting at my kitchen table when the bomb went off and our lights and table shook and I remember thinking it was an earthquake. Then when we heard about the bombing, they hadn't caught the bomber yet and I remember being so scared that he might be hiding out in our house! We went and seen the sight and my dad worked on a crane that helped with rescue efforts. I was so scared for such a long time after that.

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